Linkin Park
Biografie Linkin Park
Linin Park este o formatie de Nu-metal ce provine din California. S-a format in 1996, iar de atunci au vandut peste 50 de milioane de albume. Printre succese se numara si doua premii Grammy. Primul succes in mainstream l-au dobandit in 2000, o data cu albumul de debut, Hybrid Theory . Urmatorul album de studio, Meteora , a ajuns in Billboard 200 si a fost urmat de un turneu mondial. Linkin Park sunt recunoscuti pentru adaptarea genului Nu-metal in aria mainstream. Printre piesele de succes se numara, "In the End", "Crawling", "Numb" si "What I've Done". De asemenea, exista cateva colaborari, precum cea cu Jay-Z . Ultimul album, Minutes to Midnight, a fost lansat in mai 2007 si reprezinta un nou capitol pe plan muzical. Albumul a vandut 625.000 de exemplare, inca din prima saptamana. Numele de Linkin Park este o abreviere a lui Licoln Park, situat in Santa Monica. Hybrid Theory a fost vandut in peste 5 milioane de exemplare si a fost desemnat drept cel mai bine vandut......Toata biografia Linkin Park
Artisti cu stiluri similare: AC/DC
Guns N Roses
Vita de Vie
Bon Jovi
Deep Purple
Green Day
Stiri cu Linkin Park
Linkin Park sarbatoreste 20 de ani de la debut prin lansarea editiei aniversare a albumului Hybrid Theory
Pe 24 octombrie 2000, Linkin Park lansa Hybrid Theory , un album care a schimbat cursul muzicii rock pentru totdeauna. Doua decenii mai tarziu, trupa aduce in prim-plan o retrospectiva a unui moment-cheie al carierei si dezvaluie mult asteptatul Hybrid Theory: 20th Anniversary Edition . Saptamana trecuta,...
Linkin Park au lansat versiunea demo a piesei 'In The End'
Versiunea demo a piesei va fi inclusa pe albumul aniversar "Hybrid Theory" ce va fi lansat pe 9 octombrie via Warner Records "It's incredible to think it's been 20 years since 'Hybrid Theory' was released. All gratitude to our fans who made this epic journey we started 20 years ago possible. We...
Linkin Park a lansat o piesa noua, 'She Couldn't'
Linkin Park sarbatoresc anul acesta doua decenii de la aparitia materialului de studio cu care au debutat, Hybrid Theory. Formatia va scoate o editie aniversara a albumului, iar acum au oferit fanilor piesa 'She Couldn't' care va fi inclusa pe noua editie a albumului. It's incredible to think...
Un grup de 266 de muzicieni au facut un cover al piesei 'In the End' de la Linkin Park
Dupa recodrul de un miliard de vizualizari pe YouTube, piesa de pe albumul "Reanimation" din 2002, "In the End", a fost interpretata de un grup de 266 de muzicieni di 35 de tari. 2020 brought us a lot of challenges but they couldn’t stop us from rocknmobing! This time 266 musicians, 35...
Linkin Park mai are cel putin o piesa inregistrata cu Chester care nu a fost lansata
Dezvaluirea a venit de la Mike Shinoda in timpul unui Live sustinut pe canalul sau de Twitch. Mike a declarat ca piesa a fost scrisa impreuna cu Jon Green si trebuia initial sa faca parte de pe albumul "One More Light". There was a song – a One More Light song that… we mixed more...
Videoclipuri Linkin Park
- Somewhere I Belong
- Faint
- Numb
- Papercut
- One Step Closer
- Crawling
- In the End
- Breaking The Habit
- What I`ve Done
- Given Up
- Leave Out All the Rest
- Bleed It Out
- LinkinPark - Numb
- Linkin Park - What I've Done
- Linkin Park - Given Up
- Linkin Park - Bleed It Out
- Linkin Park - In The End
- Linkin Park- One Step Closer
- Linkin Park - Faint
- Linkin Park - Paper Cut
Muzica Linkin Park
Top Versuri Linkin Park
Leave Out All the Rest
New Divide
In the End
What I`ve Done
A Place For My Head
The Catalyst
Leave Out All The Rest
Given Up
Somewhere I Belong
My December
Step Up
Nobodys Listening
Dont Stay
Valentine s Day
Part Of Me
High Voltage
The Little Things Give You Away
Its Going Down
In The End
Super Xero By Myself
By Myself
Given Up
Bleed It Out
In Pieces
In the End
And One
Morning After
No More Sorrow
Jigga What / Faint
One Step Closer
Esaul A Place For My Head
Points Of Authority / 99 Problems / One Step Closer
Pushing Me Away
What Ive Done
Somewhere I Belong
I Have Not Begun
Breaking the Habit
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Linkin Park
- New Divide Tab
- New Divide Chords
- Pushing Me Away Chords
- Numb Acoustic Tab
- What Ive Done Chords
- Pushing Me Away Live Acoustic Tab
- Shadow Of The Day (ver2) Chords
- Numb Acoustic Chords
- No More Sorrow Live Tab
- In The End Chords
- Leave Out All The Rest Tab
- In The End Tab
- New Divide Bass Tab
- Bubbles Chords
- A Place For My Head Tab
- Valentines Day Chords
- In The End Piano Intro Tab
- What Ive Done Tab
- In The End Acoustic Tab
- Numb Tab
- Shadow Of The Day Chords
- Leave Out All The Rest Chords
- What Ive Done (ver7) Tab
- One Step Closer Acoustic Chords
- No More Sorrow Chords
- Somewhere I Belong Chords
- With You Remix Bass Tab
- All Tabs Of Linkin Park (album) Tab
- Somewhere I Belong (ver2) Chords
- Shadow Of The Day (ver2) Bass Tab
- Somewhere I Belong (ver2) Bass Tab
- With You (ver4) Bass Tab
- With You Tab
- What Ive Done (ver6) Tab
- Wake Live Tab
- What Ive Done (ver2) Tab
- Wish Live Tab
- What Ive Done (ver3) Tab
- With You Bass Tab
- Somewhere I Belong (ver3) Chords
- X-ecutioner Style Tab
- What Ive Done (ver5) Tab
- Shadow Of The Day (ver3) Chords
- With You (ver2) Tab
- X-ecutioner Style Bass Tab
- With You (ver3) Tab
- What Ive Done (ver4) Tab
- Somewhere I Belong (ver2) Tab
- Valentines Day Tab
- Forgotten (ver3) Bass Tab