Paradise Lost
Biografie Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost este o trupa ce a luat nastere in 1987, in Anglia. Alaturi de Anathema si My Dying Bride, ei sunt recunoscuti drept una din primele trupe de death/doom metal. Formatia a avut un succes enorm in Europa, in special in Grecia si Germania. In decursul carierei, Paradise Lost s-a confruntat cu diverse reactii negative din partea fanilor, datorita unor schimbari in stilul muzical. De exemplu, pe primele 3 albume exista o linie muzicala ce respecta stilul death/doom. Dupa lansarea lui Icon (1993), Nick Holmes (voce) a trecut catre un stil mainstream, asemanator cu James Hetfield (Metallica). Pe albumul One Second (1997), trupa a experimentat cu diverse influente Depeche Mode. In ciuda criticilor, acest nou stil a adus un numar important de fani. Componenta trupei a ramas stabila. Paradise Lost este formata din Nick Holmes, Greg Mackintosh, Aaron Aedy, Steve Edmonson si Jeff Singer. Paradise Lost a lansat al 11-lea album in 2007. A urmat un turneu european alaturi de......Toata biografia Paradise Lost
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Stiri cu Paradise Lost
PARADISE LOST anunta data lansarii versiunii reinregistrate a albumului "Icon"
Pentru a sarbatori cea de-a 30-a aniversare a celui de-al patrulea album, „Icon”, pionierii britanici ai metalului gotic PARADISE LOST au reinregistrat recent LP-ul pentru o noua lansare speciala. De asemenea, va exista o versiune de vinil extra speciala a albumului, ambele variante fiind disponibile...
Paradise Lost au lansat un clip live pentru 'One Second'
Trupa a lansat un nou material de pe viitorul album live 'At The Mill' care va fi disponibil pe 16 iulie via Nuclear Blast Records. Clipul live a fost realizat in cadrul concertul sustinut la The Mill Nightclub din Londra din anul 2020. Materialul poate fi vazut mai jos.
Paradise Lost au lansat un clip live pentru 'Darker Thoughts'
Clipul live a fost realizat in cadrul concertul sustinut la The Mill Nightclub din Londra din anul 2020. Noul material va fi inclus pe albumul live 'At The Mill' care va fi disponibil pe 16 iulie via Nuclear Blast Records. Clipul live pentru 'Darker Thoughts' poate fi vazut mai jos.
Paradise Lost au lansat albumul 'Obsidian' si un nou single
"Obsidian" este cel de-al saisprezecelea album de studio al trupei, material lansat via Nuclear Blast Records. Noul material a sosit cu single-ul "Darker Thoughts" pe care il puteti asculta mai jos. "Darker Thoughts" este piesa care deschide noul disc.
Paradise Lost a lansat un nou single, 'Ghosts'
Anul acest Paradise Lost vor lansa un nou album intitulat 'Obisidian'. De pe acest prim album putem asculta piesa 'Ghost' despre care Nick Holmes a declarat: "This song tips a cap to the goth rock music that was ubiquitous when we were teenagers. Even as young Death metal fans, a lot of that...
Videoclipuri Paradise Lost
- True Belief
- One Second
- Say Just Words
- Mouth
- Fader
- Paradise Lost - The Enemy
- Paradise Lost - Fader
- Paradise Lost - One Second
- Paradise Lost - True Belief
- Paradise Lost - Say just words
- Paradise Lost - Erased
- Paradise Lost - Mouth
- Paradise Lost - Eternal
- Paradise Lost - Forever After
- Paradise Lost - Gothic
- Paradise Lost - Praise Lamented Shade
- Paradise Lost - Don't Belong
- Paradise Lost - A Side You'll Never Know
- Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
- The Rise Of Denial
Top Versuri Paradise Lost
Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
As Horizons End
True Belief
Embers Fire
Deus Misereatur
One Second
Small Town Boy
The painless (mix)
Breeding fear (demolition dub)
Close Your Eyes
True Belief
Accept The Pain
Hallowed Land
The Last Time (demo version)
Say Just Words
It s Too Late
Ash and Debris
As I Die
How Soon Is Now?
Soul Courageous
I Despair
Mouth (Remix)
The Last Time
Lost Paradise (Instrumental)
Forever After (Video)
Forever Failure
Walk Away (Sisters Of Mercy cover)
Self Obsessed (Live)
Forever Failure
Look at me Now
Rotting misery (doom dub)
As I Die (Live)
Forever After
Let Me Drown
Your Hand In Mine (live)
True Belief
Say Just Words (edit)
One Second
Albino Flogged In Black
Mouth (Album Version)
Fader (Single Edit)
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Paradise Lost
- Enemy Tab
- Lydia Tab
- Gothic Tab
- Eternal Tab
- Rapture Tab
- Requiem Tab
- One Second Tab
- Isolate Tab
- Christendom Tab
- Mouth Tab
- The Last Time Tab
- Joys Of The Emptiness Tab
- Another Day Tab
- Enchantment Tab
- Fader Tab
- Daylight Torn Tab
- Remembrance Tab
- Widow Tab
- True Belief Tab
- Mystify Tab
- Rotting Misery Tab
- As I Die Tab
- Frozen Ilusion Tab
- Hallowed Land Tab
- Deadly Inner Sense Tab
- Oncemn Solo Tab
- Isolate Bass Tab
- Pity The Sadness Tab
- Say Just Words Tab
- Mouth Bass Tab
- Breeding Fear Tab
- This Cold Life Tab
- Dead Emotions Tab
- I See Your Face Tab
- The Sufferer Tab
- Shades Of God Tab
- I Despair Tab
- Yearn For Change Tab
- Soul Corageous Tab
- Once Solemn Tab
- Shadow Kings Bass Tab
- Elusive Cure Tab
- Dying Freedom Tab
- Lost Paradise Tab
- Our Saviour Tab
- Mercy Tab
- Shadowkings Tab
- Blood Of Another Tab
- Mouth Chords
- Paradise Lost Tab