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Stiri cu CLUTCH
Clutch au sustinut un miniconcert din studio
Clutch s-au intalnit in sala de repetitii si au oferit un miniconcert fanilor. Artistii au interpretat trei piese si au declarat ca a fost mai mult o proba pentru a vedea daca piesele ar suna bine pentru o reprezentatie online. La final Neil Fallon a declarat: "We would much rather be onstage...
Clutch: "Trebuie sa fii sincer cand spui de ce esti intr-o trupa"
Jean-Paul Gaster, bateristul trupei Clutch, a vorbit recent, intr-un interviu acordat publicatiei Aesthetic Magazine Toronto, despre longevitatea trupei si modul incare au reusit sa pastreze line-up-ul intact pentru aproape 25 de ani. "Trebuie sa fii sincer cand spui de ce esti intr-o trupa....
Clutch pregatesc un nou produs discografic
Rockerii americani au anuntat ca iarna lui 2015 ii va gasi in studioul de inregistrari, lucrand pentru un nou album. Neil Fallon, solistul trupei, a dezvaluit recent ca ultimele luni de toamna le-a rezervat finalizarii scrierii noului material, urmand ca pana in luna martie a anului viitor sa...
Clutch anunta noi concerte in Europa
Clutch vor sustine o serie de concerte europene pentru promovarea noului album intitulat Earth Rocker. CD-ul este produs de Machine (Lamb Of God, Four Year Strong, Fall Out Boy) si este descris de chitaristul Tim Sult drept 'cel mai heavy album Clutch de pana acum.' Albumul va fi promovat printr-un turneu...
Clutch - Crucial Velocity (piesa noua)
Clutch au lansat un lyric video oficial pentru Crucial Velocity piesa extrasa de pe noul album intitulat Earth Rocker. CD-ul este produs de Machine (Lamb Of God, Four Year Strong, Fall Out Boy) si este descris de chitaristul Tim Sult drept 'cel mai heavy album Clutch de pana acum.' Albumul va fi promovat...
Top Versuri CLUTCH
Electric Worry
The Regulator
Mr. Shiny Caddylackness
Hoodoo Operator
Power Player
When Vegans Attack
Black Umbrella
Passive Restraints
Burning Beard
10,000 Witnesses
Opossum Minister
50,000 Unstoppable Watts
Eulogy For A Ghost
Release The Dub
Child Of The City
Rapture Of Riddley Walker
Release The Kraken
The Devil & Me
One Eye Dollar
Profits Of Doom
Circus Maximus
Sleestak Lightning
Swamp Boot Upside Down
The Great Outdoors!
Big News I
El Jefe Speaks
Green Buckets
Gravel Road
A Shogun Named Marcus
The Mob Goes Wild
You Cant Stop Progress
Milk Of Human Kindness
Tight Like That
The Elephant Riders
Ship Of Gold
Pure Rock Fury
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords CLUTCH
- Rock N Roll Outlaw Tab
- 10001110101 Tab
- Careful With That Mic Tab
- Ghost Intro Tab
- Regulator Tab
- Electric Worry Tab
- Regulator (ver2) Tab
- Electric Worry Intro Tab
- A Shogun Named Marcus Bass Tab
- What Would A Wookie Do Intro Tab
- Animal Farm Bass Tab
- Escape From This Prison Planet Bass Tab
- Spacegrass Tab
- Opposum Minister Tab
- Big News 1 Bass Tab
- Tight Like That Tab
- Tripping The Alarm Tab
- Burning Beard Bass Tab
- Bottoms Up Socrates Tab
- Binge And Purge Bass Tab
- Texan Book Of The Dead Bass Tab
- The Mob Goes Wild (ver2) Tab
- Smoke Banshee Tab
- 10000 Witnesses Bass Tab
- Big News 2 (ver2) Tab
- You Cant Stop Progress Tab
- Bacchanal Bass Tab
- Binge And Purge Tab
- Open The Border Tab
- The House That Peterbilt Tab
- Burning Beard Tab
- Burning Beard Intro Tab
- Bottoms Up Socrates (ver2) Tab
- 7 Jam Bass Tab
- Yeti Bass Tab
- Big News 1 Tab
- Spacegrass Bass Tab
- Electric Worry (ver2) Tab
- Release The Kracken Intro Tab
- Brazenhead Tab
- I Have The Body Tab
- I Have The Body Of John Wilkes Booth Bass Tab
- Animal Farm Tab
- Brazenhead (ver2) Tab
- Bindge And Purge Tab
- Crackerjack Tab
- The Mob Goes Wild Tab
- Worm Drink Bass Tab
- Walking In The Great Shining Path Of Monster Trucks Bass Tab
- Four Lords Tab