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In The Silence: Epic Music for Epic People (interviu)
18 Ianuarie 2013 Pruna Andrei
Toata vara trecuta am ramas axat mai mult pe groove metal in mare parte datorita concertelor Soulfly si Machine Head de la Rock The City, concerte pe care nu voi putea uita prea curand. Aceasta dependenta a durat ceva timp pana in momentul cand unul dintre chitaristii din trupa in care activez m-a determinat sa ascult albumul de debut al formatiei In The Silence. In scurt timp am devenit obsedat de albumul “A Fair Dream Gone Mad” ce a devenit in scurt timp, singurul disc pe care l-am ascultat aproape zilnic.
Am reusit sa port o discutie cu solistul trupei americane, Josh Burke, care a fost la randul sau foarte incantat de ideea de a realiza un interviu. Aceasta conversatie poate fi citita mai jos:
METALHEAD: Salutare, Josh! Pentru inceput, ai putea sa ne descrii cum ati ajuns voi sa cantatati impreuna? Cine a venit cu numele trupei?
Cred ca m-am gandit prima data la nume in anul 2002. Citeam in acel moment o multime de carti spirituale si de metafizica, lucru pe care inca il fac, iar una dintre ele se referea la meditatia “in liniste”…si m-am gandit ca fi un nume perfect pentru o trupa, In The Silence, in special de cand toate scopurile noastre se axau intr-o platforma muzicala in care sa ne exprimam propiile idei spirituale. Dennis si cu mine am inceput sa cantam in mai multe trupe inca din timpul liceului, iar ultima noastra trupa, Aetheria, era o trupa de gothic metal cu o femeie la voce, insa care si-a incheiat activitatea.
Am dorit sa fac ceva mult mai melodic, atmosferic, heavy si atragator. Am trecut prin mai multe incercari de a forma un line-up si chiar am avut cateva concerte prin 2006, cu un alt grup de persoane. Totusi, unii au renuntat iar eu m-am mutat in Los Angeles cu prietenul meu Azeron din formatia Winter Reign and Sin si am inceput un alt proiect. Acesta nu a mers prea mult, m-am mutat inapoi si l-am contactat pe Niko, pe care l-am cunoscut intr-un club cu un an inainte si am inceput sa repetam. Dennis si cu mine am tinut legatura, si a fost foarte interesat sa administreze trupa dar pentru ca nu am putut gasi un basist, el s-a oferit sa umple golul si, ei bine, s-a format o chimie muzicala intre noi. Nate a fost propus de catre prietenul nostru Josh Amolsch din formatia Misamore dupa ce am publicat un anunt, iar pentru o perioada am avut-o alaturi pe prietena noastra Maureen Rhines la pian/clape. Din pacate, ea a parasit trupa in 2010, noi am continuat, iar restul este istorie.
METALHEAD: In iunie 2012, In The Silence a lansat albumul de debut, intitulat “A Fair Dream Gone Mad”. Poti sa faci o descriere a a acestui album pentru cei care nu au auzit inca de el?
Este intunecat, melodic, atmosferic, si heavy, cu voce clean, melancolios in sunetul sau iar versurile ofera ceva pozitiv, daca esti atent. A da, si epic! Toata lumea foloseste acest cuvant pentru a ne descrie sunetul. M-am gandit chiar si la o lozinca propie: “In The Silence: Muzica Epica pentru Oameni Epici”.
METALHEAD: Cine sunt principalii compozitori la voi in trupa?
Eu scriu majoritatea pieselor, dar toata lumea contribuie cu idei pentru aranjamente, riff-uri ocazionale etc. Niko ne ajuta foarte mult sa facem muzica cat mai progressive, si nu ma lasa pe mine sa cant cliseuri sau riff-uri plictisitoare. Nate reuseste sa adauge mai multa altmosfera si unele idei unice pentru melodiile existente. Dennis face o treaba excelenta prin a umple spatiul melodic cu notele sale de pe bas. Eu scriu in schimb toate versurile.
