Cradle of Filth
Biografie Cradle of Filth
Britanicii de la Cradle of Filth s-au format in 1991, in componenta initiala continandu-i pe fostul vocal PDA si Feast on Excrement, Daniel Lloyd Davey, chitaristul Paul Ryan, fratele acestuia Benjamin la clape, basistul John Richard si tobosarul Darren Garden. Liderul trupei care si-a schimbat numele in Dani Filth, a fost de asemenea implicat in proiectul The Lemon Grove Kids, o trupa care isi lua titlul de la filmul horror al lui Ray Dennis Steckler. Debutul l-au facut in 1992 cu demo-ul "Invoking The Unclean", iar la scurt timp a fost adaugat chitaristul Robin Graves, care mai cantase in Malicious Intent si Nightbreed. Tot in acest an au lansat o caseta impartita cu grupul Malediction din Middlesborough care se numea "A Pungent And Sexual Miasma". Tot in 1992 au lansat un alt demo de 7 piese, intitulat "Orgiastic Pleasures Foul". Dupa o incercare nereusita de a lansa un prim album, Cradle of Filth au lansat al treilea demo "Total Fucking Darkness", in decembrie 1993, la......Toata biografia Cradle of Filth
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Stiri cu Cradle of Filth
Poze de la concertul Cradle Of Filth din Quantic
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Chitaristul CRADLE OF FILTH s-a logodit cu colega sa de trupa
Chitaristul CRADLE OF FILTH, Marek "Ashok" Smerda, se va casatori cu vocalista si clavirista trupei, Zoe M. Federoff. Nu uitati ca veti avea ocazia sa ii vedeti live pe CRADLE OF FILTH in Romania, pe 27 februarie la Cluj Napoca in /FORM Space si pe 28 februarie la Bucuresti, in Quantic Club. Biletele...
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Videoclipuri Cradle of Filth
- Cradle Of Filth - Mannequin
- Cradle Of Filth - Babylon A.D.
- Cradle Of Filth - Her ghost in the fog
- Cradle Of Filth - Born in a burial gown
- Cradle Of Filth - From cradle to enslave
- Cradle Of Filth - Tonight in flames
- Cradle Of Filth - Temptation
- Cradle Of Filth - Scorched earth erotica
- Cradle Of Filth - Nymphetamine
- Cradle Of Filth - No time to cry
- Cradle Of Filth - Honey and Sulphur
- Tonight In Flames
- Honey And Sulphur
- The Death Of Love
- Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)
- Lilith Immaculate
- Frost on Her Pillow
- For Your Vulgar Delectation
Top Versuri Cradle of Filth
The Death Of Love
Honey And Sulphur
Midnight Shadows Crawl To Darken Counsel With Life
Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder
The 13th Caesar
Tragic Kingdom
Funeral in Carpathia
Sweetest Maleficia
14. Nymphetamine Fix [*]
Shat Out Of Hell
Darkness Incarnate
Balsamic And Anathema
06. Nyphetamine (Overdose)
Bathory Aria: Benighted Like Usher/A Murder of Ravens in Fugue/Eyes Tha
09. Satanic Mantra
The Foetus Of A New Day Kicking
24. Hallowed Be Thy Name
01. Satyriasis
09. Her Ghost in the Fog
Ten Leagues Beneath Contempt
02. Gilded C***
Nymphetamine (Deva-Fix)
Tonight In Flames
Interview With The Vampire
Venus in Fear
03. Nemesis
In Grandeur And Frankincense Devilment Stirs
Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)
07. Painting Flowers White Never Suited My Palette
10. English Fire
04. Her Ghost in the Fog
13. Mother of Abominations
Fraternally Yours, 666
04. The Forest Whispers My Name
11. III. Sewer Side Up: Doberman Pharaoh
04. Gabrielle
05. II. Paradise Lost: Damined in Any Language (A Plague on Words)
12. III. Sewer Side Up: Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)
16. IV. The Scented Garden: The Smoke of Her Burning
05. Absinthe With Faust
From the Cradle to Enslave
Deleted Scenes Of A Snuff Princess
Devil Woman
02. I. Fantasia Down: A Promise of Fever
11. Tortured Soul Asylum
04. I. Fantasia Down: An Enemy Led the Tempest
A Dream Of Wolves In The Snow
07. From the Cradle to Enslave
The Black Goddess Rises
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Cradle of Filth
- The Death Of Love Tab
- Nymphetamine Chords
- Tonight In Flames Tab
- Temptation Tab
- Darkly Erotic Tab
- Rise Of The Pentagram Tab
- Hallowed Be Thy Name Tab
- Nymphetamine Bass Tab
- Dirge Inferno Intro Tab
- Temptations Tab
- Angel Of Death Tab
- Tonight In Flames Solo Tab
- Devil Woman Tab
- Death Comes Ripping (ver2) Bass Tab
- Suicide And Other Comforts Tab
- Thank God For The Suffering (ver2) Tab
- Rise Of The Pentagram (ver2) Tab
- Swansong For A Raven Tab
- One Final Graven Kiss Tab
- Sleepless (ver2) Bass Tab
- What Dies Within Bass Tab
- Sleepless Tab
- Nymphetamine Tab
- Nymphetamine (album) Tab
- Darkness Our Bride Tab
- The Rape And Ruin Of Angels Tab
- Saffrons Curse Intro Tab
- Fear Of The Dark Tab
- Cemetery And Sundown Intro Tab
- Tonight In Flames Bass Tab
- Twisted Nails Of Faith Bass Tab
- Serpent Tongue Tab
- Nymphetamine (ver2) Bass Tab
- The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh Tab
- Godspeed On The Devils Thunder Tab
- Nymphetamine (ver14) Tab
- The Forest Whispers My Name Bass Tab
- Sodomy And Lust Tab
- Sweetest Maleficia ver2 Tab
- Smoke Of Her Burning Intro Tab
- The Black Godess Rises Bass Tab
- Swansong For A Raven (ver2) Tab
- Scorched Earth Erotica Tab
- The Forest Whispers My Name (ver2) Tab
- The Forest Whispers My Name Tab
- The Black Godess Rises Tab
- To Eve The Art Of Witchcraft Tab
- Summer Dying Fast (ver2) Tab
- The Twisted Nails Of Faith (ver2) Tab
- The Twisted Nails Of Faith Tab