Sunshine On Leith Tab - Proclaimers

Couldn't get this anywhere, so had a go myself, by the way- anyone who can get me
"Come on nature" please do

Sunshine on Leith
1. My heart was broken, my heart was broken,
      F  B      F  B     F  B      B7
    sorrow, sorrow, sorrow, sorrow.
     E                                Cm
    My heart was broken, my heart was broken,
            F                                                               F7
    you saw it, you claimed it, you touched it, you saved it.
2. My tears are drying, my tears are drying
       F     B       F     B       F    B      B7
    thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
     E                             Cm
    My tears are drying, my tears are drying,
               F                                                                F7
    your beauty and kindness made tears clear my blindness.
Cm                F              B                 E               F           B       - B7
    While I'm worth my room on this earth, I will be with you.
 E                      F            B                  E
    While the chief, puts sunshine on Leith,
                                                  F                               - F7
I'll thank him for his work, and your birth and my bi.....rth.
    Yeah, yeah, yeah !

(please note: // does not indicate vibrato, but tremolo which is the rapid repetition of the note.)

+ repeat verse 1   + CHORUS
       F                          F7
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah !
    +   B - E - E - F     B - E - F - F7 (2x) ....