METALHEAD: Cum ati reactionat cand ati citit sau auzit recenziile bune pentru albumul “A Fair Dream Gone Mad”? V-ati asteptat la astfel de recenzii sau ati fost luati prin surprindere?
M-am gandit initial ca vor exista persoane carora sa le placa, dar sincer am fost luat prin surprindere, recenzii cu note precum 8/10, 9/10 veneau din toate partile si fara ca noi sa facem ceva. Creatorul copertii de album, Nacho Galacho (pe care il recomand oricarei trupe aici: (http://www.nachogalacho.com) s-a ocupat de promovare, dar nu ne-am ocupat de totul doar noi insine. Eu am planuit sa angajez un publicist, dar cum nu ne-am putut permite unul, iar asa am ajuns la concluzia ca nu ne mai trebuie.
METALHEAD: Ce marci de chitare folositi in studio si live?
Principalele mele chitari sunt un PRS custom 24 si o editie limitata de Gibson la comanda, cu un finish de culoarea "autumn burst" si flame maple top. Am cumparat-o doar pentru ca arata super, din fericire, suna si foarte bine.
METALHEAD: In urma proliferarii muzicii gratuite si situatia economica actuala, facand bani devine din ce in ce mai greu pentru trupele de astazi. Ati reusit sa gasiti niste cai cat mai creative?
Foarte buna intrebare! Jafurile bancare, furturile de identitate, traficul de droguri, delapidare…doar glumesc! Aceasta este intrebarea la care fiecare muzician se gandeste constant in zilele de astazi. Publicul este cel mai bun finantator in cele mai multe cazuri. Principala chestiune este totusi atentia care este pusa in muzica de calitate, si inregistrarile foarte bune. Daca nu am fi investit in a scoate cele mai bune inregistrari pentru muzica noastra, ma indoiesc ca am fi avut succesul pe care il traim acum. Deci, acesta este sfatul meu pentru toate trupele. Scrieti muzica si faceti tot posibilul sa sune incredibil, sunetul inregistrarilor sa sune cat mai profesional, iar apoi puteti sa va duceti sa concertati!
METALHEAD: Astazi este o opozitie impotriva caselor de discuri iar voi inca nu aveti una. Ce credeti ca pot face casele de discuri pt trupe mai bine decat trupele insele?
Tehnic, avem o casa de discuri. Am semnat recent un contract cu Sensory Records pentru a relansa “A Fair Dream Gone Mad” intr-un format digi-pack ce va contine un booklet si toate versurile, lucruri pe care nu le-am avut pana acum. Daca tot veni vorba, ii multumesc managerului Claus Jensen de la Intromental Management cu care am semnat un contract in octombrie. Pe de o parte, casele de discuri pot sa iti ofere o mana de ajutor, niste sfaturi profesionale, experienta, si bani, daca este cazul, cand vine vorba de promovarea unui album si distribuirea lui. Totul depinde de casa de discuri si de cat sunt ei dispusi sa fie alaturi de trupa.
METALHEAD: Care sunt casele de discuri pe care le respecti?
Ei bine, Century Media, Peaceville, Roadrunner sunt doar cateva responsabile pentru carierele unor trupe celebre. In trecut, Elektra, Geffen, Atlantic Records au jucat un rol important in a scoate o multime de trupe foarte bune. In zilele de astazi? Sensory Records!
METALHEAD: Sunt o gramada de noi materiale care au fost lansate recent. Ai cumva vreo preferinta pe anul 2012 pana acum?
Trebuie sa marturisesc, am fost un fan cam de rahat in ultimul timp. Nu mi-am permis timpul sa investighez muzica noua de anul trecut, dar am reusit sa trec prin albumul Dead End Kings de la Katatonia. Momentan, savurez ultimul album Deftones, care cred ca este chiar primul disc de la Deftones pe care l-am cumparat, ca sa fiu sincer. De asemenea, sunt foarte impresionat de Ne Obliviscaris. Planuiesc sa alcatuiesc un top ten si sa incerc si alte trupe… Am descoperit de curand Leprous, care sunt administrati de aceleasi persoane care se ocupa de noi (Intromental), si suna incredibil de bine!
