Papa Roach vor sarbatorii 20 de ani de la lansarea albumul "Infest"

de Cristi Nedelcu

Papa Roach vor sarbatorii 20 de ani de la lansarea albumul

Jacoby Shaddix s declarat ca Papa Roach are planuri speciale de a sarbatori cei 20 de ani de "Infest"

"Infest" a ocupa locul 5 pe tabloul Billboard 200 unde a avut vanzari de peste 3 milioane de exemplare numai in SUA.

intr-un interviu pentru Metal Hammer, Shaddix a declarat urmatoarele:

"We're putting together a piece to kind of look back to the early years and recap those moments. And as we were going through the process of putting this thing together, it just brought back all these old emotions and all the s**t that was going on in our world at that time. It was f*****g nuts. We were crazy. I'm so glad I am where I am now."

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