Metallica si Lou Reed vor lansa in data de 1 noiembrie un album intitulat Lulu, rezultatul colaborarii dintre acesti muzicieni.
Materialul a fost co-produs de Reed, Metallica, Hal Wilner (Reed, Marianne Faithfull si Laurie Anderson) si Greg Fidelman.
Versurile pentru piesa Cheat On Me pot fi gasite mai jos:
Why do you cheat on me
Why do I cheat on thee
Why do I cheat on me
Why do I cheat on me
I have a passionate heart
It can tear us apart
I have the loves of many men
But I don’t love any of them
Why do I cheat on me
You have your feelings
I have mine
I spit upon you and change my mind
I have many hearts to break
And many, many, many more to take
Let the light of stars pour out
Like a candle in a spout
Let the wick recede and break
Let the starlight radiate
Why do you cheat on me
Why do I cheat on me
Why do I cheat on thee
Why do I desecrate me
Why do I p**s my dreams
That’s because that’s what it is
I have the drive
I got the scope
If I, if I, if I, could I give you a rope
Your love means zero to me
I’m a passionateless wave upon the sea
Passionateless wave upon the sea
Why, why, why
Do you cheat on me
Why, why, why
Do I cheat on thee
Oh why, do I cheat on me
Why do I cheat on myself
Well I got nobody else
I’m only young once
I want to taste it all and have fun
I have no real feelings in my soul
Where most have passion I got a hole
I really got nobody else
I want lovers like the rain
So many of them, so much the same
You say you love me, I know it’s true
But I, I, I don’t love you
Why do I cheat on me
Why do you cheat on me
Your love means zero to me
A passionateless wave
Your love means zero to me [End of lyrics]
"Lulu" a fost inspirata de piesele "Earth Spirit" si "Pandora's Box" semnate de scriitorul german Frank Wededkind, care spun povestea vietii si relatiilor unei tinere dansatoare abuzate. De la publicare pana in prezent, aceste scrieri au avut parte de numeroase adaptari, printre care o adaptare in opera si un film mut.
Versurile si decorul muzical au fost scrise de Reed initial pentru o productie dramaturgica in Berlin, dar dupa intalnirea cu Metallica, lucrurile au luat o alta directie.
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