Dream Theater
Stiluri: Progressive
Biografie Dream Theater
Trupa americana de metal progresiv Dream Theater a luat fiinta in 1985 sub numele de Majesty. Formatia a fost infiintata de John Petrucci , Mike Portnoy si John Myung, studenti la acea vreme la Institutul de Muzica din Boston. Cei trei fac si in prezent parte din trupa pe care au fondat-o, alaturi de solistul James LaBrie si claparul Jordan Rudess. In 1989 apare albumul de debut intitulat "When Dream and Day Unite". Dupa o auditie, in 1991, trupa il coopteaza pe Kevin James LaBrie , pe atunci solistul formatiei de glam rock Winter Rose. Un an mai tarziu apare albumul "Images and Words", urmat de filmarile pentru videoclipul "Another Day", care apare si ca single. Piesa care are cel mai mare succes de pe aacest material este "Pull Me Under". In consecinta, Dream Theater filmeaza un videoclip si pentru aceasta piesa, ca si pentru "Take the Time". "Awake", cel de-al treilea album de studio, apare in 1994. Lansarea este urmata de un turneu. Un an mai tarziu apare EP-ul "A Change......Toata biografia Dream Theater
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Pink Floyd
30 Seconds to Mars
Roger Waters
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Stiri cu Dream Theater
MIKE MANGINI de la DREAM THEATER a lansat cel de-al doilea single, intitulat 'Not Drowning', de pe viitorul sau album solo
Bateristul Mike Mangini de la DREAM THEATER a lansat „Not Drowning”, al doilea single de pe viitorul sau album solo de debut, „Invisible Signs”, care urmeaza sa fie lansat acum in noiembrie. Printre artistii cu care a colaborat Mangini se numara si Tony Dickinson la bass, Ivan Keller la...
Dream Theater au lansat un videoclip pentru 'Awaken The Master'
Trupa a revenit cu videoclipul piesei care apare pe noul album oferit recent fanilor, 'A View from the Top of the World'. "It’s the last song we wrote. It’s also the first time I’ve used my eight-string guitar, which was fun for me. Back in the day when we were writing Awake, I’d...
Dream Theater au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Invisible Monster'
Trupa a lansat un nou single extras de pe viitorul album, 'A View from the Top of the World', care va fi disponibil pe 22 octombrie. Chitaristul trupei, John Petrucci, a declarat urmatoarele: "It was written after we'd written a bunch of material. A lot of the music was super energetic and upbeat,...
Dream Theater au lansat un clip live din 2017 pentru 'Pull Me Under'
Noul material a fost filmat in cadrul unui concert din 2017 sustinut de trupa in Japonia. Videoclipul este extras de pe albumul live 'Images and Words - Live in Japan 2017' care va fi disponibil pe 25 iunie. 'Images and Words - Live in Japan 2017' este prima versiune din seria 'Lost Not Forgotten Archives'...
Jordan Rudess de la Dream Theater este speaker la Mastering the Music Business 2021
Cea de-a sasea editie a conferintei Mastering the Music Business il are ca invitat pe Jordan Rudess, binecunoscutul multi-instrumentist al trupei americane de progressive - Dream Theater. Conferinta va avea loc in perioada 31 august- 2 septembrie la Bucuresti. Votat „Cel mai bun clapar al tuturor...
Videoclipuri Dream Theater
- Forsaken
- Constant Motion
- Dream Theater - Forsaken
- Dream Theater - The Dark Eternal Night
- Dream Theater - Another Day
- Dream Theater - Constant Motion
- Dream Theater - Metropolis
- Dream Theater - Time
- Dream Theater - Learning To Live
- Dream Theater - Overture 1928
- Dream Theater - Pull Me Under
- Dream Theater - Cemetery Gates
- Dream Theater - The Spirit Carries On - Score
- Dream Theater - Hollow Years (live in Budokan)
- Dream Theater - Erotomania
- Dream Theater - Take The Time
- Dream Theater - Stream of Instrumentals
- Dream Theater - Octavarium (2006 Live In Seoul)
- Dream Theater - The Glass Prison
- Dream Theater - Finally Free
Muzica Dream Theater
Top Versuri Dream Theater
A Rite Of Passage
A Nightmare To Remember
The Count Of Tuscany
The Best Of Times
The Shattered Fortress
Solitary Shell
Through Her Eyes
19. Guitar Solo
01. Pull Me Under
Hollow Years
11. Space-Dye Vest
Goodnight Kiss
This Dying Soul
As I Am
I Walk Beside You
01. Scene One: Regression
02. Scene Two: Overture 1928
The Great Debate
12. Mike Portnoy Drum Solo
Endless Sacrifice
The Ministry of Lost Souls
02. Another Day
Pull Me Under
03. Bombay Vindaloo [Improv. Jam]
12. Scene Nine: Finally Free
Acid Rain
Another Day
10. A Change of Seasons IV: The Darkest of Winters
The Spirit Carries On
As I Am
In the Name of God
The Glass Prison
22. Learning to Live
Innocence Faded
03. Perfect Strangers
This Dying Soul
08. Learning to Live
01. A Change of Seasons [Medley]
Stream of Consciousness
Endless Sacrifice
07. Piano Solo
20. Pull Me Under
Sacrificed Sons
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Dream Theater
- The Count Of Tuscany Intro Tab
- A Rite Of Passage Intro Tab
- A Nightmare To Remember Tab
- The Best Of Times Intro Tab
- Solitary Shell Chords
- Wither Solo Tab
- The Spirit Carries On Chords
- Answer Lies Within Chords
- Though Her Eyes Chords
- Constant Motion Tab
- Instrumedley Bass Tab
- Dark Eternal Night Tab
- Panic Attack Bass Tab
- The Shattered Fortress Tab
- Root Of All Evil Bass Tab
- Stream Of Consciousness Bass Tab
- Forsaken Intro Tab
- Through Her Eyes Tab
- Space Dye-vest Intro Tab
- Wait For Sleep Tab
- Take Away My Pain Chords
- Another Day (ver2) Chords
- The Spirit Carries On Tab
- Ytse Jam (ver2) Bass Tab
- Another Day Solo Tab
- Take Away My Pain Tab
- Carpe Diem Tab
- The Glass Prison Intro Tab
- You Not Me Tab
- Forsaken Tab
- Another Day Chords
- These Walls Tab
- As I Am Tab
- Ytse Jam Bass Tab
- Through Her Eyes Bass Tab
- As I Am (ver6) Tab
- Ytsejam Bass Tab
- Ytse Jam Tab
- Eve Tab
- These Walls Bass Tab
- Vacant Tab
- Pull Me Under Tab
- This Dying Soul Tab
- Under A Glass Moon Tab
- Space Dye Vest Tab
- Voices Tab
- Silent Man Chords
- Regression Chords
- Peruvian Skies Chords
- Another Day (ver3) Tab