Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals - Ugly Mug videoclip
Ugly Mug, noul videoclip semnat de Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals, poate fi urmarit mai jos.
Piesa a fost inregistrata exclusiv pentru Scion A/V si marcheaza editia inaugurala Housecore Horror Film And Music Festival.
Printre cei care vor urca pe scena acestui festival se numara: Down, Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals, Gwar, Eyehategod (cu tobosarul Melvins, Dale Crover), Melvins, Pig Destroyer, Goatwhore, Whitechapel, Repulsion, Hate Eternal, Warbeast, Pallbearer, Ancient VVisdom, Iron Reagan, Primitive Weapons, Lord Dying, White Widows Pact si multi, multi altii.