Stiluri: Thrash
Biografie Destruction
Destruction este o trupa germana de thrash metal formata in sudul Germaniei, in 1982. Initial cei trei membri activau sub numele Kinght of Demon. Destruction au inregistrat primul demo, Bestial Invasion of Hell, in 1984. Alaturi de Kreator si Sodom, formatia apartine celebrului trio thrash metal.. Componenta initala i-a inclus pe Marcel Schimmer, Tommy Sandmann si Mike Sifinger. Curand, trupa a adoptat numele Destruction, ulterior lansand doua demo-uri ce au garantat un contract cu Steamhammer Crecords, sub egida carora au lansat EP-ul Sentence of Death. Primul full-length a fost lansat in 1985 si s-a intitulat Infernal Overkill. Liderul Marcel Schimmer a fost rugat sa paraseasca trupa datorita divergentelor creative. In perioada exploziei grunge (anii 90), Destruction au pierdut contractul cu casa de discuri, asa ca au fost nevoiti sa lanseze doua albume din fonduri propii. In 1999, Marcel Schimmer s-a intors in Destruction, asa ca lucrurile au revenit la normal. A urmat un......Toata biografia Destruction
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Stiri cu Destruction
Destruction au lansat un nou single, 'No Faith In Humanity'
Trupa de thrash metal a lansat un nou single care provine de albumul aniversar 'Diabolical' care va fi disponibil pe 8 aprilie via Napalm Records. Solistul trupei, Schmier, a declarat urmatoarele: "This back-to-the-roots dystopic crusher drops an in-your-face message: only solidarity is the key for the...
Destruction au lansat un nou single, 'Diabolical'
Trupa veterana de thrash metal vor sarbatori cea de-a 40-a aniversare, lansand un nou album de studio, 'Diabolical, pe 8 aprilie 2022 via Napalm Records. De pe noul viitorul disc, trupa a lansat single-ul si videoclipul pentru 'Diabolical', melodie ce da numele viitorului material. "I love the title...
Destruction au lansat un clip live pentru 'Reject Emotions'
Trupa a lansat un nou material live extras de pe viitorul album 'Live Attack', care va fi disponibil pe 13 august in format CD si DVD. Iata ce a declarat Schmier: "The die-hards voted for ‘Reject Emotions’ to be on the setlist at this special show on our social media pages. We did not perform...
Destruction au lansat un clip live pentru 'Mad Butcher'
Trupa a lansat un clip live de pe viitorul album 'Live Attack', care va fi disponibil pe 13 august in format CD si DVD. "Mad Butcher’ is one of the first songs we ever wrote, such a classic! I still love to perform it live, it is in my DNA meanwhile, I guess! There are a lot of memories that come along...
Destruction au lansat documentarul 'Live Through Corona Times'
Documetarul prezinta povestea organizarii concertului sustinut de trupa in Elvetia pe data de 3 iulie in plina pandemie si distantare sociala. Iata ce a declarat solistult trupei, Marcel Schirmer: "It feels a little bit surreal. Nobody expected this to come back so quick, but we’re in the lucky...
Videoclipuri Destruction
Top Versuri Destruction
Vicious Circle - The Seven Deadly Sins
Confused Mind
Tears of Blood
Black Death
Soul Collector
Total Desaster
Last Desperate Scream
Bestial Invasion
The Defiance Will Remain
Dealer Of Hostility
Eternal Ban
Mad Butcher
Sign Of Fear
Bestial Invasion
Seeds Of Hate
The Heretic
Godfather of Slander
Metal Discharge
Invincible Force
X-treme Measures
Desecrators Of The New Age
No One Shall Survive
The Calm Before The Storm
Eternal Ban
Curse The Gods
No Mans Land
Bestial Invasion
My Sharona
Killing Machine
Devils Soldiers
Memories Of Nothingness
Black Mass
Eternal Ban
All Hell Breaks Loose
Visual Prostitution
Life Without Sense
Nailed To the Cross
Intro / Curse The Gods
Twist Of Fate
Urge (The Greed Of Gain)
Dissatisfied Existence
Intro / Total Disaster
The Chosen Ones
Survive To Die
Devastation of Your Soul
World Domination of Pain
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Destruction
- Thrash Till Death Tab
- Mad Butcher Tab
- Curse The Gods Live Tab
- Mad Butcher (ver2) Tab
- Nailed To The Cross Tab
- Frontbeast Tab
- Ravenous Beast Tab
- Total Desaster Tab
- Invincible Force Tab
- Mad Butcher Live Tab
- Total Desaster 2000 Tab
- Thrash Attack Tab
- Total Desaster (ver2) Tab
- Nailed To The Cross Intro Tab