New York Dolls
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Green Day
Sex Pistols
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Stiri cu New York Dolls
New York Dolls lanseaza un nou album
New York Dolls vor lansa un nou album intitulat Dancing Backward in High Heels. Discul va fi disponibil pe piata incepand cu 15 martie via 429 Records. Dancing Backward in High Heels a fost inregistrat intr-un studio din Newcastle, Anglia alaturi de David Johansen si Sylvain Sylvain. New York Dolls au...
Solistul New York Dolls va sustine un concert inedit
David Johansen, cel care in acest an aniverseaza 35 de ani de activitate, va sustine un concert special in data de 25 noiembrie in Teatrul Patriotilor din Trenton War Memorial din New York. Concertul intitulat An Evening With David Johansen va prezenta piese inedite din repertoriul New...
New York Dolls - Cause I Sez So
Multi cred ca Punk-ul a inceput si s-a terminat cu Sex Pistols. Sau mai rau, cu The Offspring si Green Day. Pana in 1977 si la "Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols" s-au intamplat multe, intre altele, managerul Malcolm McLaren a lucrat si pentru americanii New York Dolls . Piesa...
Top Versuri New York Dolls
Nobody Got No Bizness
Lonely So Long
Cause I Sez So
Better Than You
Making Rain
My World
This Is Ridiculous
Temptation To Exist
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords New York Dolls
- Pills Chords
- Stranded In The Jungle (ver2) Bass Tab
- Chatterbox Tab
- Trash Chords
- Personality Crisis (ver2) Tab
- Jet Boy Tab
- Personality Crisis Bass Tab
- Pills Tab
- Looking For A Kiss Tab
- Vietnamese Baby Chords
- Something Else Chords
- Personality Crisis Tab
- Trash Bass Tab
- Puss N Boots Bass Tab
- Looking For A Kiss Chords
- Bad Girl Bass Tab
- Pills (ver2) Tab
- Stranded In The Jungle Bass Tab
- Dance Like A Monkey Chords