I know this song is pretty much all lead guitar but if your playing in a band and you
a guitarist that just plays chords then here is your god.
Intro Am||| Dm7||| Dm7/G||| Cmaj7||| F|||
(i remember Paris)
Verse Am||| Dm7||| Dm7/G||| Cmaj7||| F||| Bm7|E7|
A| Bm7/A| A||| Dm7||| Dm7/G||| Cmaj7|||
This is kinda where the solo starts to let rip
Solo Am|D/F#
(looking back at the photos....)
A||| Dmsus4|Dm| Dm7/G ||| Cmaj7|||
Bm7||| B7||| (end of lyrics)
E|F| E||| (wait for the lead) Dm|||
Fmaj7||| Bm7| E| Am|Dm| Am|
E Am| Dm7 Am| F E Am|Dm|
Am| F G Am| Dm7|| Am|||
Know it looks like a big jumble but trust me it is right just keep listening to the guitar
By Ricky Freelove