Horse The Band
Biografie Horse The Band
Formatia Horse the Band (uneori denumita si HORSE the band) s-a infiintat ca un proiect experimental in anul 1999 in Lake Forest, California. Stil : nintendocore, experimental rock Componenta : Nathan Winneke voce David Isen chitara Dash Arkenstone bass Erik Engstrom sintetizatoare Daniel Pouliot - tobe Discografie : Scabies, The Kangarooster, and You demo (1999) Secret Rhythm of the Universe CD (2001) I Am a Small Wooden Statue on a Patch of Crabgrass Next to a Dried Up Riverbed EP (2001) Beautiful Songs by Men EP (2002) R. Borlax CD (2003, Pluto Records) The Effing 69 World Tour tour footage DVD (2004) The Mechanical Hand CD (2005, Combat Records) Pizza EP (2006, Combat Records / LIF Records) R. Borlax CD (re-release, 2007, Koch Records) A Natural Death CD (2007, Koch Records) HORSE THE BAND ...Toata biografia Horse The Band
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Stiri cu Horse The Band
Downloadeaza gratuit noul DVD Horse The Band
Earth Hour, un DVD cu 10 ore de filmari realizate in timpul turneului mondial Horse The Band, poate fi downloadat gratuit aici . Un spot video poate fi urmarit mai jos. No comment:)
Horse The Band vor participa la Bro Fest
Horse The Band vor participa la Bro Fest pe data de 20 martie. Acest festival este organizat de " Parade of Flesh " si se va desfasura in Dallas. Bro Fest va avea doua scene, una in aer liber si una in Club Dada. Prima editie a festivalului a avut loc in 2008 si este dedicat formatiilor noi...
Horse The Band au lansat un nou videoclip: A Million Exploding Suns
Formatia de hardcore Horse The Band a lansat un nou videoclip, numit "A Million Exploding Suns". Acesta poate fi vizualizat pe METALHEAD accesand linkul de mai jos. Horse the Band - A Million Exploding Suns Horse The Band este o trupa din Lake Forest, California , care este cunoscuta...
Horse The Band isi schimba numele
Formatia americana Horse The Band a decis sa-si schimbe numele. Intr-un comunicat oficial, solistul Nathan Winneke anunta: 'Ultimele doua saptamani le-am petrecut in Africa unde am avut cateva experiente foarte profunde. Am decis ca este momentul perfect sa ne schimbam numele. Am decis ca trebuie sa oferim o noua...
Urmariti noul videoclip Horse The Band, Shapeshift!
Noul videoclip al formatiei de nintendocore HORSE THE BAND , poate fi vizionat mai jos: Horse The Band - Shapeshift (New Video 2009) Formatia americana Horse The Band va lansa un nou album intitulat Desperate Living in data de 6 octombrie, iar fanii ce il vor...
Top Versuri Horse The Band
Lord Gold Wand Of Unyielding
Stabbers Of The Knife, By Kenny Pelts
Taken By Vultures
Soaring Quails
Heroes Die
Rape Escape
The House Of Boo
A Million Exploding Suns
Octopus On Fire
Seven Tentacles And Eight Flames
Big Blue Violence
Lord Gold Throneroom
The Immense Defecation Of The Bunt
The Black Hole
A Rusty Glove
Handsome Shoved His Gloves
In The Wake Of The Bunt
Softer Sounds
Desperate Living
Golden Mummy Golden Bird
The Failure Of All Things
HORSE The Song
Big Business
Pol's Voice
Between The Trees
Science Police
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Horse The Band
- Crow Town Tab
- Lif Tab
- Rotting Horse Tab
- Taken By Vultures Bass Tab
- Murder Bass Tab
- Birdo Tab
- Cutsman Bass Tab
- Bunnies Bass Tab
- Soaring Quails Bass Tab
- The Immense Defecation Of The Bunt Tab
- Soaring Quails Tab
- In The Wake Of The Bunt Bass Tab
- Black Hole Tab
- Lord Gold Throneroom Bass Tab
- Lord Gold Throneroom Tab
- Birdo (ver2) Tab
- Cutsman (ver2) Bass Tab
- Heroes Die Tab
- Murder Tab
- Cutsman Tab
- In The Wake Of The Bunt Tab
- Taken By Vultures Tab