Guns N Roses
Biografie Guns N Roses
Guns N'Roses este o trupa americana de hard rock, formata in Los Angeles, in anul 1985. Trupa a vandut aproximat 90 de milioane de albume. Cel mai de succes album, Appetite for Destruction , a fost vandut in peste 26 de milioane de exemplare. Noul album al trupei, Chinese Democracy poate fi comandat in format CD sau Vinil de pe Magazinul GUNS la preturi accesibile pentru orice buzunar. Stilul muzical a fost dominat de influente hard rock si heavy metal. In timp ce glam metalul se bucura de o atentie mult mai sporita din partea caselor de discrui, Guns N' Roses prezentau o directie muzicala mult mai diferita, lucru apreciat e catre fani si critici. Succesul mondial l-au avut in perioada 1988-1993, insa diferentele personale dintre Axl Rose si Slash , au condus la destramarea formatiei. Appetite for Destruction a fost lansat in 1987. In America, piesa Welcome to the Jungle a fost lansata drept single, avand ca suport un videoclip. In urma unor......Toata biografia Guns N Roses
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Metallica
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Stiri cu Guns N Roses
GUNS N' ROSES a lansat un nou single intitulat "The General"
GUNS N' ROSES a lansat un nou single intitulat „The General” prin Geffen Records. Piesa poate fi ascultata mai jos, in articol. „The General” reprezinta partea B a "Perhaps"- disc de vinil de sapte inci, lansat in editie limitata, de GUNS N’ ROSES, care a fost disponibil...
GUNS N' ROSES' lanseaza vinerea aceasta: 'The General'
Piesa GUNS N' ROSES „The General” va fi lansata in format digital vineri, 8 decembrie. „The General” reprezinta partea B a vinilului de sapte inci, in editie limitata „Perhaps” care a fost disponibil pentru precomanda inca din luna august. GUNS N' ROSES a interpretat in...
GUNS N' ROSES va lansa pachetul "Use Your Illusion I & II" cu 63 de piese audio si videoclipuri nelansate anterior
UME/Geffen va sarbatori mostenirea muzicala incredibila a lui GUNS N' ROSES cu „Use Your Illusion I & II”, setul suprem care contine lansarile multi-platina ale trupei din 1991 „Use Your Illusion I” si „Use Your Illusion II”. Pregatite pentru lansare pe 11 noiembrie,...
Un duet extraordinar intre Axel Rose si Carrie Underwood
La concertul Guns N' Roses din 1 iulie pe stadionul Tottenham Hotspur din Londra, trupei i s-a alaturat superstarul country Carrie Underwood in doua ocazii separate. Mai intai, a iesit pe scena pentru a canta „Sweet Child O’ Mine” cu grupul si a reaparut la sfarsit pentru a incheia cu „Paradise...
Guns N 'Roses au lansat single-ul 'Hard Skool'
Trupa a revenit cu un nou single dupa precedenta lansare 'Absurd' care a avut loc in luna august. Dupa ce a surprins luna trecuta cu lansarea piesei “Absurd”, Guns n’ Roses revine cu melodia “Hard Skool”, fiind un semn clar ca celebra trupa lucreaza mai multa muzica noua. Axl Rose...
Videoclipuri Guns N Roses
- Civil War
- Patience
- Welcome to the Jungle
- Rocket Queen
- Dont Cry
- Knocking On Heavens Door
- Sweet Child O Mine
- Guns N Roses - November Rain
- Guns N Roses - Patience
- Guns N Roses - Estranged
- Guns N Roses - Paradise City
- Guns N Roses - Civil War
- Guns N Roses - You could be mine
- Guns N Roses - Garden of Eden
- Guns N Roses - Nightrain
- Guns N Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
- Guns N Roses - Locomotive
- Guns N Roses - Rocket Queen
- Guns N Roses - Knocking on heavens door
- Guns N Roses - Don't Cry
Muzica Guns N Roses
Top Versuri Guns N Roses
Knocking On Heavens Door
There Was a Time
Sweet Child O Mine
November Rain
Buick MacKane (Big Dumb Sex)
Chinese Democracy
Bad Apples [live]
This I Love
Since I Dont Have You
This I Love
Oh My God
You Could Be Mine
Chinese Democracy
Civil War
Paradise City
Don't Damn Me
Silk Worms
Live and Let Die
Street of Dreams
Dont Cry
Shackler's Revenge
You Can't Put You Arms Arround A Memory
Street Of Dreams
If the World
Rocket Queen
Hair Of The Dog
You Ain`t the First
One in a Million
Its So Easy
Welcome to the Jungle
Chicken Dinner
Back off Bitch
Garden Of Eden
So Fine
I Don't Care About You
Since I Don'T Have You
Mr. Brownstone
I Dont Care About You
New Rose
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Guns N Roses
- Knocking On Heavens Door Chords
- This I Love Chords
- Welcome To The Jungle Chords
- Catcher In The Rye Chords
- Sweet Child O Mine Chords
- Sweet Child O Mine Acoustic Chords
- Sweet Child O Mine Intro Bass Tab
- Chinese Democracy Solo Tab
- Youre Crazy Acoustic Chords
- There Was A Time
- Dont Cry Tab
- Dont Cry Solo Tab
- Knocking On Heavens Door Live Tab
- Wild Horses Chords
- November Rain Chords
- Dont Cry Chords
- Estranged Chords
- November Rain Acoustic Tab
- Sweet Child O Mine Tab
- Sorry Solo Tab
- If The World Intro Tab
- Used To Love Her Chords
- Welcome To The Jungle Solo Tab
- Sweet Child O Mine Intro Tab
- There Was A Time Chords
- Sweet Child O Mine (ver3) Tab
- Madagascar
- Prostitute Chords
- Sweet Child O Mine Solo Tab
- Since I Dont Have You Chords
- There Was A Time Solo Tab
- November Rain Piano Tab
- Sweet Child O Mine Intro (ver2) Tab
- Used To Love Her Solo Tab
- Chinese Democracy
- You Could Be Mine Tab
- Slash Licks Tab
- Welcome To The Jungle Tab
- Irs Chords
- Sweet Child O Mine (ver2) Bass Tab
- Sympathy For The Devil Tab
- Madagascar V2
- Paradise City Chords
- Irs Intro Tab
- Godfather Theme Tab
- Patience Chords
- Welcome To The Jungle Intro Tab
- November Rain Tab
- Sweet Child O Mine (ver4) Tab
- Sweet Child O Mine (ver2) Chords