New Model Army
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Poze cu New Model Army in concert la Bucuresti
O galerie foto a concertului sustinut de formatia New Model Army in clubul Hard Rock Cafe din Bucuresti, poate fi gasita accesand link-ul de mai jos: Poze New Model Army la Hard Rock Cafe
New Model Army concerteaza la Hard Rock Cafe
IMIPLACEMIE si Hard Rock Cafe prezinta: concert New Model Army - Today Is a Good Day. Pe 26 februarie, la ora 21.30, New Model Army revine la Hard Rock Cafe intr-un concert ce face parte din turneul european de promovare a albumului Today is A Good Day. Dupa succesul din noiembrie 2008, unul dintre...
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords New Model Army
- Wired Chords
- All Consuming Fire Chords
- Bloodsports Chords
- Purity Tab
- 51st State Chords
- Lust For Power Chords
- High Chords
- Aimless Desire Chords
- One Of The Chosen Chords
- Family Life Chords
- 225 Tab
- The Hunt Chords
- Eleven Years Chords
- Green And Grey Tab
- Green And Grey Chords
- The Charge Chords
- All Of This Chords
- Better Than Them Chords
- No Pain Chords
- Wonderful Way To Go Tab
- Marrakech Chords
- Drummy B Chords
- Vengeance Chords
- Sleepwalking Tab
- A Liberal Education Intro Tab
- Vengeance Bass Tab
- Betcha Bass Tab
- Lovesongs Chords
- Nothing Touches Chords
- Ambition Bass Tab
- Bury The Hatchet Chords
- Bittersweet Bass Tab
- See You In Hell Chords