Neil Young
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Stiri cu Neil Young
Neil Young boicoteaza Starbucks
Cunoscut pentru reactiile civice, Neil Young a declarat ca boicoteaza reteaua comerciala Starbucks si solicita fanilor sai sa faca acelasi lucru. Aceasta reactie vine ca raspuns la decizia companiei de a se alia cu gigantul agrochimic Monsanto intr-un proces impotriva statului Vermont. Actiunea...
Neil Young isi anuleaza concertul din Tel Aviv, din motive de securitate
"Neil Young and Crazy Horse" si-au anulat evenimentul care trebuia sa aiba loc pe 17 iulie, in parcul Hayarkon, din capitala Israelului, in urma conflictelor violente dintre israelieni si palestinieni. Cu toate ca la primul concert al artistului de dupa anii '90 se vandusera deja...
Neil Young a castigat Grammy-ul pentru Best Rock Song
Neil Young a castigal premiul Grammy 2011 la categoria Best Rock Song, pentru piesa " Angry World ". In competitie se aflau "Little Lion Man" (Mumford And Sons), "Radioactive" (Kings Of Leon), "Resistance" (Muse) si "Tighten Up" (The Black Keys)....
Neil Young este rasplatit pentru gesturi umanitare
Neil Young va primi premiul Allan Waters Humanitarian Award la decernarea Juno 2011, pentru eforturi umanitare. Titlul este acordat muzicienilor care au acordat timo, bani si energie cauzelor caritabile. Acest premiu vizeaza in speical participarea la seria de concerte caritabile Farm Aid din 1985 si...
Depozitul lui Neil Young a fost implicat intr-un incediu. Pagube de un milion de dolari
Un depozit din San Carlos, California apartinand lui Neil Young a ars in dimineata zilei de 10 noiembrie. Depozitul era plin cu echipament muzical, masini vintage si alte obiecte de valoare dintre care o parte au fost distruse complet. Pagubele se ridica la 1.1. milioane de dolari. Muncitorii au salvat doar o...
Videoclipuri Neil Young
Muzica Neil Young
Top Versuri Neil Young
Down Down Down
Change Your Mind
Love Hotel
Don't Say You Love Me
Dance, Dance, Dance
Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown
Don't Cry
Old Man
Around The World
Beautiful Bluebird
Nothing Is Perfect
Let It Shine
Goin' Back
Old King
Surfer Joe And Moe The Sleaze
Train Of Love
Two Old Friends
Union Man
Better Than Silver And Gold
Devil's Sidewalk
I'm Goin'
Payola Blues
Rapid Transit
Without Rings
Heart Of Gold
Sleeps With Angels
The Restless Consumer
Ordinary People
My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
4-way Street Medley
After Berlin
After The Goldrush
Borrowed Tune
Broken Arrow
Cocaine Eyes
Dreamin' Man
Last Of His Kind (The Farm Aid Song)
Pictures In My Mind
Cinnamon Girl
Computer Cowboy
Crime Of The Heart
Cry, Cry, Cry
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Neil Young
- Comes A Time (album) Chords
- Journey Through The Past Chords
- Light A Candle Chords
- Unplugged (album) Chords
- River Of Pride Chords
- Just Singing A Song Chords
- Tonights The Night Acoustic Tab
- Come On Baby Lets Go Downtown Chords
- Love In Mind Chords
- My My Hey Hey Chords
- No Wonder Chords
- No Hidden Path Tab
- Keep On Rockin In The Free World Chords
- Heart Of Gold Chords
- Lotta Love Chords
- Dead Man Solo Tab
- Rockin In The Free World Chords
- The Needle And The Damage Done Chords
- 4 Way Street Medley Chords
- Dont Let It Bring You Down Chords
- Bad Fog Of Loneliness Tab
- Albuquerque Chords
- Harvest Moon (album) Chords
- Far From Home Chords
- When God Made Me Chords
- Old Man Chords
- You And Me Chords
- Look Out For My Love Tab
- You And Me Tab
- Like A Hurricane Chords
- My My Hey Hey (ver2) Tab
- Will To Love Chords
- Motion Pictures For Carrie Chords
- Southern Man (ver2) Chords
- Round And Round Chords
- Shock Awe Chords
- War Of Man Tab
- Old Man (ver2) Chords
- Sugar Mountain Chords
- Without Rings Chords
- World On A String Chords
- Sun Green Live Chords
- Four Strong Winds (ver3) Chords
- Flags Of Freedom Chords
- Powderfinger Bass Tab
- Needle And The Damage Done Chords
- The Loner Chords
- Dont Let It Bring You Down (ver2) Chords
- Wayward Wind Chords
- Thrasher Chords