Stiluri: Progressive
Biografie Muse
Formatia Muse este alcatuita din Matthew Bellamy (chitara), Chris Wolstenholme (bass), Dominic Howard (tobe) si provine din Teignmouth, Devon.
Concert Muse la Bucuresti + VIDEO + POZE
Este greu de spus exact genul de muzica abordat de Muse , se poate insa afirma ca sunetul lor este nou, proaspat si de neegalat, ceea ce il face cu siguranta unic. Unul dintre factorii principali care fac posibil acest lucru este talentatul Matt Bellamy, posesorul unei voci inconfundabile.
Pvestea Muse incepe cand Matt, Dom si Chris au format Rocket Baby Dolls si au intrat intr-o competitie `battle of the bands`. Castigand concursul, au aratat o oarecare furie fata de tot aranjamentul, distrugand totul de pe scena.
Au realizat mai tarziu ca pot folosi aceasta furie in avantajul lor, asa ca in locul unei formatii violente si cu un temperament respingator, Rocket Baby Dolls a fost redenumita Muse, ca o formatie plina de pace si liniste, dar pastrand acel sentiment de ura si durere.......Toata biografia Muse
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Stiri cu Muse
Muse lanseaza o piesa noua, cu un sound diferit si growluri!
Dragi fani ai Muse, Matt Bellamy si echipa au trecut la nivelul urmator in materie de performance, lansand probabil cea mai grea melodie de pana acum din catalogul lor muzical. „Kill or Be Killed” este o piesa plina de chitare agresive, tobe contrabas si da, chiar si de un growl al lui Matt Bellamy....
Muse au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Compliance'
Trupa a revenit cu un nou single extras de pe albumul 'Will Of The People' care va fi disponibil pe 26 august. Solistul trupei, Matt Bellamy, a declarat urmatoarele: "'Compliance' is about submission to authoritarian rules and reassuring untruths to be accepted to an in-group. Gangs, governments,...
Muse au revenit cu un nou single, 'Won't Stand Down'
Trupa a lansat un un nou single produs si mixat de catre producatorul si compozitorul Dan Lancaster' "Won't Stand Down is a song about standing your ground against bullies, whether that be on the playground, at work or anywhere. Protecting yourself from coercion and sociopathic manipulation and to face...
Muse se apuca de metal!
Muse este una dintre cele mai cunoscute formatii din lume, iar acum se pare ca artistii doresc sa experimenteze. In cadrul unui live pe Instagram, solistul Muse, Matt Bellamy, a oferit fanilor o mica parte dintr-o piesa, sau mai bine zis o viitoare piesa, a formatiei. Soundul caracteristic Muse este...
Muse pregatesc un nou single
Matt Bellamy de la Muse a dezvaluit ca a compus o noua piesa in timpul carantinei. Piesa se va numi "Tomorrow's World" si va fi lansata in curand. Iata ce a declarat Matt: "New track I made during lockdown, out very soon #tomorrowsworld", we hear an incredibly rousing score as an image of...
Videoclipuri Muse
- Time Is Running Out
- Sing for Absolution
- Hysteria
- Plug in Baby
- 10. Feeling Good
- Sunburn
- Uno
- Supermassive Black Hole
- Starlight
- Invincible
- Knights of Cydonia
- Muse - Starlight
- Muse - Feeling Good
- Muse - Hysteria
- Muse - Knights of Cydonia
- Muse - Supermassive Black Hole
- Muse - Invincible
- Muse - Muscle Museum
- Muse - Butterflies and hurricanes
- Muse - New Born
Muzica Muse
Top Versuri Muse
Survival (London 2012 Olympics Song)
Supermassive Black Hole
Feeling Good
Undisclosed Desires
Plug In Baby
Supermassive Black Hole
Take A Bow
Plug in Baby
Knights Of Cydonia
Time Is Running Out
Sing For Absolution
Space Dementia
New Born
Stockholm Syndrome
Apocalypse Please
Falling Down
Micro Cuts
Exogenesis: Symphony Part I
Dark Shines
Hyper Chondriac Music
Ruled By Secrecy
City Of Delusion
Falling Away With You
Forced In
Map Of The Problematique
Dead Star
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Muse
- Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist Chords
- Supermassive Black Hole Chords
- Cant Take My Eyes Off You Chords
- Stockholm Syndrome Chords
- Feeling Good Chords
- Guiding Light Solo Tab
- Plug In Baby Acoustic Chords
- Time Is Running Out Acoustic Chords
- Starlight Acoustic Tab
- Unnatural Selection Intro Tab
- Unintended Chords
- Undisclosed Desires Chords
- Starlight Chords
- Unintended Tab
- Hyper Chondriac Music Tab
- Hysteria Bass Tab
- Time Is Running Out Acoustic (ver2) Chords
- Take A Bow Chords
- Stockholm Syndrome Bass Tab
- Starlight Acoustic Chords
- Supermassive Black Hole Tab
- Cave Acoustic Tab
- Unintended (ver2) Chords
- Unintended (ver2) Tab
- Uno Acoustic Tab
- Bliss Acoustic Chords
- Cant Take My Eyes Off You (ver2) Tab
- Interlude Tab
- Yes Please Bass Tab
- Soaked Chords
- Rain Tab
- Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist Bass Tab
- Unintended Bass Tab
- Time Is Running Out Bass Tab
- Supermassive Black Hole (ver8) Tab
- Time Is Running Out (ver5) Tab
- Hysteria Bass Tab
- Supermassive Black Hole (ver2) Bass Tab
- Supermassive Black Hole (ver2) Tab
- Time Is Running Out (ver4) Bass Tab
- Sunburn Acoustic Tab
- Origin Of Symmety (album) Chords
- Supermassive Black Hole Bass Tab
- Supermassive Black Hole (ver4) Tab
- Time Is Running Out Tab
- The Groove Bass Tab
- Starlight Tab
- Assassin Chords
- Blackout Chords
- Undisclosed Desires ver3 Chords