Bruce Springsteen
Stiluri: Folk rock
Biografie Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen este un compozitor si cantaret american, cunoscut atat pentru activitatea sa solo cat si pentru cariera cu E Street Band. Albumele lui Springsteen sunt catalogate drept cele mai accesibile din aria americana de rock. Printre cele mai faimoase albume ale sale se numara Born to Run si Born in the U.S.A. In descursul carierei sale, Springsteen a vandut 120 de milioane de albume. Tara: SUA Stil: rock/folk Discografie: 1973: Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J. 1973: The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle 1975: Born to Run 1978: Darkness on the Edge of Town 1980: The River 1982: Nebraska 1984: Born in the U.S.A. 1987: Tunnel of Love 1992: Human Touch 1992: Lucky Town 1995: The Ghost of Tom Joad 2002: The Rising 2005: Devils & Dust 2006: We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions 2007: Magic 2009: Working on a Dream BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN ...Toata biografia Bruce Springsteen
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Stiri cu Bruce Springsteen
Prima aparitie muzicala a lui Dave Grohl de la moartea lui Hawkins, din 25 martie, a avut loc in weekend cu Paul McCartney
Desi Foo Fighters au date de turneu deja programate pentru a il onmora pe bateristul Taylor Hawkins care a decedat de curand, prima aparitie muzicala a lui Dave Grohl de la moartea lui Hawkins, din 25 martie, a avut loc in weekend cu Paul McCartney. Legenda Beatles a fost unul dintre headlinerii pentru editia din...
PEARL JAM si-au anulat un show in semn de protest
Urmand exemplul lui Bruce Springsteen, PEARL JAM au anulat show-ul pe care il aveau programat in data de 20 aprilie in Carolina de Nord (USA). Asemenea colegului lor de breasla, cei de la PEARL JAM au declarat ca decizia lor de a refuza sa cante este un protest la adresa autoritatilor datorita legii HB2 care a intrat...
Colaborare istoria: Bruce Springsteen, Eddie Vedder si Tom Morello (video)
Iata o colaborare ce va ramane in istorie! Eddie Vedder - solistul formatiei Pearl Jam - a urcat pe scena alaturi de Bruce Springsteen si Tom Morello (Rage Against The Machine) pentru a canta un cover dupa AC/DC - Highway To Hell. Evenimentul inedit a avut loc cu ocazia concertului susitnut in data de 15...
Bruce Springsteen - High Hopes (lyric video)
"High Hopes" este primul single si totodata piesa ce da titlul noului album semnat Bruce Springsteen. Materialul va fi lansat anul viitor, pe data de 14 ianuarie. Potrivit celor de la HenneMusic , "High Hopes" este un material ce cuprinde cover-uri si alte cateva piese...
Bruce Springsteen lanseaza single-ul High Hopes
Potrivit site-ului Sony Music din Germania, Bruce Springsteen isi va lansa saptamana viitoare noul single intitulat "High Hopes". Cu toate acestea, reprezentantii artistului nu au confirmat inca aceasta informatie. Initial, acest cover a fost inregistrat in 1995, cu ocazia unei reuniuni E Street Band si...
Videoclipuri Bruce Springsteen
- Dancing in the Dark
- Streets of Philadelphia
- Born to Run
- Radio Nowhere
- Long Walk Home
- Girls In Their Summes Clothes
- A Night With the Jersey Devil
- My Lucky Day
- Life Itself
- Bruce Springsteen - Streets Of Philadelphia
- Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In The Dark
- Bruce Springsteen - I m On Fire
- Bruce Springsteen - Radio Nowhere
- Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
- Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days
- Bruce Springsteen - Secret Garden
- Bruce Springsteen - Girls In Their Summer Clothes
- Bruce Springsteen - My Hometown
- Bruce Springsteen - The River
- Bruce Springsteen - Brilliant Disguise
Muzica Bruce Springsteen
Top Versuri Bruce Springsteen
Surprise Surprise
The Wrestler
O Mary Don't You Weep
Working On A Dream
Queen Of The Supermarket
Buffalo Gals
Life Itself
Tomorrow Never Knows
Working On A Dream
Outlaw Pete
Pay Me My Money Down
Old Dan Tucker
Jacob's Ladder
Life Itself
Girls In Their Summer Clothes
Erie Canal
The Wrestler
A Night With The Jersey Devil
Working On A Dream
Jesse James
Waitin' On A Sunny Day
My Oklahoma Home
What Love Can Do
Kingdom Of Days
Surprise, Surprise
The Last Carnival
The Last Carnival
Gypsy Biker
Girls In Their Summes Clothes
My Lucky Day
Queen Of The Supermarket
How Can I Keep From Singing?
This Life
Long Walk Home
Good Eye
Mrs. McGrath
Terry's Song
Outlaw Pete
Eyes on the Prize
What Love Can Do
John Henry
Last to Die
Devil s Arcade
We Shall Overcome
Your Own Worst Enemy
Kingdom Of Days
My Lucky Day
You ll Be Comin Down
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Bruce Springsteen
- Im Going Down Chords
- Thunder Road Chords
- My Lucky Day Chords
- Its Hard To Be A Saint In The City Tab
- Tougher Than The Rest (ver2) Chords
- The Ghost Of Tom Joad Chords
- Erie Canal Chords
- Tougher Than The Rest Chords
- The RiverChords
- This Hard Land Chords
- Land Of Hope And Dreams Tab
- Brilliant Disguise (ver4) Chords
- Summertime Blues Chords
- Devils And Dust Chords
- Fire Chords
- Rockaway The Days Chords
- Thunder Road (ver4) Chords
- Thunder Road Tab
- Youngstown Chords
- Trapped Chords
- Thunder Road (ver3) Chords
- Waitin On A Sunny Day Chords
- Matamoros Banks Chords
- Streets Of Philadelphia Chords
- Youre Missing Tab
- Something In The Night Chords
- Thundercrack Tab
- Tunnel Of Love Chords
- Walk Like A Man Chords
- Blinded By The Light Chords
- You Can Look But Better Not Touch Chords
- Working On The Highway Chords
- Valentines Day Chords
- Twist And Shout Tab
- Two Hearts Chords
- Badlands Chords
- Johnny 99 Chords
- Ties That Bind Tab
- Worlds Apart Chords
- The Rising (ver2) Chords
- Paradise Chords
- Working On The Highway Bass Tab
- Thunder Road (ver2) Chords
- Sherry Darling Tab
- Im On Fire Tab
- Reason To Believe Chords
- Pay Me My Money Down Chords
- Red Headed Woman Chords
- Sad Eyes Tab
- The Rising Chords