Judas Priest
Stiluri: Heavy
Biografie Judas Priest
Pe orice fan heavy metal din lume daca-l intrebi cine sunt zeii acestui gen cu siguranta - cei mai multi iti vor raspunde - Judas Priest. Importanta acestui grup pe scena heavy metal e imensa, generatii intregi de trupe avandu-i drept idoli. Radacinile Judas Priest se afla in grupul Blue Condition format in 1967 - in orasul Birmingham la initiativa lui Alan Atkins (voce), Bruno Staphenhill (bass) si Pete Boot (tobe). La nici un an de la formarea sa Blue Condition e desfintat. Trupa are parte de o perioada zbuciumata in ceea ce priveste componenta pana in 1974 cand formatia avea urmatoarea componenta: K.K.Downing (chitara), Ian Hill (bass), John Hinch (tobe), Rob Halford (voce), si chitaristul Glenn Tipton Judas Priest avea acum imaginea unui grup adevarat. In formula completa si destul de bine asezata- grupul semneaza un contract cu Gull Records si editeaza in 1974 albumul de debut numit Rocka Rolla . Desi Discul Rocka Rolla nu a fost primit prea bine, in......Toata biografia Judas Priest
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Pozele din prima zi de Metalhead Meeting 2024
Pozele din prima zi a festivalului Metalhead Meeting 2024 ce a avut loc la Romexpo, se pot vedea pe Metalhead accesand link-ul de mai jos. Poze Ziua 1 Metalhead Meeting 2024 Photo credits: Paul Voicu
Program si reguli de acces Metalhead Meeting Festival 2024
Judas Priest, Doro, Steel Panther, Skindred, Alestorm, Kamelot, Moonspell, Ne Obliviscaris, Rotting Christ, Ihsahn, Bucovina, Tiamat, Jungle Rot, Infected Rain si multi altii vor canta la festivalul Metalhead Meeting care va avea loc intre 17 si 19 iulie la Romexpo in aer liber. Festivalul are loc in...
Castiga invitatii VIP la Metalhead Meeting!
Judas Priest (UK), Doro (De), Steel Panther (US), Skindred (Tara Galilor), Empire State Bastard (Scotia) Alestorm (UK), Kamelot (US), Moonspell (PT), Ne Obliviscaris (AU), Rotting Christ (GR), Ihsahn (NO), Tiamat (SWE), Jungle Rot (US) si Infected Rain (MD) vor canta la festivalul Metalhead Meeting care va avea...
Judas Priest a dat startul turneului 'Invincible Shield'
Cel mai recent album semnat Judas Priest a fost lansat pe 8 Martie iar la scurt timp britanicii au plecat in turneul de promovare al acestui album. Primul concert a avut loc in Glasgow iar mai jos puteti vedea cateva filmari din cadrul acestuia. Lansarea 'Invincible Shield' a avut un real succes, materialul...
Noul album Judas Priest este pe cale sa devina cel mai bine clasat album in topuri din istoria trupei
Judas Priest au lansat pe 6 Martie al nouasprezecelea material de studio, 'Invincible Shield', disc care a fost extrem de bine primit de public dar si de critici. Drept dovada, se pare ca va ajunge sa devina cel mai bine clasat album in topuri din intraga discografie a trupei. In momentul de fata, discul...
Videoclipuri Judas Priest
- 01. Painkiller
- 08. Johnny B. Goode
- 01. Breaking the Law
- 03. Metal Gods
- Judas Priest - Breaking The Law
- Judas Priest - Painkiller
- Judas Priest - Judas Rising
- Judas Priest - Revolution
- Judas Priest - Metal Gods
- Judas Priest - Love Bites
- Judas Priest - Breaking The Law
- Judas Priest - NightCrawler
- Judas Priest - Sinner
- Judas Priest - Free Wheel Burnin
- Judas Priest - Diamonds and Rust
- Judas Priest - Locked In
- Judas Priest - Johnny B. Goode
- Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Comin
- Judas Priest - Devil's Child
Top Versuri Judas Priest
01. Painkiller
Diamonds And Rust
Diamonds And Rust
05. Rock You All Around the World
Shadows In The Flame
Rock Hard Ride Free
Turbo Lover
Deep Freeze
Before The Dawn
Breaking The Law
01. Breaking the Law
Love Bites
Worth Fighting For
10. On the Run
Prisoner of Your Eyes
05. Close to You
03. All Guns Blazing
04. Come and Get It
01. Jugulator
07. Genocide
Wheels Of Fire
11. Lost and Found
02. Rocka Rolla
Breaking The Law
Running Wild
Night Crawler
06. Eat Me Alive
02. Hell Patrol
06. Night Crawler
Breaking The Law
02. Diamonds and Rust
08. A Touch of Evil
08. Johnny B. Goode
07. Between the Hammer & the Anvil
10. One Shot at Glory
Judas Rising
04. Never Satisfied
01. The Hellion
02. Jawbreaker
Breaking The Law
03. Dreamer Deceiver
05. Decapitate
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Judas Priest
- Angel Tab
- Turbo Lover Tab
- Breaking The Law Tab
- Diamonds And Rust (ver3) Tab
- Turn On Your Light Chords
- Fever Tab
- Before The Dawn Chords
- Youve Got Another Thing Coming Bass Tab
- Victim Of Changes Tab
- Worth Fighting For Chords
- Electric Eye Tab
- Worth Fighting For Tab
- Before The Dawn Tab
- Worth Fighting For Bass Tab
- Youve Got Another Thing Comin (ver4) Tab
- Angel Chords
- Tyrant Tab
- Revolution Tab
- Hell Bent For Leather ver2 Tab
- The Rage Tab
- A Touch Of Evil Solo Tab
- Wheels Of Fire Tab
- Sinner Tab
- The Sentinel Tab
- Race With The Devil Intro Tab
- Diamonds And Rust Intro Tab
- Delivering The Goods Tab
- Take These Chains Tab
- Rapid Fire (ver2) Tab
- Diamonds And Rust Live Tab
- Rocka Rolla Tab
- Youve Got Another Thing Comin Tab
- Revolution Intro Tab
- United Tab
- Hellrider Tab
- Steeler Tab
- The Ripper Bass Tab
- The Ripper Tab
- Running Wild Tab
- The Hellion (ver2) Tab
- United Bass Tab
- Painkiller Tab
- Rapid Fire Tab
- Bloodstone Tab
- You Got Another Thing Coming Tab
- White Heat Red Hot Tab
- Breaking The Law Bass Tab
- Cathedral Spires Tab
- Worth Fighting For (ver2) Tab
- Saints In Hell Tab