Rockerii canadieni Nickelback au vorbit cu Terrie Carr de la postul de radio 105.5 WDHA din Morristown, New Jersey despre viitorul lor album, „Get Rollin’”, care urmeaza sa fie lansat pe 18 noiembrie. Acestia au fost intrebati daca primul single al LP-ului, „San Quentin”, care va ajunge pe 7 septembrie, este o buna reprezentare a directiei generale a albumului iar Chad a declarat: „The record's all over the map, just like all of our records are — they're all over the map. We're just starting off with a big, kick-the-door-down rocker, and there's other heavy material on there, but, just like I said, like every other NICKELBACK record, it ebbs and flows and there's something there for every single mood”.
Saptamana trecuta, Chad a spus postului de radio WRAT de ce a durat atat de mult pentru a produce continuarea „Feed The Machine” din 2017: „Well, we should have been making a record a lot sooner, with all that time off [due to the coronavirus pandemic]. But it's weird to say this, but for 25 years it feels like someone's been standing behind us with a cattle prod and telling us, 'Hey, the record's gotta be done at this time. We're gonna tour at this time. We're gonna do Australia and then we're gonna go do Europe and then we're gonna come back.
We'll go across Canada. We'll hit America.' Just like every other band that has to do this stuff, you wanna get a chance to see your fans all around the world. But with this, we were, like, 'We'll get to it when we get to it.' [Laughs] And yeah, we took our time with it, which was just a wonderful luxury, to be able to sit back and [go], 'No. I'm gonna play this guitar solo 40 more times for another three days and make sure it's just exactly how we want it as opposed to deadline, deadline, deadline.”
In ceea ce privete reacia iniiala a unor fani ca clipul de 10 secunde deja lansat din „San Quentin” prezinta ceea ce suna la ascultarea initiala ca cea mai heavy melodie pe care trupa a scris-o vreodata si spre deosebire de orice a facut NICKELBACK pana acum, Ryan a spus: „It's funny. We've been hearing that quite a bit. It's actually interesting because I think NICKELBACK fans would know for sure [that it's us once they heard the full song]. I don't think it's unusual… It's a heavy rock song, and if you've seen us live, you would definitely get it. But I kind of like that people are feeling like it's a surprise that we can have rock songs like that in the repertoire."
Chad a vorbit, de asemenea, despre inspiratia lirica pentru „San Quentin”, spunand: „I met the [San Quentin prison] warden at a party. And I couldn't believe how young he was. I was, like, 'There's just no way that you're the warden of San Quentin,' and everyone was, like, 'Yup. He is.' Guy Fieri's [American restaurateur, author and Emmy Award-winning television presenter] a buddy of mine, and I was at his birthday party a few years back. And the entire time we were talking, I'm, like, [laughs] I'm speaking to this guy, but in my head all I could think about was, 'I'm gonna write a song called 'San Quentin'. That's it.' And I stuck it in my notes in my phone. And then once the riff was down, I think I screamed out this line, 'Can somebody please keep me the hell out of San Quentin?' And we just took it from there.”.
Un videoclip pentru „San Quentin” a fost filmat pe 30 august la Simon Fraser University Convocation Mall din British Columbia. Clipul ii va face debutul online pana la jumatatea lunii septembrie.
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