Foo Fighters
Stiluri: Alternative
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Biografie Foo Fighters
Tara : Statele Unite Stil : Alternative rock Componenta : Dave Grohl - voce, chitara Nate Mendel - bass Taylor Hawkins - baterie Chris Shiflett - chitara Discografie : Foo Fighters (1995) The Colour and the Shape (1997) There Is Nothing Left to Lose (1999) One by One (2002) In Your Honor (2005) Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace (2007) FOO FIGHTERS ...Toata biografia Foo Fighters
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Luna Amara
Stiri cu Foo Fighters
Prima aparitie muzicala a lui Dave Grohl de la moartea lui Hawkins, din 25 martie, a avut loc in weekend cu Paul McCartney
Desi Foo Fighters au date de turneu deja programate pentru a il onmora pe bateristul Taylor Hawkins care a decedat de curand, prima aparitie muzicala a lui Dave Grohl de la moartea lui Hawkins, din 25 martie, a avut loc in weekend cu Paul McCartney. Legenda Beatles a fost unul dintre headlinerii pentru editia din...
Foo Fighters au castigat trei premii Grammy pentru 'Medicine At Midnight'
In evenimentul din Las Vegas din seara de 3 aprilie, trupa a castigat toate categoriile la care a fost nominalizata pentru albumul din 2021, 'Medicine At Midnight'. Cel de-al zecelea album de studio al trupei a castigat la categoriile Best Rock Performance, Best Rock Song si Best Rock Album, insa din cauza...
Taylor Hawkins, tobosarul Foo Fighters, ne-a parasit la doar 50 de ani
Unul dintre cei mai talentati si apreciati tobosari ai scenei muzicale internationale, Taylor Hawkins, a plecat dintre noi la doar 50 de ani. Anuntul a fost facut de Foo Fighters pe canalele social media: "The Foo Fighters family is devastated by the tragic and untimely loss of our beloved Taylor...
Foo Fighters au lansat single-ul 'March Of The Insane'
Trupa a lansat un single thrash metal care provine din viitorul lor film de comedie de groaza, 'Studio 666'. Povestea materialului este despre ce se intampla atunci cand legendara trupa rock inchiriaza un conac plin de istorie ingrozitoare a rock and roll-ului pentru a inregistra cel de-al 10-lea album. ...
Foo Fighters au oferit detalii despte filmul 'Studio 666'
Potrivit Deadline, Dave Grohl si colegii sai din trupa Foo Fighters joaca intr-un film pe care l-au realizat in secret, 'Studio 666'. Povestea materialului este despre ce se intampla atunci cand legendara trupa rock inchiriaza un conac plin de istorie ingrozitoare a rock and roll-ului, pentru a inregistra cel de-al...
Videoclipuri Foo Fighters
- 04. Times Like These
- 03. Learn to Fly
- The Pretender
- Foo Fighters - The Pretender
- Foo Fighters - Best Of You
- Foo Fighters - Learn To Fly
- Foo Fighters - Everlong
- Foo Fighters - Long Road To Ruin
- Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench
- Foo Fighters - All My Life
- Foo Fighters - Big Me
- Foo Fighters - Times Like These
- Foo Fighters - My Hero
- Foo Fighters - Breakout
- Foo Fighters - Home
- Foo Fighters - Walking After You
- Foo Fighters - Stairway to Heaven (live Kilborne)
- Foo Fighters - No Way Back
- Foo Fighters - Let it die
- Foo Fighters - All My Life
Top Versuri Foo Fighters
The Pretender
Stranger Things Have Happened
Let It Die
Long Road to Ruin
The Pretender
Come Alive
Let It Die
Best Of You
Stranger Things Have Happened
Cheer Up Boys (Your Make Up Is Running)
But Honestly
Summer s End
Long Road to Ruin
Long Road To Ruin
Come Alive
Cheer Up, Boys (Your Make-up Is Running)
04. Times Like These
Erase Replace
All My Life
Another Round
But, Honestly
On The Mend
Free Me
Summers End
Cold Day In The Sun
Virginia Moon
Best of You
Friend Of A Friend
The Deepest Blues Are Black
Over And Out
Learn to Fly
In Your Honor
End Over End
The Last Song
Word Forward
What If I Do?
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Foo Fighters
- Everlong Chords
- Wheels Tab
- Best Of You Acoustic Chords
- Stranger Things Have Happened Tab
- Best Of You Chords
- Still Chords
- My Hero Acoustic Chords
- Walk Tab
- Times Like These Acoustic Chords
- Pretender Chords
- Another Round Chords
- Tiny Dancer Chords
- What If I Do Chords
- Stranger Things Have Happened (ver3) Tab
- Virginia Moon Tab
- Breakout Chords
- Foo Fighters (album) Tab
- Big Me Chords
- Everlong ver7 Tab
- Tired Of You (ver2) Chords
- Times Like These Live Acoustic Tab
- Walking After You Chords
- Learn To Fly Chords
- Statues Chords
- This Is A Call Chords
- Big Me (ver2) Bass Tab
- My Hero Acoustic Tab
- Weenie Beenie Tab
- Walking After You Tab
- Stranger Things Have Happened (ver4) Tab
- Best Of You (ver6) Chords
- Walking After You Bass Tab
- These Days Intro Tab
- Walking After You (ver2) Chords
- What If I Do Bass Tab
- Weenie Beenie Bass Tab
- Stranger Things Have Happened Intro Tab
- Wind Up Bass Tab
- Best Of You (ver5) Chords
- Rope Tab
- X-static Bass Tab
- Wind Up Tab
- Times Like These (ver4) Chords
- X-static Tab
- X-static (ver3) Tab
- What If I Do Tab
- Times Like These Acoustic Tab
- Walking A Line Bass Tab
- Times Like These (ver3) Chords
- Bridge Burning Intro Tab