Bullet for My Valentine
Biografie Bullet for My Valentine
Bullet for My Valentine este o trupa de metalcore din South Wales, formata de catre Jeff Killed John la inceputul lui 1998. Formatia a inceput sa cante coveruri Metallica si Nirvana. Datorita dificultatilor financiare, trupa a fost nevoita sa faca o schimbare in stilul muzical. Primul oferta de contract a venit din partea Roadrunner Records. Baietii au refuzat contractul, ulterior semnand cu Sony BMG. Albumul de debut intitulat The Poison , a fost lansat pe 3 octombrie 2005, clasandu-se pe locul 128 in Billboard 200. In mai putin de o luna, BFMV au reusit sa vanda peste 300.000 de unitati in SUA. Discul a avut parte de critici imparitie, unii fiind de parere ca The Posion este un album previzibil. Au urmat cateva turneuri, printre care se numara si prestatia din cadrul Download Festival plus cateva concerte alaturi de Rob Zombie. In februarie 2008, va fi lansat Sream, Aim, Fire. Stil: metalcore Componenta: Matthew Tuck - chitara/voce Michael Paget - chitara/voce Jason......Toata biografia Bullet for My Valentine
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Sepultura
Iron Maiden
Guns N Roses
Ozzy Osbourne
Deep Purple
Stiri cu Bullet for My Valentine
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Bullet For My Valentine au lansat un nou single, 'Parasite'
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Bullet For My Valentine au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Knives'
Trupa a lansat un nou single preluat de pe viitorul album auto-intitulat care va fi disponibil pe 22 octombrie. "I wanted to come out guns blazing, fucking middle fingers flying, and just go for the throat. I think this is a far more aggressive, intense part of Bullet For My Valentine. It's always been there....
Bullet for My Valentine lucreaza la un nou album
Solistul trupei, Matt Tuck, a declarat ca trupa a inceput inregistrarile pentru albumul "Brutal", care va fi lansat in septembrie. "We've never had this much at this stage pre-recording. There are seven [songs], I think, which are finished — in my eyes, anyways — vocals and...
Videoclipuri Bullet for My Valentine
- Tears Don`t Fall
- Hearts Burst into Fire
- Waking the Demon
- Bullet For My Valentine - All These Things I Hate
- Bullet For My Valentine - Hand Of Blood
- Bullet For My Valentine - Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow
- Bullet For My Valentine - 4 Words (To Choke Upon)
- Bullet For My Valentine - Hearts Burst Into Fire
- Bullet For My Valentine - Waking the Demon
- Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't Fall
- The Last Fight
- Your Betrayal
- Bittersweet Memories
- Temper Temper
- Riot
- Raising Hell
Muzica Bullet for My Valentine
Top Versuri Bullet for My Valentine
Your Betrayal
Bittersweet Memories
Waking The Demon
All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me)
Tears Don't Fall
Tears Don't Fall (Acoustic)
Say Goodnight
Pretty On The Outside
Scream Aim Fire
My Fist, Your Mouth, Her Scars
Hand Of Blood
Creeping Death
Seven Days
Hearts Burst Into Fire
The Last Fight
The Poison
Room 409
Ashes Of The Innocent
Hit The Floor
A Place Where You Belong
Cries In Vain
10 Years Today
Suffocating Under The Words Of Sorrow (What Can I Do)
No Control
4 Words
Last to Know
No Easy Way Out
Eye Of The Storm
The End
Cries In Vain
Just Another Star
Say Goodnight
Spit You Out
Deliver Us From Evil
Forever and Always
Breaking Out, Breaking Down
Pleasure And Pain
End of Days
Forever And Always
Hearts Burst into Fire
Say Goodnight
Deliver Us From Evil
End Of Days
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Bullet for My Valentine
- Road To Nowhere Tab
- Say Goodnight Acousitc Tab
- Hand Of Blood Tab
- Tears Dont Fall Acoustic Tab
- Tears Dont Fall Tab
- All These Things I Hate Revolve Around Me Chords
- My Fist Your Mouth Her Scars Tab
- Welcome Home Sanitarium Tab
- The End Tab
- Scream Aim And Fire Tab
- Room 409 Tab
- The Poison Tab
- All These Things I Hate Revolve Around Me Tab
- One Good Reason Why Tab
- Tears Dont Fall Solo Tab
- Tears Dont Fall (ver6) Tab
- The Poison Bass Tab
- Room 409 Bass Tab
- Just Another Star Tab
- The End (ver3) Tab
- Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow Tab
- Curses Tab
- Scream Aim And Fire Intro Tab
- Tears Dont Fall (ver2) Tab
- Hit The Floor Tab
- All These Things I Hate Revolve Around Me (ver4) Tab
- Her Voice Resides Tab
- 10 Years Today Chords
- Hand Of Blood (ver9) Tab
- The Poison (album) Tab
- Tears Dont Fall Bass Tab
- The End Intro Tab
- Hit The Floor Intro Tab
- Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow Bass Tab
- Room 409 (ver2) Tab
- Seven Days Tab
- The Poison (ver4) Tab
- The Poison (ver3) Tab
- No Control Tab
- My Fist Your Mouth Her Scars (ver3) Tab
- Room 409 (ver3) Tab
- Just Another Star (ver2) Tab
- Her Voice Resides Solo Tab
- The Poison (ver2) Tab
- Hand Of Blood (ver2) Bass Tab
- Her Voice Recides Intro Tab
- Intro Tab
- Hit The Floor (ver2) Tab
- All These Things I Hate Revolve Around Me (ver3) Tab
- The End (ver2) Tab