METALHEAD: La ce ar trebui sa ne asteptam de trupa anul acesta?
"A Fair Dream Gone Mad” va fi relansat in primavera, trebuie sa mai determinam unele date de turneu, si desigur, vom fi prezenti la festivalul ProgPower USA, joi, 5 septembrie 2013!
METALHEAD: Ce crezi ca te-a ajutat cel mai mult de-a lungul carierei, relatiile sau talentul?
Ei bine, considerand faptul ca pana anul trecut nu am avut nicio relatie in industrie, cred ca talentul. Cred ca am intalnit o gramada de oameni si fara persoane ca Nacho care sa ne ajute, cu el facand cunostinta prin Malcolm din Kaura (incercati aceasta trupa); Jay Trammell care a fost producatorul albumului, atunci nu cred ca lucrurile ar fi mers lafel de bine. Eu consider ca intr-un fel cosmosul ne-a ajutat cel mai mult. Cand intelegi ca gandurile sunt reale, ca, daca doresti ceva, si iti pui inima si sufletul in acel ceva, lucrurile se vor intampla…asta este imens!
METALHEAD: Iti multumesc foarte mult pentru interviu. Ai dori sa le spui ceva cititorilor pe final?
Da,desigur! Va multumesc tuturor pentru interes si pentru ca ascultati In The Silence, si sper ca ne vom vedea la un concert sau un festival din tara voastra in viitor, si sa speram, mai rapid decat toti am crede!
English version below:
METALHEAD: Hello, Josh! For a start, could you describe us how did you guys start playing together? Who came up with the band’s name?
I first thought of the name way back in 2002 I think. I was reading a lot of spiritual/metaphysical books at the time, which I still do, and one of them was talking about mediating in total silence...and I thought that would be a great band name, in the silence! Especially since my whole goal was to have a musical platform in which to express some of my spiritual ideas. Dennis and I had been playing in bands since high-school, and our last one Aetheria, gothic metal band with a female singer had broken up.
I wanted to do something melodic, atmospheric, heavy, and beautiful. I went through a couple of attempts at getting a lineup, and even did a few shows in 2006 with a totally different group of guys. But, a couple guys quit, and I moved to L.A. with my friend Azeron of Winter Reign and Sin to work on another project. That didn’t work out, i moved back, and got ahold of Niko who I’d met at a club the year prior, and we started jamming. Dennis and I had stayed in touch, and he was really interested in managing the band, but when we couldn’t find a bassist, he offered to fill in and well, it was just such great chemistry us playing music again we quit looking! Nate was referred to us by our friend Josh Amolsch of Misamore after we posted a Craigslist ad, and for a while we had our friend Maureen Rhines on piano/keyboards. Unfortunately she left in 2010, but we moved on and the rest is history!
METALHEAD: In June 2012, In The Silence released their debut album, titled “A Fair Dream Gone Mad” Can you give me a description of the album for anyone who hasn’t heard it yet?
It’s dark, melodic, atmospheric and heavy, with clean vocals, melancholy in it’s sound yet the lyrics offer something positive if you pay attention. Oh, and Epic! Everyone uses that word to describe our sound. I thought a funny catchphrase for us might be In the Silence, Epic Music for Epic People.
METALHEAD: How did you react after you have read or heard the good reviews for “A Fair Dream Gone Mad”. Were you expecting this kind of reviews or it all came as a surprise?
I figured some people would like it, but I was honestly taken aback at how many positive reviews, like 8/10, 9/10 were coming in from all over the place, and really without us having to do anything. Our album artist, Nacho Galacho (whom I recommend highly to any bands out there http://www.nachogalacho.com) did a lot to help promote us, but we didn’t do a whole lot ourselves. I’d planned to hire a publicist, but couldn’t afford to, and I guesswe reached the conclusion we didn’t need one!
METALHEAD: Who are the primary songwriters in the band?
