Children Of Bodom
Biografie Children Of Bodom
Trupa al carei nume a fost luat dupa una dintre cele mai invaluite in mister crime din istorie, cea de la lacul Bodom, a fost infiintata in anul 1993 in orasul Espoo din Finlanda de catre chitaristul Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho, impreuna cu bateristul Jaska Raatikainen. Interesele celor doi se indreptau spre zona heavy metal si death metal, mai exact trupe ca Sone, Obituary, Entombed. Acestia ii coopeteaza pe basistul Henkka Seppl si chitaristul Alexander Kuoppala, line-up-ul fiind completat de Janne Wirman la clape. In aceasta componenta scot un prim demo, "Implosion of Heaven", urmat in 1995 de un al doilea, "Ubiquitous Absence of Remission". Albumul de debut va iesi in 1997 si se va intitula "Something Wild". In acelasi an canta in deschidere la Dimmu Borgir. Nuclear Blast semneaza imediat un contract cu trupa. Primul turneu european sustinut de Children of Bodom in Europa a avut loc in 1998, alaturi de trupe ca Hypocrisy, The Kovenant si Agathodaimon. Al doilea album, intitulat......Toata biografia Children Of Bodom
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Stiri cu Children Of Bodom
A fost dezvaluita cauza oficiala a decesului lui Alexi Laiho
Potrivit sotiei sale, Kimberly Goss, cu care era inca casatorit conform autoritatilor finlandeze la momentul trecerii sale, fostul lider al trupei Children Of Bodom a decedat din cauza 'degenerarii ficatului si a tesutului conjunctiv pancreatic pe fondul consumului de alcool'. Pe langa asta, Laiho avea in...
Alexi Laiho, chitarist si solist Children of Bodom, a murit
Alexi Laiho, unul dintre cei mai apreciati chitaristi ai scenei metal internationale, a murit la varsta de doar 41 de ani. Nu se stiu inca detalii cu privire la cauza decesului. Conform informatiilor provenite de la casa sa de discuri, Napalm Record, Alexi avea probleme de sanatate de ceva timp, insa nu...
Children of Bodom se destrama! Tobosarul, basistul si claparul parasesc formatia!
Children of Bodom, una dintre cele mai cunoscute si populare formatii de metal din Finlanda este pe cale sa se destrame. Anuntul a fost facut astazi pe pagina de facebook a formatiei. Tobosarul Jaska Raatikainen, basistul Henri "Henkka T. Blacksmith" Seppala asi claparul Janne Wirman vor parasi...
Children of Bodom au lansat un clip animat pentru 'Hexed'
Children of Bodom au lansat un clip animat pentru piesa care da numele celui mai recent album, 'Hexed'. Pentru clip au lucrat producatorii Aaron McLouchlin si Simon Norton timp de 3000 de ore alaturi de echipa lor. Iata ce a declarat Aaron: "As always, we like to come up with something...
Metalhead Meeting 2018: Reguli de Acces si Informatii Generale
Editia a saptea a festivalului Metalhead Meeting va avea loc pe 6 si 7 iulie la Arenele Romane din Bucuresti. Pe scena vor urca: Children Of Bodom, Carach Angren, Kataklysm, Soulfly, Epica, Skeletonwitch, Sonata Arctica, Dirty Shirt si multi altii. REGULI DE ACCES Accesul in incinta Arenelor Romane...
Videoclipuri Children Of Bodom
- Children of Bodom - Everytime I die
- Children Of Bodom - In Your Face
- Children of Bodom - Trashed Lost and Strungout
- Children of Bodom - Oops i did it again
- Children of Bodom - Needled 24 7
- Children of Bodom - Downfall
- Children Of Bodom - Sixpounder
- Children Of Bodom - Blooddrunk
- Alexi Laiho - Kieli Hanurissa
- Looking At My Back Door (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
- Was It Worth It?
- Shovel Knockout
- Transference
Top Versuri Children Of Bodom
Oops!... I Did It Again
Clash Of The Booze Brothers
In Your Face
Are You Dead Yet?
Hate Me
Are You Dead Yet
Rebel Yell
Antisocial (Trust / Anthrax)
Hellhounds On My Trail
Somebody Put Something In My Drink
In Your Face
Red Light In My Eyes - Pt I
Angels Don't Kill
Hate Me!
No Commands
Needled 24/7
Children Of Bodom
Shot In The Dark
Smile Pretty For The Devil
Lake Bodom
Hate Me!
Bastards Of Bodom
Everytime I Die
Done With Everything Die For Nothing
Roadkill Morning
Everytime I Die
The Nail
Mask Of Sanity
Kissing The Shadows
Ghostriders In The Sky
Follow The Reaper
One Day Will Cry
Touch Like Angel Of Death
Bodom Beach Terror
Trashed, Lost And Strungout
Trashed, Lost & Strungout
Next In Line
Triple Corpse Hammerblow
Silent Scream
Kissing The Shadows
Touch Like Angel Of Death
Bed Of Nails
Mass Hypnosis
If You Want Peace... Prepare For War
Punch Me I Bleed
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Children Of Bodom
- Were Not Gonna Fall Tab
- Oops I Did It Again Bass Tab
- Silent Night Bodom Night Solo Tab
- Bed Of Razors Tab
- Lake Bodom Tab
- She Is Beautiful Intro Tab
- Everytime I Die Tab
- Youre Better Off Dead (ver4) Tab
- Are You Dead Yet Tab
- Aces High Tab
- Children Of Bodom Tab
- Youre Better Off Dead (ver3) Tab
- Were Not Gonna Fall Solo Tab
- Silent Night Bodom Night Tab
- Angels Dont Kill Tab
- The Nail Tab
- Downfall Solo Tab
- Sixpounder Tab
- Hate Me Tab
- Hate Me (ver4) Tab
- Youre Better Off Dead (ver2) Tab
- Hate Crew Death Roll (album) Tab
- Bodom Beach Terror Tab
- Red Light In My Eyes Part 1 Tab
- Wrath Within Tab
- Are You Dead Yet Bass Tab
- Are You Dead Yet (ver4) Tab
- Are You Dead Yet (ver5) Tab
- Red Light In My Eyes Part 2 Tab
- Bodom Beach Terror (ver5) Tab
- Was It Worth It Tab
- Youre Better Off Dead Bass Tab
- Cry Of The Nihilist Solo Tab
- Touch Like An Angel Of Death Tab
- Sixpounder Bass Tab
- Somebody Put Something In My Drink Bass Tab
- Towards Dead End Tab
- Passage To The Reaper Tab
- Wrath Within Solo Tab
- Repent Tab
- Hate Me Intro Tab
- Youre Better Off Dead Tab
- Are You Dead Yet (ver2) Tab
- Angels Dont Kill (ver3) Tab
- Bodom After Midnight Tab
- Touch Like Angel Of Death Solo Tab
- Trashed Lost And Strunout Tab
- Chokehold Solo Tab
- Sixpounder Solo Tab
- Oops I Did It Again Tab