In 2025 se lanseaza un documentar oficial despre trupa KREATOR.
Intr-un nou interviu cu Andrew McKaysmith de la podcastul „Scars And Guitars”, liderul Kreator, Mille Petrozza, a impartasit vestea despre un proiect la care el si colegii sai de trupa lucreaza pentru a fi lansat in anul 2025. El a spus "You're the first one I'm telling this [to] — there will be a movie about the band made by a German director. And we will invite some people in the process to do some collaborations with us. And we haven't thought of who we're gonna work with yet, but there might be some obvious and some surprising guests on that album. It might be coming out along with the next KREATOR studio album, which we scheduled for 2025. It will be part of the movie."
Explicand la ce se pot astepta fanii de la filmul KREATOR, Mille a spus: "It's a documentary. But it will cover — it will basically focus on the present. We'll also take the director with us. She might come to Japan with us on the next tour and maybe even Australia; we haven't decided yet. And some stuff will be shot in Germany, some more like historic stuff. And we'll see. It's gonna be a full-length cinematic experience."
In luna mai trecuta, KREATOR a lansat un videoclip pentru piesa „Conquer And Destroy” de pe cel mai apreciat album al lor, „Hate Uber Alles”. Filmarea spectacolului a fost efectuata pe 4 martie 2023 in fata a 6.000 de oameni, fani KREATOR in Essen.
Cel de-al cincisprezecelea album de studio al lui KREATOR, „Hate Uber Alles”, a fost lansat in iunie 2022. Albumul a fost inregistrat la Hansa Tonstudio din Berlin, Germania. Conducerea sesiunilor de inregistrare s-a facut de catre Arthur Rizk, care a lucrat anterior cu CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, CODE ORANGE, POWER TRIP si SOULFLY, printre altele.
Art work-ul pentru „Hate Uber Alles” a fost creat de Eliran Kantor, care a lucrat anterior cu HATEBREED, SOULFLY, TESTAMENT, ICED EARTH si SODOM, printre altele.
„Hate Uber Alles” marcheaza primul album KREATOR cu bassistul Frederic Leclercq, care s-a alaturat grupului in 2019.
In martie 2020, KREATOR a lansat un nou single intitulat „666 - World Divided”. Piesa a fost produsa de Andy Sneap si Markus Ganter si a fost inregistrata la Hansa Tonstudios.
KREATOR a sustinut primul spectacol cu Leclercq in octombrie 2019 in Santiago, Chile.
Inainte de a se alatura trupei KREATOR, Leclercq a devenit faimos cantand la bass cu trupa de metal extreme din Marea Britanie DRAGONFORCE din 2005 pana in august 2019.
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