Biografie Offspring
The Offspring s-au infiintat in 1984 in Huntington Beach, California. Alaturi de formatii precum Green Day sau Rancid , The Offspring sunt considerati ca fiind artistii care au resuscitat interesul pentru muzica punk in anii 90. In prezent, se numara printre cele mai bine vandute formatii punk din toate timpurile. Stil : punk Componenta : Dexter Holland voce, chitara Noodles chitara, voce Greg K. bass, voce Pete Parada tobe Discografie : The Offspring (1989) Ignition (1992) Smash (1994) Ixnay on the Hombre (1997) Americana (1998) Conspiracy of One (2000) Splinter (2003) Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace (2008) THE OFFSPRING ...Toata biografia Offspring
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Green Day
Sex Pistols
Three Days Grace
Niste Baieti
Bad Religion
Iggy Pop
Panic At The Disco
Rise Against
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Stiri cu Offspring
Solistul THE OFFSPRING a discutat despre noul material al trupei care va aparea in 2024
Solistul trupei THE OFFSPRING a discutat despre noul material al trupei care va aparea in anul 2024: 'I Feel Optimistic We're Gonna Have Something Out Mid-Next Year'. La festivalul When We Were Young din Las Vegas din weekendul trecut, solistul THE OFFSPRING Bryan „Dexter” Holland si chitaristul Kevin...
The Offspring au lansat un videoclip pentru 'The Opioid Diaries'
Trupa a lansat un videoclip oficial pentru single-ul extras de pe albumul 'Let the Bad Times Roll' "I wrote this Offspring song about addiction. While drug addiction is certainly not a new issue, the opioid epidemic in America is different. It’s different because it was created by, and driven by, Big...
The Offspring au lansat seria online 'Cockpit Karaoke'
Trupa reprezentata de catre solistul Bryan "Dexter" Holland si chitaristul Kevin "Noodles" Wasserman, a lansat seria online 'Cockpit Karaoke' disponibila pe canalul de YouTube a trupei. In primul episod, cei doi au interpretat hitul 'Come Out And Play' extras de pe albumul 'Smash' din 1994....
The Offspring au lansat un videoclip pentru 'This Is Not Utopia'
Trupa a revenit cu un material vizual pentru single-ul preluat de pe albumul 'Let The Bad Times Roll'. Videoclipul pentru 'This Is Not Utopia'a fost regizat de Samuel Bayer si produs de Jillian Dierenfield. Materialul poate fi vazut mai jos.
The Offspring au lansat un lyric video pentru 'Breaking These Bones'
Trupa a lansat un nou material vizual pentru single-ul extras de pe albumul 'Let The Bad Times Roll'. Albumul 'Let The Bad Times Roll' a sosit pe 16 aprilie via Concord Records si este cel de-al 10-lea material discografic al trupei. Noul material poate fi vazut mai jos.
Videoclipuri Offspring
- 04. Want You Bad
- 04. Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)
- Why Dont You Get a Job
- Hammerhead
- You re Gonna Go Far, Kid
- Offspring - Kristy, Are You Doing Okay
- Offspring - Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
- Offspring - The Kids Arent Alright
- Offspring - Why Dont You Get A Job
- Offspring - Youre Gonna Go Far, Kid
- Offspring - Self Esteem
- Offspring - Come Out and Play (Keep Em Separated)
- Offspring - Want You Bad
- Offspring - Original Prankster
- Offspring - Hit That
- Offspring - (Cant Get My) Head Around You
- Offspring - Gone Away
- Offspring - Cant Repeat
- Offspring - All I Want
- Offspring - Shes Got Issues
Top Versuri Offspring
05. A Million Miles Away
04. Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)
04. Gotta Get Away
03. Original Prankster
04. Want You Bad
07. Living in Chaos
02. Have You Ever
01. Intro
10. All Along
02. Come Out Swinging
03. Bad Habit
08. Walla Walla
06. Dammit, I Change Again
09. One Fine Day
05. Genocide
06. Feelings
14. Smash
12. Americana
13. Conspiracy of One
13. Pay the Man
06. Something to Believe In
12. So Alone
08. Special Delivery
08. Self Esteem
11. What Happened to You?
10. No Brakes
10. Killboy Powerhead
13. Not the One
02. Nitro (Youth Energy)
03. Staring at the Sun
09. The End of the Line
07. Come Out and Play
11. Denial, Revisited
12. Vultures
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Offspring
- Shes Got Issues Tab
- Kristy Are Doing Okay Chords
- Denial Revisited Chords
- All I Want Chords
- Why Dont You Get A Job (ver2) Chords
- Why Dont You Get A Job Tab
- Self Esteem Chords
- The Kids Arent Alright Chords
- Pass Me By Intro Tab
- Ixnay On The Hombre (album) Bass Tab
- Bad Habit Solo Bass Tab
- We Are One Tab
- Cant Repeat Chords
- Want You Bad Tab
- Why Dont You Get A Job Chords
- Bad Habit Bass Tab
- The Offspring (album) Tab
- Vultures (ver3) Tab
- Way Down The Line (ver2) Bass Tab
- The Kids Arent Alright Bass Tab
- Want You Bad (ver5) Tab
- Amazed Tab
- Self-esteem Tab
- The Kids Arent Alright Solo Tab
- Ignition (album) Tab
- All I Want (ver2) Bass Tab
- Cogs (album) Tab
- The Kids Arent Alright Intro Tab
- Americana (album) Bass Tab
- Come Out And Play (ver2) Tab
- Pretty Fly For A White Guy Acoustic Tab
- Americana Bass Tab
- Total Immortal (ver2) Tab
- Bouree Tab
- Shes Got Issues Chords
- Want You Bad (ver2) Tab
- Want You Bad (ver6) Tab
- Walla Walla Bass Tab
- We Are One (ver2) Tab
- Vultures Bass Tab
- What Happened To You Chords
- Way Down The Line (ver2) Tab
- We Are One Chords
- The Kids Arent Alright Tab
- The Noose (ver3) Tab
- Vultures (ver5) Tab
- The Kids Arent Alright (ver2) Bass Tab
- Vultures Tab
- The Noose Bass Tab
- Walla Walla (ver2) Bass Tab