David Bowie a anuntat ca urmeaza sa lanseze un nou album live pe care vor aparea Foo Fighters, Lou Reed si Robert Smith de la The Cure.
Sonic Youth si Frank Black de la Pixies sunt si ei invitati pe noul material, ce se numeste "Birthday Celebration - Live in NYC 1997" si care va fi lansat pe 26 aprilie in SUA.
Tracklistingul este:
'Little Wonder'
'The Hearts Filthy Lesson'
'Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)' (with Frank Black)
'Fashion' (with Frank Black)
'Telling Lies'
'Hallo Spaceboy' (with Foo Fighters)
'Seven Years In Tibet' (with Dave Grohl)
'The Man Who Sold The World'
'The Last Thing You Should Do' (with Robert Smith)
'Quicksand' (with Robert Smith)
'Battle For Britain'
'Voyeur Of Utter Destruction (As Beauty)'
'I’m Afraid Of Americans' (with Sonic Youth)
'Looking For Satellites'
'Under Pressure' (with Gail Ann Dorsey)
'Queen b***h' (with Lou Reed)
'I’m Waiting For The Man' (with Lou Reed)
'Dirty Blvd.' (with Lou Reed)
'White Light/White Heat' (with Lou Reed)
'Moonage Daydream'
'All The Young Dudes' (with Billy Corgan)
'The Jean Genie' (with Billy Corgan)
'Space Oddity'
'Can’t Read'
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