Okay, well I finally got off of my lazy arse and decided to tab this song out. But this
is kind of a 'LOWER/DEEPER' version. This is all that i could make out with. If you have
any comments / critiques about it, AIM me on "ON OUR GUILT". If you have any trouble on
how it's supposed to be played, I'll be more than glad to play it for you on AIM with my
Tuning is in DROP D.
the coolest thirteen year old on earth.
|--0--2-2--0--2--5--------------------------| x8 [intro, fading in]
* * * * * *
|--0--2-2--0--2--5--------------------------| x8
|--0--2-2--0--2--5--------------------------| x8
|----------------------------------------------------------------| x1
|-----------------------------| x1
(those are 15's , 14's, 12's, and 10's. this is the little temelo that you can hear in the song)
|-------------------------------------------| [doesnt sound exact..] x i dont know how many times though
|--12-12-10-10-15-15-17-17------------| x2 [doesnt sound exact either]
|--0--2-2--0--2--5--------------------------| x8
* * * * * *
|--0--2-2--0--2--5--------------------------| x 16