Scorched Earth Erotica Tab - Cradle of Filth

Cradle of Filth - Scorched Earth Erotica
Track 10 from the album "Bitter Suites to Succubi"
Tabbed by Ken Hoffmeyer ([email protected])

Okay guys, this is just to let you all know that there IS somebody out here
workin on this song!  It's VERY VERY incomplete, but I intend to tab out
both guitar parts for the entire song.  I will finish this as soon as possible
and upload the completed version when I'm done.  Gian's parts (the rhythm guitar) will be VERY hard to tab because they are hard to hear and are usually very quiet (The Intro comes to mind).  Also, some of Paul's parts may be more
complicated than what I have written based on watching the video, although
I personally don't hear anything else.  I'll have a friend listen and try
to figure it out.

Tuning:  Everything down 1 whole step

Intro Part A (0:00-0:14)
 Both guitars

Intro Part B (0:14-0:26)
 Paul (Gtr.1 continued from Part A)
|Gian (Gtr.2)                         
|-4-44--5-55--2-22--55555555-|   Probably wrong

Riff A 2x (0:26-0:38) 
 Paul (Gtr.1)
|Gian (Gtr.2)                         
|--STILL TO COME--------|

Riff B 2x (0:38-0:49)
 Paul (Gtr.1)
|Gian (Gtr.2)                         
|--STILL TO COME--------|

Riff A 2x (0:49-1:00)

Riff C 2x (1:00-1:24)
 Paul (Gtr.1)
|-2-3-2--STILL TO COME--|
|Gian (Gtr.2)                         
|-2-3-2--STILL TO COME--|

Riff A 2x (1:24-1:35)

Riff B 2x (1:35-1:47)

Riff C 2x (1:47-2:10)

Riff D 2x (2:10-2:22)
 Paul (Gtr.1)
|-----------------------------|--------------------------|  Make sure each note
|--------9------12-9---9------|-------8-----11-8---8-----|  is fingered, don't
|------9---9---------9---9----|-----8---8--------8---8---|  bar fingers across
|-7-10-------10------------10-|-6-9-------9------------9-|  multiple strings.
|Gian (Gtr.2)                                             

 Paul (Gtr.1)
|Gian (Gtr.2)                         

Riff E 2x (2:22-2:34)
 Paul (Gtr.1)
|Gian (Gtr.2)
|-STILL TO COME---------------------|-----------------------------------|

 Paul (Gtr.1)
|Gian (Gtr. 2)
|-STILL TO COME-----------------------|----------------------------------|

Riff D 1.75x (2:34-2:43)

Pick Scrape (2:43-2:45)
 Paul (Gtr.1)
|                    In the video, Paul is shown, open strings, pick goes from 
|Gian (Gtr.2)        high frets to low, and hits mostly the D string

Okay, enough for now...the rest will come in time and I will fill in all
those damn holes in Gian's parts!  It's just too far in the background!