Stiluri: Hard Rock
Biografie Queen
Inceputurile formatiei Queen sunt localizate in Anglia anului 1968, cand Brian May si Roger Taylor au pus bazele trio-ului SMILE . Dupa ce Tim Staffell, basist si solist, iese din trupa in primavara anului 1970, locul sau este luat de colegul sau de camera Freddie Mercury, care se alatura celor doi, May si Taylor, pentru a forma QUEEN . In anul 1971, locul de basist este ocupat de John Deacon, completand astfel componenta. Membrii Queen sunt cunoscuti ca fiind pionieri ai heavy metal, glam rock, uneori calcand si in zona rockului progressive. Desi personalitatea lui Freddie Mercury a dominat in presa, toti cei 4 membri au compus hituri uriase (Freddie Mercury - "Bohemian Rhapsody", Brian May - "We Will Rock You", Roger Taylor - "Radio Ga Ga", John Deacon - "Another One Bites The Dust"). Pentru majoritatea albumelor formatiei fiecare membru a scris macar o piesa, si, desi, Freddie Mercury a compus multe hituri, nu a fost nicidecum compozitorul dominant; cei......Toata biografia Queen
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Stiri cu Queen
Trupa Queen a lansat o piesa noua cu vocea lui Freddie Mercury "Face It Alone"
Queen au lansat ieri o piesa noua cu Freddie Mercury la voce, intitulata "Face It Alone" si include un track cu vocea lui Freddie scos din arhivele formatiei. Vocea lui Freddie Mercury este una unica, o voce care pur si simplu iti da fiori, mai ales ca se aude atat de clar si puternic pe noua piesa....
Chitaristul Queen Brian May a lansat o noua piesa "Floating In Heaven", inspirat fiind de telescopul James Webb
Brian May a ramas fascinat de fotografiile cosmice realizate cu ajutorul telescopului James Web. Acesta a compus o piesa si a scos un videoclip cu imagini surprinse de spectaculosul telescop. Noua piesa se numeste "Floating In Heaven". "Floating In Heaven" se poate descrie ca fiind o balada de...
Chitaristul Queen Brian May a lansat o noua piesa "Floating In Heaven", inspirat fiind de telescopul James Webb
Brian May a ramas fascinat de fotografiile cosmice realizate cu ajutorul telescopului James Web. Acesta a compus o piesa si a scos un videoclip cu imagini surprinse de spectaculosul telescop. Noua piesa se numeste "Floating In Heaven". "Floating In Heaven" se poate descrie ca fiind o balada de...
Queen si Adam Lambert au lansat un clip live pentru 'Somebody To Love'
Materialul face parte de pe albumul 'Live Around The World' si a fost filmat in cadrul festivalului 'Isle Of Wight Festival' din 2016. Piesa a fost scrisa de catre Freddie Mercury si a fost lansata in anul 1976 pe discul 'A Day At The Races'. "Adam has the ability to sing anything and everything...
Queen si Adam Lambert au lansat un nou clip si au oferit detalii despre viitorul album live
Queen si Adam Lambert vor lansa primul lor album live "Live Around The World" pe 2 octombrie in format CD, CD + DVD, CD + Blu-ray si vinil. Albumul live prezinta melodii si momente filmate in timpul a peste 200 de spectacole. Toate momentele sunt selectate de catre Roger Taylor, Brian May si Adam...
Videoclipuri Queen
- Radio Ga Ga
- Under Pressure
- We Will Rock You
- Somebody to Love
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- You Dont Fool Me
- Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
- Queen - Somebody to Love
- Queen - The Show Must Go On
- Queen - We Will Rock You
- Queen - Another one bites the dust
- Queen - Killer Queen
- Queen - Innuendo
- Queen - Breakthru
- Queen - A Kind of Magic
- Queen - Who Wants to Live Forever
- Queen - Love of My Life
- Queen - The Miracle
- Queen - Save Me
- Queen - Friends will be Friends
Muzica Queen
- We Will Rock You
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Don t Stop Me Now
- Youre My Best Friend
- You Dont Fool Me
- Killer Queen
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Love of My Life
- Somebody to Love
- Crazy Little Thing Called Love
- Another One Bites the Dust
- Play the Game
- I Want to Break Free
- Radio Ga Ga
- Who Wants to Live Forever
- Friends Will Be Friends
- A Kind of Magic
- Invisible Man
- I Want It All
- The Show Must Go On
Top Versuri Queen
Love Of My Life
Somebody to Love
We Will Rock You
Who Wants to Live Forever
I Want To Break Free
Cosmos Rockin'
The Show Must Go On
The Invisible Man
Radio Ga Ga
Friends Will Be Friends
Dont Stop Me Now
We Believe
Ride The Wild Wind
C lebrity
We Will Rock You
Too Much Love Will Kill You
These Are the Days of Our Lives
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
We Are The Champions
I Was Born To Love You
Get Down Make Love
Bohemian Rapsody
Time To Shine
Living On My Own
You Dont Fool Me
Killer Queen
Some Things That Glitter
Youre My Best Friend
Princess Of The Universe
You Take My Breath Away
In My Defence
Warboys (A Prayer For Peace)
Im Going Slightly Mad
Love Kills
A Kind of Magic
A Kind Of Magic
The Show Must Go On
I Want It All
God Save the Queen
Play The Game
I Want It All
Surf's Up School's Out
Still Burning
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Queen
- Bohemian Rhapsody Chords
- 39 Chords
- Classic Queen (album) Chords
- Another One Bites The Dust (ver5) Bass Tab
- 39 Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody (ver5) Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody (ver2) Chords
- Las Palabras De Amor Chords
- Bohemian Rhapsody (ver6) Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody Solo Tab
- Another One Bites The Dust Chords
- Breakthru Chords
- Bohemian Rhapsody Piano Bass Tab
- Another One Bites The Dust Bass Tab
- A Kind Of Magic Chords
- Bicycle Race (ver2) Chords
- Another One Bites The Dust Tab
- A Kind Of Magic Tab
- Man On The Prowl Chords
- Breakthru Bass Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody Bass Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody (ver7) Tab
- Breakthrough Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody (ver3) Tab
- All Dead All Dead Chords
- Bijou Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody (ver2) Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody Solo (ver2) Tab
- Big Bad Leroy Brown Chords
- A Kind Of Magic Bass Tab
- These Are The Days Of Our Live Tab
- Bohemian Rhapsody Solo (ver3) Tab
- Bicycle Race Solo Tab
- Miracle (album) Tab
- Breakthrough Bass Tab
- We Are The Champions Acoustic ver2 Tab
- A Winters Tale Chords
- Back Chat Bass Tab
- Bicycle Race Chords
- Bohemian Rhapsody (ver4) Tab
- 39 Bass Tab
- Another One Bites The Dust (ver6) Bass Tab
- Body Languge Bass Tab
- Another One Bites The Dust (ver2) Tab
- A Kind Of Magic (ver2) Bass Tab
- A Kind Of Magic (ver2) Chords
- A Winters Tale Bass Tab
- Another One Bites The Dust (ver3) Tab
- All Dead All Dead Bass Tab