Led Zeppelin
Biografie Led Zeppelin
Trupa britanica Led Zeppelin s-a infiintat in septembrie 1968, in Londra. Inceputul formatiei Led Zeppelin este legat de trupa de blues rock The Yardbirds, din care facea parte Jimmy Page. In 1966, acesta paraseste The Yardbirds pentru a-si forma o noua trupa impreuna cu chitaristul Jeff Beck. In 1968, cei doi il coopteaza ca solist pe Robert Plant , un muzician din Birmingham. In aceasta componenta, formatia pleaca in turneu in Scandinavia sub numele de The New Yardbirds. Un an mai tarziu isi vor schimba numele in Led Zeppelin. Primele albume de studio se intituleaza Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin II si Led Zeppelin III. Cel din urma contine piesa Immigrant Song , care devine un succes pentru trupa, fiind lansat in 1970 ca single. Odata cu lansarea celui de-al patrulea album, Led Zeppelin incep sa atraga atentia presei si prin stilul de viata rebel si extravagant. Elemente de heavy metal sunt mixate cu pasaje de blues pe acest material. In ciuda faptului ca nu este lansata ca......Toata biografia Led Zeppelin
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Stiri cu Led Zeppelin
Documentarul 'Becoming Led Zeppelin' va avea premiera in cadrul Festivalului International de Film de la Venetia
Primul documentar al trupei Led Zeppelin va avea premiera luna viitoare la cea de-a 78-a editie al Festival International de Film de la Venetia. Proiectul este regizat de Bernard MacMahon si co-scris si produs de Allison McGourty, si contine noi interviuri cu Jimmy Page, Robert Plant si John Paul Jones, precum si...
Led Zeppelin va reedita single-ul 'Immigrant Song'
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The Rolling Stones au lansat o piesa inregistrata in 1974 cu Jimmy Page
The Rolling Stones au lansat piesa 'Scarlet'. Aceasta a fost inregistrata in 1974 cu Jimmy Page, chitaristul Led Zeppelin. Iata ce a declarat Keith Richards despre cum s-a ajuns ca formatia sa sa inregistreze cu Page. "My recollection is we walked in at the end of a Zeppelin session. They were...
Led Zeppelin vor transmite concertul 'Celebration Day' din 2007
Led Zeppelin au anuntat ca vor oferi un streaming al celebrului show de la reuniunea din 2007 ce a avut loc la O2 Arena din Londra. Show-ul care a durat peste doua ore va fi disponibil pe 30 mai pe canalul oficial de YouTube al trupei. "Is never far from people's lips. People ask me nearly every day...
Miley Cyrus a interpretat piese de la Led Zeppelin si Pink Floyd la iHeartRadio Music Festival - video
Miley Cyrus a urcat pe scena iHeartRadio Music Festival ce a avut loc in Las Vegas weekendul trecut. Aceasta a intepretat 'Black Dog' de la Led Zeppelin si 'Comfortably Numb' de la Pink Floyd. Ce a iesit vedeti mai jos.
Videoclipuri Led Zeppelin
- 03. The Song Remains the Same
- 09. Whole Lotta Love
- Stairway to Heaven
- 07. Communication Breakdown
- Led Zeppelin - Immigrant song
- Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven
- Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same
- Led Zeppelin - Communication Breakdown
- Led Zeppelin - Over The Hills And Far Away
- Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand
- Led Zeppelin - Whole lotta love
- Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
- Led Zeppelin - Since I've been Loving you
Muzica Led Zeppelin
Top Versuri Led Zeppelin
Stairway to Heaven
Whole Lotta Love
Dazed and Confused
Since Ive Been Loving You
04. Thank You
03. You Shook Me
01. Black Dog
01. Good Times Bad Times
06. All My Love
Nobodys Fault But Mine
02. What Is and What Should Never Be
Babe Im Gonna Leave You
02. Rock and Roll
08. When the Levee Breaks
Hey Hey What Can I Do
Dyer Maker
07. No Quarter
07. Going to California
I Cant Quit You Baby
Baby Come On Home
01. Immigrant Song
03. The Lemon Song
09. Bring It on Home
01. In the Evening
07. Tangerine
06. Gallows Pole
05. Dancing Days
Down By The Seaside
Were Gonna Groove
How Many More Times
02. For Your Life
07. Ramble On
13. Boogie With Stu
04. Hot Dog
I Cant Quit You Baby
03. The Battle of Evermore
01. Achilles Last Stand
03. Fool in the Rain
05. Your Time Is Gonna Come
03. Over the Hills and Far Away
07. In the Light
01. Custard Pie
03. In My Time of Dying
07. Communication Breakdown
Thats The Way
06. Hots on for Nowhere
05. Trampled Under Foot
02. Friends
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Led Zeppelin
- Stairway To Heaven Tab
- Baby Im Gonna Leave You Tab
- Going To California Chords
- Stairway To Heaven Chords
- Whole Lotta Love Tab
- Out On The Tiles Tab
- Over The Hills And Far Away Chords
- Bron Yr Aur Stomp Tab
- Whole Lotta Love Bass Tab
- Trampled Under Foot Tab
- Your Time Is Gonna Come Tab
- Your Time Is Gonna Come (ver3) Tab
- When The Levee Breaks Tab
- Your Time Is Gonna Come Bass Tab
- Traveling Riverside Blues Tab
- Bron Yr Aur Tab
- Stairway To Heaven Solo Tab
- Wah Wah Song Tab
- Battle Of Evermore Chords
- Travelling Riverside Blues (ver4) Tab
- Whole Lotta Love (ver2) Tab
- Led Zeppelin 4 (album) Tab
- Stairway To Heaven Solo (ver3) Tab
- Travelling Riverside Blues (ver2) Tab
- Hey Lady Chords
- Whole Lotta Love Intro Tab
- The Rain Song Tab
- The Rain Song (ver2) Tab
- Trampled Underfoot Bass Tab
- The Ocean Bass Tab
- The Ocean (ver2) Bass Tab
- You Shook Me Bass Tab
- You Shook Me Tab
- Whole Lotta Love (ver10) Tab
- White Summer Black Mountain Side Tab
- Whole Lotta Love (ver11) Tab
- The Rain Song (ver3) Tab
- Travelling Riverside Blues Tab
- Whole Lotta Love (ver8) Tab
- When The World Was Young Tab
- Yallah Tab
- Whole Lotta Love (ver4) Tab
- Were Gonna Groove (ver2) Tab
- Trampled Underfoot (ver2) Bass Tab
- Whole Lotta Love (ver9) Tab
- The Ocean (ver3) Bass Tab
- You Shook Me (ver2) Tab
- Your Time Is Gonna Come (ver2) Tab
- Whole Lotta Love (ver7) Tab
- The RoverBass Tab