Pink Floyd
Stiluri: Progressive
Biografie Pink Floyd
Una dintre cele mai impozante si indragite trupe ale tuturor timpurilor, originile Pink Floyd pot fi regasite la Cambridge High School unde Syd Barrett (chitara/voce), Roger Waters (bas/voce) si David Gilmour (chitara/voce) erau colegi si prieteni. Reciproc implicandu-se in muzica, Barrett si Gilmour au urmat Scoala de Arta Camberwell din Londra. in timp ce Waters studia arhitectura la Regent Street Polytechnic.
Formeaza o trupa R&B, Sigma 6 alaturi de colegii sai de facultate, Nick Mason (tobe) si Rick Wright (clape). In formula initiala mai facea parte si basistul Clive Metcalfe, chitaristul favorit al lui Waters in acea perioada si pentru scurta vreme Juliette Gale (care ulterior se marita cu Wright). Intr-un final Brian Close il inlocuieste pe Metcalfe la chitara solo.
Cu Waters la bas, trupa isi schimba numele initial in T-Set si mai apoi in (Screaming) Abdabs. Waters il invita pe Barrett sa li se alature insa inclinatia spre blues, pop si misticism se opunea......Toata biografia Pink Floyd
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Stiri cu Pink Floyd
Membrii Pink Floyd s-a reunit pentru a lansa o piesa impotriva razboiului din Ucraina
Dupa o pauza de 28 de ani, Pink Floyd a lansat o noua piesa pentru a protesta impotriva razboiului din Ucraina. David Gilmour si Nick Mason, alaturi de bassistul Guy Pratt si claparul Nitin Sawhney au inregistrat din nou o piesa dupa aproape 3 decenii. Piesa este gandita in jurul nucleului unui cantec...
Pink Floyd a lansat un clip live pentru 'Comfortably Numb'
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Roger Waters lanseaza filmul 'Us + Them' in format digital
Filmul contine melodii de pe albumele trupei Pink Floyd, "The Dark Side of the Moon", "Wish You Were Here", "Animals and The Wall", precum si melodii de pe albumul "This Is The Life We Realally Want?" “Us + Them is not standard rock ’n’ roll fare. Some in...
Miley Cyrus a facut un cover dupa 'Wish You Were Here' de la Pink Floyd
In cadrul celui de al doilea episod de Saturday Night Live at Home, Miley Cyrus a interpreta celeba piesa 'Wish You Were Here' de la Pink Floyd. Artista a optat pentru un cover acustic. Ce a iesit, vedeti mai jos.
Miley Cyrus a interpretat piese de la Led Zeppelin si Pink Floyd la iHeartRadio Music Festival - video
Miley Cyrus a urcat pe scena iHeartRadio Music Festival ce a avut loc in Las Vegas weekendul trecut. Aceasta a intepretat 'Black Dog' de la Led Zeppelin si 'Comfortably Numb' de la Pink Floyd. Ce a iesit vedeti mai jos.
Videoclipuri Pink Floyd
- Shine on You Crazy Diamond
- Comfortably Numb
- Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
- Lucifer Sam
- Interstellar Overdrive
- Bike
- Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
- Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall
- Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
- Pink Floyd - High Hopes
- Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond
- Pink Floyd - Money
- Pink Floyd - Echoes Part 1a
- Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
- Pink Floyd - Time
- Pink Floyd - Reunion-Wish You Were Here
- Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky
- Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon Video Album Part 2
- Pink Floyd - Saucerful of Secrets (Popeii Excerpt)
- Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell
Muzica Pink Floyd
Top Versuri Pink Floyd
On the Turning Away
Wish You Were Here
Shine on You Crazy Diamond
Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2
Another Brick in the Wall Pt 1
Comfortably Numb
Hey You
High Hopes
Is There Anybody Out There?
Coming Back to Life
Yet Another Movie/Round and Around
Shine on You Crazy Diamond Pts. 1-5
High Hopes
Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 3
Goodbye Blue Sky
Learning to Fly
One of These Days
The Final Cut
The Post War Dream
Empty Spaces
Shine on You Crazy Diamond Pts. 6-9
Brain Damage
Shine on You Crazy Diamond
Learning to Fly
Have a Cigar
Lucy Leave
Brain Damage
Another Brick In The Wall (Part II)
A Great Day for Freedom
Speak to Me/Breathe
The Show Must Go On
Julia Dream
Wish You Were Here
The Gold It's In The...
Your Possible Pasts
It Would Be So Nice
The Trial
Remember a Day
Young Lust
Pigs on the Wing, Pt. 1
In the Flesh?
Run Like Hell
Vegetable Man
Lost for Words
Apples And Oranges
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Pink Floyd
- High Hopes Live Solo Tab
- Wish You Were Here Chords
- Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall Tab
- Another Brick In The Wall Bass Tab
- Wish You Were Here (ver5) Tab
- Wish You Were Here Tab
- Wish You Were Here (ver4) Tab
- Breathe Chords
- Time Chords
- Wish You Were Here Solo Tab
- Wish You Were Here (ver2) Tab
- Breathe Tab
- Us And Them Chords
- Comfortably Numb Chords
- A Pillow Of Winds Tab
- Seamus Chords
- Wots Uh The Deal Chords
- Hey You Chords
- Final Cut (album) Chords
- Wish You Were Here (ver3) Tab
- Shine On You Crazy Diamond Live Tab
- Coming Back To Life Tab
- A Saucerful Of Secrets Chords
- Young Lust Chords
- Time Tab
- Shine On You Crazy Diamond (ver3) Tab
- Fearless Tab
- Wish You Were Here Bass Tab
- Your Possible Pasts Chords
- Vera Chords
- Vera Tab
- Pink Floyd - Brain Damage
- Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 Chords
- Vera Bass Tab
- Tide Is Turning Chords
- Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 (ver2) Chords
- It Would Be So Nice Chords
- The Narrow Way Part 1 Tab
- The Scarecrow Chords
- Money Chords
- Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 1 Tab
- Wots Uh The Deal (ver3) Tab
- The Show Must Go On Chords
- Dark Side Of The Moon (album) Chords
- What Do You Want From Me Chords
- Mother Chords
- Young Lust Bass Tab
- Us And Them (ver4) Tab
- Wish You Were Here (album) Chords
- Pink Floyd - Cirrus Minor