Leonard Cohen
Biografie Leonard Cohen
Unul dintre cei mai interesanti si perseverenti cantareti, poate cel mai de succes compozitor al anilor 60, Leonard Cohen a uimit pasionatii de muzica adevarata si criticii infocati, umbrind in totalitate imaginea contemporanilor sai. Cohen s-a lansat cu zece ani inainte de aparitia trupelor Beatles si Rolling Stones si cu un an inaintea lansarii lui Elvis Presley, insa caracteristicile intelectuale, personale si sociale nu sunt cu mult diferite de ale celorlalti artisti rock. De asemenea nu poate fi comparat cu generatia folk nascuta in aceeasi perioada. Cantaretul si-a inceput cariera in muzica abia la 30 de ani, dupa ce a publicat cateva carti. Ca romancier si poet, performanta literara a depasit-o cu mult pe cea a lui Bob Dylan desi vocea lui este mai putin atragatoare. Leonard Cohen s-a nascut intr-o familie de evrei in suburbia Westmount a Montrealului. Tatal sau a murit cand baiatul avea 9 ani insa a fost incurajat de familie sa isi exprime sentimentele prin pasiunea sa.......Toata biografia Leonard Cohen
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Leonard Cohen la Bucuresti: Nu un concert, ci un spectacol!
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3 ore de Leonard Cohen la Bucuresti
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Videoclipuri Leonard Cohen
- 01. In My Secret Life
- 07. Alexandra Leaving
- 01. First We Take Manhattan
- 01. Dance Me to the End of Love
- 05. Hallelujah
Muzica Leonard Cohen
Top Versuri Leonard Cohen
Dance Me To The End Of Love
A Thousand Kisses Deep
01. In My Secret Life
Boogie Street
In My Secret Life
12. So Long, Marianne
Everybody Knows
You Have Loved Enough
Bird On The Wire
Lover Lover Lover
True Love Leaves No Traces
Closing Time
Dance Me To The End Of Love
Alexandra Leaving
05. Hallelujah
07. Alexandra Leaving
Alexandra Leaving
The Great Event
The Smokey Life
The Future
Tower Of Song
Waiting For The Miracle
I Can't Forget
Bird on The Wire
You Know Who I Am
If It Be Your Will
Here It Is
Story Of Isaac
The Stranger Song
Coming Back To You
Field Commander Cohen
Closing Time
Dear Heather
I Tried To Leave You
So Long, Marianne
Everybody Knows
Because Of
There For You
Hey, Thats No Way to Say Goodbye
The Future
Love Itself
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Leonard Cohen
- Hallelujah Chords
- Suzanne (ver2) Tab
- Famous Blue Raincoat Chords
- Who By Fire Tab
- A Thousand Kisses Deep Chords
- If It Be Your Will Chords
- Chelsea Hotel No2 Chords
- In My Secret Life Chords
- Hallelujah (ver5) Chords
- Guests Tab
- Diamonds In The Mine Chords
- Tennessee Waltz Chords
- The Partisan Tab
- Halleluja Chords
- Suzanne Chords
- So Long Marianne Chords
- Chelsea Hotel Chords
- Tonight Will Be Fine Chords
- The Traitor Tab
- Closing Time Chords
- First We Take Manhattan Chords
- Dress Rehearsal Rag Chords
- The Stranger Song Chords
- Song Of Bernadette Chords
- Tower Of Song Chords
- Master Song Chords
- Everybody Knows Chords
- Lady Midnight Chords
- Dance Me To Tab
- Stranger Song Chords
- Hallelujah (ver2) Chords
- Hallelujah (ver4) Chords
- Suzanne Tab
- Hallelujah (ver3) Chords
- The Future Chords
- Avalanche Tab
- So Long Marianne (ver2) Chords
- Sisters Of Mercy Chords
- Famous Blue Raincoat Tab
- You Know Who I Am Chords
- Chelsea Hotel (ver2) Chords
- Winter Lady Chords
- There Is War Chords
- The Window Chords
- I Tried To Leave You Tab
- Im Your Man Chords
- Seems So Long Ago Chords
- Last Years Man Chords
- The Stanger Song Tab
- Theres No Reason Why You Should Chords