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Stiri cu Rancid
Rancid: Tim Armstrong publica o piesa sub numele Tim Timebomb and Friends (audio)
Solistul Tim Armstrong de la Rancid a publicat o piesa noua sub numele Tim Timebomb and Friends. Aceasta se nuemste "Wrongful Suspicion", este o colaborare cu muzicianul britanic Jamie T si poate fi ascultata mai jos. "Cat ne-am aflat in Londra l-am rugat pe prietenul nostru Jamie T sa fie...
RHCP si Rancid, concert aniversar in curtea lui Flea
Red Hot Chili Peppers au cantat in curtea basistului lor, Flea, in seara de 16 octombrie. Si Rancid au cantat la evenimentul desfasurat in cartierul Los Feliz din Los Angeles. Concertul a fost sustinut in cinstea aniversarii de 50 de ani a acestuia si a fost organizat ca un eveniment de strangere de fonduri...
Alternative Nation la MTV: RANCID, NOFX, OFFSPRING
DJ Hefe ti-a pregatit o emisiune in care recapitulam toate numele mari din punk si toate hiturile scoase la Casa de Productie Epitaph Records. Ai cele mai tari piese din ’80 incoace. O sa vezi cele mai bune videoclipuri ale trupelor care au revolutionat stilul Punk: Offspring, Rancid,...
Rancid si Against Me! sunt adaugati in Honda Civic Tour
Rancid si Against Me! se afla pe lista trupelor participante la turneul american sponsorizat de Honda. Cap de afis sunt Blink-182 si My Chemical Romance , in deschiderea carora canta diferite trupe, in functie de date. Rancid si Against Me! se numara printre artistii care vor deschide impreuna concertele...
Rancid anunta noi concerte
Rancid au anuntat inca un set de concerte in America, dupa ce au promis anterior ca in 2012 vor sustine un turneu mondial. Noile date confirmate sunt: Sep. 6 - Las Vegas, NV - House of Blues w/ DJ J & Nicki Bonner (Jandisco Sound System) & H2O Sep. 7 - Anaheim, CA - House of Blues w/ DJ J & Nicki...
Top Versuri Rancid
Last One To Die
16. Back Up Against the Wall
06. Out of Control
01. Indestructible
I'm Not The Only One
13. Tropical London
7 Years Down
04. David Courtney
09. Travis Bickle
Roots Radicals
19. Otherside
17. Ivory Coast
14. Roadblock
Civilian Ways
03. Red Hot Moon
Spirit Of '87
15. Born Frustrated
02. Fall Back Down
07. Django
10. Memphis
05. Start Now
18. Stand Your Ground
12. Ghost Band
08. Arrested in Shanghai
East Bay Night
Arrested In Shanghai
Life Won't Wait
Up to no good
Tropical London
Young Al Capone
Battering Ram
Blackhawk Down
Black Derby Jacket
Fall Back Down
Ghost Band
As One
Daly City Train
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Rancid
- Last One To Die Tab
- East Bay Night Chords
- The Highway Chords
- And Out Come The Wolves (album) Chords
- Rats In The Hallway Acoustic Chords
- Stand Your Ground Bass Tab
- Ruby Soho Acoustic Tab
- Young Al Capone Bass Tab
- Indestructable Chords
- You Dont Care Nothing Tab
- Dominoes Fall Chords
- Who Wouldve Thought Tab
- Black And Blue Tab
- Ben Zanotto Bass Tab
- Time Bomb Tab
- Ruby Soho Chords
- Dead Bodies Chords
- You Dont Care Nothin (ver2) Bass Tab
- Time Bomb (ver6) Tab
- Leicester Square Bass Tab
- Red Hot Moon Chords
- Adina Tab
- Its Quite Alright (ver2) Bass Tab
- Otherside Chords
- Vanilla Sex (ver2) Tab
- As One Chords
- You Dont Care Nothin Bass Tab
- Junky Man (ver2) Bass Tab
- Salvation Tab
- Time Bomb Bass Tab
- 1988 Intro Tab
- Fall Back Down Chords
- Media Controller Bass Tab
- Olympia Wa Chords
- Arrested In Shanghai Tab
- Up To No Good Tab
- White Knuckle Ride Bass Tab
- Back Up Against The Wall Tab
- Old Friend Chords
- Roots Radicals Chords
- Maxwell Murder (ver2) Bass Tab
- Lock Step Gone Tab
- Fall Back Down (ver2) Chords
- Listed Mia Solo Tab
- Tropical London Tab
- Ghost Band (ver2) Tab
- Who Wouldve Thought Chords
- Back Up Against The Wall Chords
- Adina (ver2) Bass Tab
- Time Bomb (ver2) Tab