Canaries Chords - Kind Of Like Spitting

Artist: Kind of Like Spitting
Track: Canaries
Album: Bridges worth burning
Tabber: Andrew Biles

Standard tuning

G                        Am
Make what you can out of nothing

Keep bluffing your way to extinction

         C            D                                   
You're a sick f**k to think

           Em                         C     D               
That this, unlike anything else, will last forever

G                       Am                                 
Building rock anthems a jigsaw exterior

You see what you miss

        C                 D                               
But you can't stand to be near her

It's bigger than that you realize

                  C        D                              
But short-sighted impulses own what's left of your dignity

G                     Am                                   
Tell yourself quietly don't plow the field yet

       D/F#                 C             D                
You're waiting to grow some new life from retrospect

Em                                           C             
You know free agency pays little in the long run

But you just don't feel like your legs are that tired yet

Em             Am                                                     
Friends and go-betweens

Sing like canaries crushed in leaves

            Am             C                       
This is the thanks you get

Em               Am                                         
Somewhere that's sweet

Maybe someday we will meet

          Am        C   D   G                                
And I can thank you without strings

All these befores that get drilled on long after

D/F#                               C              D       
It's all just leverage when you're sure that it's over

Em                                           C           
The street goes blurry like a movie that you saw once

Minutes freeze but you can't collect the corners still

G                       Am                                 
She used to whisper you name like a refrain

D/F#                       C              D                
And when she held you, you know, you felt safer

But your demons are f*****g huge

You stack your deck to lose

You say there's nothing you can do

Well we all know that you're lying

Em             Am                                          
Friends and go-betweens

Sing like canaries crushed in Spring

            Am              C                             
This is the thanks you get

Em                   Am                                    
You get what you put in

I guess that's bullshit in the end

Written under fluorescent lights
     C           D      G        
That replace the sun at night

any questions? [email protected]