Cannibal Corpse
Stiluri: Death
Biografie Cannibal Corpse
Trupa americana Cannibal Corpse a luat nastere in 1988. Discografia trupei cuprinde zece albume de studio si un album live. Cannibal Corpse a devenit o trupa cult inca de la lansarea albumului "Butchered at Birth" , in 1991, care i-a urmat celui de debut, intitulat "Eaten Back to Life", lansat in 1990. Violenta prezenta in muzica celor de la Cannibal Corpse nu este exprimata doar in versurile trupei, ci si pe copertile albumelor (realizate de Vincent Locke ). Acesta este motivul pentru care in unele tari, spre exemplu in Germania, albumele au fost interzise. Vocalul trupei Cannibal Corpse, George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher comenteaza: "Este arta, si trebuie privita ca arta. Este uneori dezgustatoare, dar este ceva ce nu va exista in realitate niciodata. Monstrii sunt fictiune pura". In 1994, Cannibal Corpse apar in filmul "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective", interpretand piesa "Hammer Smashed Face". Formatia este invitata sa apara in acest film la insistentele actorului Jim Carrey, ai......Toata biografia Cannibal Corpse
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Stiri cu Cannibal Corpse
Cannibal Corpse au lansat clipul pentru 'Necrogenic Resurrection'
Trupa a lansat un videoclip oficial pentru single-ul preluat de pe cel de-al 15-lea album de studio, 'Violence Unimagined', care este disponibil din 15 aprilie. "I think the most noticeable difference on this record will be the addition of Erik to the band. He wrote three full songs for the record,...
Cannibal Corpse au lansat single-ul 'Murderous Rampage'
Melodia este preluata de pe cel de-al 15-lea album de studio al trupei, 'Violence Unimagined', care va fi disponibil pe 16 aprilie via Metal Blade Records. "Violence Unimagined". The title tells you everything you need to know about Cannibal Corpse's fifteenth hellish opus. Comprised of eleven tracks,...
Cannibal Corpse au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Inhumane Harvest'
Trupa a lansat un nou single de pe viitorul material discografic, 'Violence Unimagined', care va fi disponibil pe 16 aprilie via Metal Blade Records. "Inhumane Harvest' takes a look inside one of organized crime's more sinister activities: the human organ trade. Desperate buyers will pay a high price for a...
Cannibal Corpse au lansat un nou single
Trupa de death metal au lansat single-ul 'Inhumane Harvest' care va fi inclus pe viitorul lor album, 'Violence Unimagined'. Cannibal Corpse au dezvaluit tracklist-ul albumului 'Violence Unimagined': 1."Murderous Rampage" 2."Necrogenic Resurrection" 3."Inhumane Harvest"...
Cannibal Corpse lucreaza la un nou album
Trupa a intrat in studio pentru a pregati un nou album. Noul disc va fi continuarea materialului "Red Before Black" si va fi lansat la sfarsitul acestui an. Cel putin acesta este planul formatiei. Momentan nu au oferit mai multe detalii cu privire la nou material discografic. "Red Before...
Videoclipuri Cannibal Corpse
- Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face
- Cannibal Corpse - I Cum Blood
- Cannibal Corpse - Sentenced To Burn
- Cannibal Corpse - I Will Kill You
- Cannibal Corpse - Decency Defied
- Cannibal Corpse - Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead
- Cannibal Corpse - Death Walking Terror
- Cannibal Corpse - Festering In The Crypt
- Evisceration Plague
- Priests Of Sodom
Top Versuri Cannibal Corpse
Evisceration Plague
A Cauldron Of Hate
Priests Of Sodom
To Decompose
Scalding Hail
Shatter Their Bones
Skewered From Ear To Ear
Evidence In The Furnace
Beheading And Burning
Carnivorous Swarm
Carrion Sculpted Entity
I Cum Blood
Shredded Humans
Perverse Suffering
Addicted To Vaginal Skin
Perverse Suffering
Hammer Smashed Face
Hammer Smashed Face
Frantic Disembowelment
Fucked With A Knife
I Cum Blood
A Skull Full Of Maggots
Make Them Suffer
Born In A Casket
Devoured By Vermin
Entrails Ripped From A Virgin's Cunt
Zero The Hero
Put Them To Death
Edible Autopsy
Vomit The Soul
Rancid Amputation
Stripped,Raped And Strangled
I Will Kill You
Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains
The Undead Will Feast
The Pick-Axe Murders
I Will Kill You
Sentenced To Burn
Decency Defied
Split Wide Open
Rotting Head
Meat Hook Sodomy
They Deserve To Die
Hammer Smashed Face
Meat Hook Sodomy
Butchered At Birth
Meat Hook Sodomy
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Cannibal Corpse
- Evisceration Plague Intro Tab
- Murder Worship Tab
- Smoke On The Water Tab
- Sentenced To Burn Tab
- Zero The Hero Tab
- Hammer Smashed Face (ver2) Bass Tab
- Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead (ver2) Tab
- Frantic Disembowelment Tab
- I Cum Blood (ver2) Tab
- Hammer Smashed Face Tab
- Hammer Smashed Face Bass Tab
- Puncture Wound Massacre Tab
- Unleashing The Bloodthirsty Tab
- The Bleeding Tab
- A Cauldron Of Hate Tab
- I Cum Blood Tab
- Zero The Hero (ver2) Tab
- Wretched Spawn Tab
- Perverse Suffering Tab
- When Death Replaces Life Tab
- When Death Replaces Life Bass Tab
- Skull Full Of Maggots Tab
- Living Dissection Tab
- The Cryptic Stench Tab
- Post Mortal Ejaculation Tab
- Hung And Bled Tab
- Death Walking Terror Tab
- I Will Kill You Tab
- No Remorse Tab
- Vomit The Soul Tab
- Festering In The Crypt (ver2) Tab
- Blowtorch Slaughter Tab
- Tomb Of The Mutilated Tab
- Stripped Raped And Strangled Tab
- Pulverized Tab
- They Deserve To Die Tab
- Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead Tab
- Make Them Suffer Tab
- Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead Bass Tab
- Shredded Humans Tab
- Pounded Into Dust Tab
- The Bleeding (ver2) Tab
- The Bloodlands Tab
- Frantic Disembowlement Tab
- Purification By Fire Tab
- Unite The Dead Tab
- Spine Splitter Tab
- Infinate Misery Tab
- Hammer Smashed Face (ver3) Bass Tab
- Rotting Head Tab