Biografie Elvenking
Tara : Italia Stil : Power Folk metal Trupe similare : Blind Guardian Nightwish Ensiferum Sonata Arctica Iron Maiden Children Of Bodom Componenta : Aydan - chitara Zender - tobe Gorlan - bass Elyghen - clape, vioara Damnagoras - voce Discografie : Heathenreel (2001) Wyrd (2004) The Winter Wake (2006) The Scythe (2007) ELVENKING www.elvenking.net www.myspace.com/elvenking ...Toata biografia Elvenking
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nightwish
Tarja Turunen
Children Of Bodom
Within Temptation
Dimmu Borgir
Stiri cu Elvenking
Urmareste mesajul special transmis de Elvenking pentru rockerii romani!
Formatia italiana ELVENKING este entuziasmata de ideea de a sustine un concert in Romania, in cadrul Maximum Rock Festival 2014, asa ca a decis sa le adreseze fanilor un mesaj special. Prin acesta, trupetii au dovedit ca au simtul umorului din plin si ca abia asteapta sa ne viziteze pentru a ne...
Elvenking: The Loser (videoclip nou)
Grupul italian Elvenking a lansat de curand un nou videoclip, extras de pe viitorul album al formatiei, "Era", ce urmeaza sa fie lansat pe 14 septembrie, via AFM Records. "Era" tracklist: 01.The Loser 02.I Am The Monster 03.Midnight Skies, Winter Sighs 04.A Song For The People...
Asculta o noua piesa Elvenking, Poor Little Baroness
Poor Little Baroness, o noua piesa semnata de grupul italian Elvenking, poate fi ascultata mai jos. Piesa este extrasa de pe noul album intitulat Era, disponibil pe piata in data de 14 septembrie via AFM Records. CD-ul a fost inregistrat in studioul Sonic Pump din Helsinki, Finlanda alaturi de producatorul...
Jon Oliva este invitat pe noul albm Elvenking
Jon Oliva (Savatage, Jon Oliva's Pain) a inregistrat voci pentru doua piese ce vor fi incluse pe noul album semnat de grupul italian Elvenking. Formatia a intrat in studioul Sonic Pump din Helsinki, Finlanda alaturi de producatorul Nino Laurenne (Amorphis, Lordi, Sonata Arctica). Viitorul material va fi...
ELVENKING au un nou basist
Elvenking au renuntat la Gorlan, pe care l-au inlocuit cu Jakob. " Jakob a inregistrat deja basul pentru noul album, iar aceia dintre voi care l-au vazut deja live in truneul recent cu Rhapsody Of Fire , au vazut ca are ceva talent! Evident, asta inseamna sa ne despartim de Gorlan , unul dintre cei mai...
Videoclipuri Elvenking
- Elvenking - The Divided Heart
- Elvenking - The Scythe
- Elvenking - Seasonspeech
- Elvenking - Pathfinders
- Elvenking - The Wanderer (Acoustic Version)
- Elvenking - Disillusions Reel
- Elvenking - Under The Tree Of Usdum
- Elvenking - The Winter Wake
- Elvenking - Pagan Purity
- Elvenking - Infection
- Elvenking - Moonchariot
- Elvenking - Petalstorm
- Elvenking - The Divided Heart
- Elvenking - A Dreadful Strain
- Elvenking - Jigsaw Puzzle
- The Cabal
- Your Heroes Are Dead
- The Loser
Top Versuri Elvenking
The Wanderer
Penny Dreadful
On The Morning Dew
White Willow
The Divided Heart
A Poem For The Firmament
White Willow
The Silk Dilemma
The Perpetual Knot
The Regality Dance
March Of Fools
The Winter Wake
Pagan Purity
A Fiery Stride
To Oak Woods Bestowed
Another Haven
Rouse Your Dream
Midnight Circus
Poison Tears
To Oak Woods Bestowed
The Scythe
Disappearing Sands
Banquet Of Bards
Romance & Wrath
Conjuring Of The 14th
Neverending Nights
A Riddle Of Stars
Another Awful Hobs Tale
The Loser's Ball
Death And The Suffering
Trows Kind
The Dweller Of Rhymes
Jigsaw Puzzle
A Dreadful Strain
Disillusion's Reel
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Penny Dreadful
Hobs An' Feathers
Rats Are Following