Biografie Megadeth
Trupa americana de heavy metal Megadeth a luat fiinta in 1983, dupa ce solistul Dave Mustaine a parasit Metallica, de fapt dupa ce a fost concediat de acesta trupa din pricina problemelor pe care le avea cu alcoolul si drogurile. De la infiintare si pana in prezent, trupa a scos 11 albume de studio, trei EP-uri si doua albume live. Cea mai mare parte a discografiei Megadeth este incadrata in categoria thrash metal, chiar daca prin anii '90 muzica lor a inceput sa fie cu mult mai accesibila unui public mai larg decat thrash metalul clasic. Pe la mijlocul anilor'80, Megadeth castiga un numar destul de mare de fani, dar ascensiunea lor este incetinita de numeroase probleme de componenta, in parte datorate consumului de droguri a diferitilor membrii, printre care si solistul Mustaine. Odata ce acestea au disparut si trupa si-a gasit o componenta stabila, in perioada 1986-1997 au urmat cateva albume de succes, printre care si cel nominalizat la premiile Grammy, Countdown to......Toata biografia Megadeth
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Stiri cu Megadeth
Megadeth la Romexpo: Program si reguli de acces
Megadeth canta in Romania pe 10 iunie la Romexpo in aer liber in cadrul unui warm-up party Metalhead Meeting. Alaturi de Megadeth pe scena vor urca si Vendetta FM (Spania) si Stellvris (Cehia). 1. REGULI DE ACCES Concertul are loc in Parcarea C de la Romexpo. Accesul se va face prin Intrarea C , din...
Megadeth a dat startul turneului care va ajunge si la Bucuresti
Megadeth a inceput turneul din America de Sud cu un prim concert la Lima, capitala statului Peru. Setlistul concertului a continut in premiera si piesa 'The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead!', piesa care da si numele celui mai recent material discografic semnat Megadeth. Mai jos puteti...
Dave Mustaine se pregateste sa compuna urmatorul album Megadeth
Cel mai recent material de studio semnat Megadeth, "The Sick, the Dying... and the Dead!" a fost lansat in Septebrie 2022, insa se pare ca Dave Mustaine este deja pregatit sa compuna pentru urmatorul album. Intr-un interviu acordat recent, artistul a declarat ca vede posibil ca pana la...
Megadeth a inregistrat un cover al piesei "Delivering The Goods" de la Judas Priest
Megadeth a inregistrat un cover al piesei „Delivering The Goods” de la Judas Priest. Liderul MEGADETH, Dave Mustaine, a fost invitatul principal la emisiunea BBC „The Rock Show With Johnnie Walker” in timpul segmentului „Rock God”. Dave l-a ales pe chitaristul de la JUDAS PRIEST...
Megadeth a lansat un nou site web dedicat noului lor album, The Sick, The Dying... and The Dead!
Megadeth a lansat un nou site web dedicat noului lor album, The Sick, The Dying... and The Dead! la doar cateva zile dupa ce au publicat o imagine care sugera ca se va intampla ceva pe 23 iunie. Pe retelele de socializare, legendele thrash au impartasit urmatorul mesaj: "The sick, the dying and the dead are...
Videoclipuri Megadeth
- 22. Symphony of Destruction
- Never Walk Alone...A Call To Arms
- Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde
- Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde
- Megadeth - Hangar 18
- Megadeth - Trust
- Megadeth - Holy Wars
- Megadeth - Sweating Bullets
- Megadeth - Lucretia
- Megadeth - Anarchy in the UK
- Megadeth - Peace Sells
- Megadeth - Tornado of souls
- Megadeth - She Wolf
- Megadeth - Promises
- Megadeth - Washington Is Next!
- Megadeth - Train Of Consequences
- Megadeth - Breadline
- Megadeth - Hangar 18/Set The World Afire
- Megadeth - Gears of War
- Megadeth - Wake Up Dead
Muzica Megadeth
Top Versuri Megadeth
Angry Again
Symphony Of Destruction
02. Symphony of Destruction
Symphony Of Destruction
Tout Le Monde
11. Shadow of Deth
10. She-Wolf
A Tout Le Monde (Set Me Free)
Dread And The Fugitive Mind
06. Promises
The Boots
04. A Tout le Monde
04. The Scorpion
Angry Again
08. Family Tree
03. Take No Prisoners
03. Moto Psycho
Hangar 18
Sweating Bullets
01. Trust
Special Live Track
01. Last Rites/Loved to Death
The Right To Go Insane
02. Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good
Hangar 18
08. A Secret Place
06. Lucretia
Gears Of War
07. Back in the Day
In My Darkest Hour
Never Walk Alone...A Call To Arms
03. Kick the Chair
04. 1000 Times Goodbye
99 Ways To Die
01. Blackmail the Universe
Tout Le Monde
01. Disconnect
06. I Know Jack
10. Of Mice and Men
Gears Of War
Loved To Death
09. Truth Be Told
09. Psychotron
07. Countdown to Extinction
01. Insomnia
09. Dread and the Fugitive Mind
Black Swan
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Megadeth
- The Hardest Part Of Letting Go Sealed With A Kiss Intro Tab
- Tornado Of Souls Tab
- Symphony Of Destruction Tab
- Symphony Of Destruction (ver7) Tab
- Mechanix Solo Tab
- Wake Up Dead Bass Tab
- A Tout Le Monde Tab
- Youthanasia Tab
- Trust Tab
- Head Crusher Tab
- A Tout Le Monde (ver2) Tab
- Angry Again Tab
- Train Of Consequences Tab
- World Needs A Hero Bass Tab
- Washington Is Next Tab
- Use The Man Tab
- Call Of Ktulu Tab
- This Was My Life Tab
- Youthanasia (ver3) Tab
- Trust (ver3) Tab
- Symphony Of Destruction Bass Tab
- Youthanasia Bass Tab
- Wanderlust Tab
- Time The Beginning (ver2) Tab
- The Disintegrators Tab
- Symphony Of Destruction (ver3) Tab
- The Hardest Part Of Letting Go Sealed With A Kiss Tab
- A Toute Le Monde Tab
- United Abominations Tab
- A Tout Le Monde (ver3) Tab
- Washington Is Next (ver3) Tab
- Paranoid Tab
- Youthanasia (ver2) Tab
- Truth Be Told Tab
- Washington Is Next (ver2) Tab
- Wake Up Dead (ver2) Tab
- Wake Up The Dead Tab
- Victory Tab
- Wake Up Dead Tab
- Victory (ver2) Tab
- Train Of Conseguenses Solo Tab
- Vortex Bass Tab
- Victory Bass Tab
- World Needs A Hero Tab
- Train Of Consequences Bass Tab
- Anthology Set The World Afire Disc One Album Tab
- Tornado Of Souls (ver3) Tab
- World Needs A Hero (ver2) Bass Tab
- World Needs A Hero (ver3) Tab
- Vortex Tab