I write most of the music, but everyone contributes ideas for the arrangements, occasional riffs etc. Niko helps a lot with making things more progressive, and not letting me play any cliche or boring riffs. Nate’s great at adding more atmosphere and unique ideas to the existing songs. Dennis does a great job of filling in the melodic space with some really choice bass notes. I write al the lyrics.
METALHEAD: What brand of guitars are you playing in the studio and live?
PRS, Gibson, Carvin, and Schecter. My main axes are a PRS Custom 24 and a limited edition Gibson custom shop carved top SG, with an autumn burst finish and flame maple top. I bought that one just because it was so gorgeous...fortunately it also sounds good!
METALHEAD: With the proliferation of free music and the current economy, making money is becoming even harder for bands these days. Any creative ways you guys have found?
Great question! Bank robbery, identity theft, drug dealing, embezzlement...just kidding! That’s the question I am sure all of us musicians are thinking about constantly these days. The crowd funding thing seems to be a good way to go in a lot of cases. The main thing though is to focus on putting out quality music, and a really good recording. Had we not invested in getting the best possible recording of our music, I doubt we’d be having the success we’re experiencing now. So that’s my advice to any other bands out there. Write great music and do what you have to to get an amazing, professional sounding recording done, and then go out and play shows!
METALHEAD: There is a big backlash against labels these days and you still don’t have a record label. What do you feel that record labels can still do better for bands than they can for themselves?
Well, technically, we now do have a label! We just signed a deal with Sensory Records to re-release A Fair Dream Gone Mad in a nice digi-pack with a booklet and all the lyrics, which we haven’t had to this point. And that came about thanks to our manager Claus Jensen of Intromental Management whom we signed with in October. One thing labels still can do is offer a hand, and some professional wisdom, experience, and hopefully money when it comes to promoting an album and getting it distributed. It all depends on what label it is, and how fair their willing to be with the band.
METALHEAD: Who are some of the record labels that you respect?
Well, Century Media, Peaceville, Roadrunner, to name a few have been responsible for some great bands having careers. Back in the day Elektra, Geffen, Atlantic Records had a big hand in getting a lot of great bands out there. Nowadays? Sensory Records
METALHEAD: There are all sorts of new metal releases that have been coming out recently. Do you have a personal favorite for 2012 yet?
I have to confess, I have been a s****y music fan lately... I haven’t taken the time to investigate a lot of new music in the last year, but I really dug Katatonia’s Dead End Kings. I am currently enjoying the new Deftones record, which I think is actually the first time I’ve bought a Deftones record to be honest! I am also really impressed with Ne Obliviscaris. And I plan on going through some of the top ten lists that we’ve made it on to and checking out the other bands...I just discovered Leprous, who are also managed by the same people as we are (Intromental), and they are f*****g awesome!
METALHEAD: What can we expect from the band this year?
“A Fair Dream Gone Mad” being re-released in Spring, some yet to be determined tour dates, and of course, we’ll be at ProgPower USA on Thursday September 5th 2013!
METALHEAD: What do think has helped you more throughout your career, connections or talent?
Well, considering until last year we had no industry connections, I guess talent. But, we’ve met a lot of great people and without People like Nacho helping us out, who was referred to me by Malcolm of Kaura (check that band out!), Jay Trammell who produced the album, then I don’t think things would be going so well. I do think though that the cosmos have sort of aligned for us...we’re all connected to everythin afterall. And that I think has helped me more than anything. When you understand that thoughts are things, that by intending something, and pouring your heart and soul into it, things will happen for you, that is huge.
METALHEAD: Thanks very much for the interview. Would you like to say something to our readers?
Ya absolutely. Thanks to all of you for taking an interest in and listening to in the silence, and hopefully we’ll get to see you at a concert or festival in your country in the future, hopefully sooner than we all think! (If you’re reading this Milton...get to work!)
In The Silence:
"A Fair Dream Gone Mad" recenzie pe METALHEAD
Realizat de: Pruna Andrei
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