TOBIAS FORGE vorbeste despre noul film GHOST: 'It's Going To Be A Film With A Concert Element'.
Solistul Ghost, Tobias Forge, a confirmat ca filmarile din ultimele doua spectacole ale trupei de la Forumul din Inglewood, California, vor fi folosite ca parte a unui viitor film.
"When I first started putting it together, I was, like, 'Oh my god, I'm going to faint because there's so much to think about,'" Forge a declarat intr-un interviu pentru revista Metal Hammer. "Then it was, like, 'No, no, just don't think about it at all.'"
Ambele spectacole GHOST de la Forum s-au desfasurat fara nici un fel de dispozitiv de comunicare - utilizarea telefoanelor si a ceasurilor inteligente nu a fost deloc permisa in spatiul de concert. La sosirea la locatie, dispozitivele au fost securizate in pungi Yondr individuale care au fost deschise abia la sfarsitul evenimentului.
"I have never seen a crowd interact the way that they did since I was in a club band," a declarat Forge. "They were the best shows I've ever done with GHOST, just because I didn't have to see those f*****g mobile phones."
Tobias a continuat sa declare: "essentially shooting a film. And we used two nights of crowds as extras. It's going to be a film with a concert element. So a lot of what you experienced [at the two L.A. shows] is going to be part of this project."
De asemenea, Tobias a fost intrebat daca filmul GHOST va fi asemanator cu „Through The Never” de la METALLICA, in care au jucat membri ai trupei rock emblematice dar si Dane DeHaan („Chronicle”, „The Amazing Spider-Man 2”). Forge a raspuns: "In the sense that it's a concert with something else combined."
La show-urile de la Forum, GHOST a interpretat in direct melodia „Twenties” pentru prima data live. Ei au cantat si coverul piesei „If You Have Ghosts” de Roky Erikson, care a fost reimaginata initial de GHOST pentru EP-ul lor din 2013 „If You Have Ghost”. Versiunea piesei cantata la Forum a fost interpretata pe o scena separata de restul setului.
In 2019, Forge a spus pentru publicatia Revolver ca era in lucru un lungmetraj GHOST. El a adaugat, totusi, ca acesta nu ar fi „rocumentarul” tipic sau chiar un film de concert, ci cu totul altceva.
"Most films about bands are biographical, and I see no reason to tell our story yet," a spus Forge. "It's a little bit like premature ejaculation. You have to have a career first and then you can tell the real story, so that was never an option. And when you yank away that, what do you have? Well, that would be a fictional story."
Cand Forge a vorbit cu Revolver despre filmul GHOST in urma cu patru ani, el a explicat ca va dura ceva timp pana cand proiectul se va realiza.
"The cog wheels are turning on that one," a spus acesta. "We're just trying to figure out a lot of the practicalities. Making a film is a big endeavor. Another problem that I have had over the course of my career is that I don't have a s**t-ton of time. I've learned over the years that it's really important not to do everything at once."
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