Biografie Mastodon
Mastodon este o trupa ce provine din Atlanta, Georgia. Sunt clasificati drept o trupa de heavy metal, insa au existat intodeauna dezbateri pe aceasta tema. Stilul trupei include elemente heavy, hardcore, melodice precum si jazz. Mastodon a fost formata in 1999, de catre Brann Dailor si Bill Kelliher, fosti membri Lethargy si Today is the Day. Can s-au mutat in Altanta, cei doi l-au intalnit pe Troy Sanders si Bret Hinds. Impreuna, au inregistrat un demo in 2000. Discul a fost vandut in cadrul concertelor. In 2001, trupa a semnat cu Relapse Records, sub egida carora au lansat Lfesblood si Remission . Albumul Leviathan a fost lansat in 2004. Discul a avut parte de critici foarte favorabile, fiind premiat de catre revistele Revolver, Kerrang!, Metal Hammer si Terrorizer. Discul este un album concept, bazat pe cartea Moby Dick. La sfarsitul lui 2006, Mastodon a sustinut un turneu cu Tool, pentru a promova noul album intitulat Blood Mountain. Piesa Colony of Birchmen a fost......Toata biografia Mastodon
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Stiri cu Mastodon
Mastodon au interpretat live 'Teardrinker' la 'Night With Seth Meyers'
Trupa de progressive metal au fost invitatii muzicali in cadrul show-ului 'Night With Seth Meyers' ce a avut loc pe 23 noiembrie. Mastodon au interpretat single-ul 'Teardrinker' care este preluat de pe cel mai recent album al trupei, 'Hushed And Grim', care a aparut pe 29 octombrie. Materialul live pentru...
Mastodon au lansat un nou single, 'Sickle And Peace'
Piesa este preluata de pe viitorul album al trupei, 'Hushed And Grim', care va fi disponibil pe 29 octombrie. Noul single 'Sickle And Peace' poate fi ascultat mai jos.
Mastodon au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Teardrinker'
Noua melodie este preluata de pe viitorul album, 'Hushed And Grim', care va fi disponibil pe 29 octombrie. Bateristul trupei, Brann Dailor, a declarat urmatoarele: "Essentially, to be brief, [the tree] is an afterlife mythology that when you pass away, your spirit goes into the heart of a tree and...
Mastodon au lansat single-ul 'Forged by Neron' ca parte a 'Dark Nights: Death Metal Soundtrack'
Mastodon s-au alaturat DC Comics si Loma Vista Recordings pentru a face parte din proiectul 'Dark Nights: Death Metal Soundtrack'. Trupa a lansat single-ul 'Forged by Neron' ce face parte din soundtrack-ul seriei de benzi desenate create de Scott Snyder si Greg Capullo. Melodia 'Forged by Neron' poate fi...
Concertul sustinut de Mastodon la 'Adult Swim Festival' este disponibil online
Mastodon au interpretat un set de 5 melodii in cadrul evenimentului. Piesele alese de formatie au fost "Asleep In The Deep", "Thickening", "Steambreather", "The Motherload" si "Blood And Thunder". Concertul poate fi vazut mai jos.
Videoclipuri Mastodon
Top Versuri Mastodon
The Czar
Ghost Of Karelia
Joseph Merrick
Blood and Thunder
Naked Burn
Crusher Destroyer
Thank You For This
Pendulous Skin
Welcoming War
Capillarian Crest
Circle of Cysquatch
Hand of Stone
Battle At Sea
Hunters of the Sky
Sleeping Giant
Burning Man
Where Strides the Behemoth
The Wolf Is Loose
Colony of Birchmen
Welcoming War
Hail To Fire
Iron Tusk
Ole Nessie
I Am Ahab
Call Of The Mastodon
Trampled Under Hoof
Mother Puncher
Hearts Alive
We Built This Come Death
Crystal Skull
Shadows That Move
Hail To Fire
Slick Leg
This Mortal Soil
Shadows That Move
Battle At Sea
March of the Fire Ants
Siberian Divide
The Last Baron
Deep Sea Creature
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Mastodon
- Oblivion Intro Tab
- The Last Baron Tab
- The Czar Tab
- Ghost Of Karelia Tab
- Divinations Tab
- Colony Of Birchmen Bass Tab
- Crystal Skull Tab
- Where Strides The Behemoth Tab
- Sleeping Giant Tab
- Workhorse Tab
- Shadows That Move Bass Tab
- This Mortal Soil (ver2) Tab
- Circle Of Cysquatch Tab
- Megalodon Tab
- Quintessence ver2 Tab
- Joseph Merrick Tab
- Blood And Thunder (ver2) Bass Tab
- Sleeping Giant (ver2) Tab
- Wolf Is Loose (ver3) Tab
- Workhorse Bass Tab
- Seabeast Intro Tab
- Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife Tab
- This Mortal Soil Tab
- Blood And Thunder Intro Tab
- I Am Ahab Bass Tab
- Seabeast Tab
- Mother Puncher Tab
- Colony Of Birchmen Tab
- March Of The Fire Ants Bass Tab
- Megalodon Bass Tab
- Wolf Is Loose Bass Tab
- Island Tab
- Aqua Dementia Intro Tab
- Crusher Destroyer Tab
- Pendulous Skin Tab
- Naked Burn (ver2) Tab
- March Of The Fire Ants Tab
- Seabeast Bass Tab
- Siberian Divide Tab
- Naked Burn Tab
- We Built This Come Death Tab
- Iron Tusk Bass Tab
- Trilobyte Tab
- Wolf Is Loose (ver2) Tab
- Wolf Is Loose Tab
- Mother Puncher Bass Tab
- Hunters Of The Sky Tab
- Crystal Skull Bass Tab
- Trampled Under Hoof Tab
- Ole Nessie Tab