Stiluri: Alternative
Biografie REM
R.E.M. au luat fiinta in anul 1980 in Athens, Georgia, la initiativa lui Michael Stipe (voce), Peter Buck (chitara), Mike Mills (bass) si Bill Berry (baterie). R.E.M. au devenit una dintre cele mai populare formatii de rock alternativ, odata cu lansarea single-ului de debut, Radio Free Europe, in 1981. Single-ul a fost urmat de EP-ul Chronic Town un an mai tarziu, la casa de discuri I.R.S. Records. Albumul de debut, intitulat Murmur , apare in 1983. Succesul mainstream apare in 1987, odata cu single-ul The One I Love, care le aduce un contract cu Warner Bros. Records. La inceputul anilor '90, REM lanseaza doua albume considerate mai comerciale, este vorba despre Out of Time (1991) si Automatic for the People (1992). Acestea sunt urmate de Monster, in 1994. In 1997, Bill Berry paraseste trupa, R.E.M. continuand ca un trio. In 2007, formatia este introdusa in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . Stil : alternative rock Componenta : Michael Stipe (voce) Peter Buck (chitara) Mike......Toata biografia REM
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Stiri cu REM
R.E.M.: Blue (videoclip nou)
R.E.M. au lansat recent videoclipul "Blue", in care apare si controversata Lindsay Lohan. Videoclipul poate fi urmarit mai jos. James Franco a lucrat cu trupa pentru a regiza videoclipurile "That Someone Is You" si "Blue", doua dintre piesele de pe cel mai recent album R.E.M.,...
R.E.M. au cea mai depresiva piesa din toate timpurile
Un studiu realizat recent de producatorul de teatru David King, ce a avut ca scop identificarea influentei muzicii asupra oamenilor, a relevat ca piesa 'Everybody Hurts' este considerata cea mai depresiva din toate timpurile, anunta Bestmusic . Studiul a aratat ca 90% dintre femei au plans...
REM nu se mai reunesc vreodata
"Asta este ultima zi de munca pentru mine", a declarat Michael Stipe in redactia Rolling Stone. Stipe promoveaza dublul album best of REM, aparut recent pe piata: Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage 1982-2011. Michael a vorbit si despre desfiintarea grupului REM : "Am vrut inca din...
R.E.M. se destrama dupa o cariera de 31 de ani
R.E.M. s-au destramat dupa o cariera de 31 de ani. Trupa, considedata una din cele mai influente grupuri indie din istorie, a confirmat vestea in data de 21 septembrie. 'Catre toti fanii si prietenii: REM a decis sa puna capat carierei. Spunem La Revedere cu mandrie si implinire in...
De ce refuza Michael Stipe sa zambeasca
Michael Stipe este de 30 de ani vocalistul grupului R.E.M. si refuza cu incapatanare sa zambeasca, desi fanii sai ar da mult sa-l vada din cand in cand abordand o mina surazatoare, anunta . Motivul pentru care evita sa zambeasca si sa se lase surprins de camerele fotografilor este ca... nu-i plac...
Videoclipuri REM
- 09. I Took Your Name
- 01. Drive
- 02. Losing My Religion
- 04. Stand
- 07. The One I Love
- The Great Beyond
- Furry happy monsters
- Supernatural Superserious
- Living Well Is the Best Revenge
- Hollow Man
- Until the Day Is Done
- R.E.M. - Until the Day Is Done
- Oh My Heart
- Blue
Muzica REM
- The Great Beyond
- Man On The Moon
- All The Right Friends
- At most beautiful
- What's The Frequency, Kenneth?
- All The Way To Reno (You're Gonna Be A Star)
- 07. Orange Crush
- 06. Shiny Happy People
- 02. Losing My Religion
- 11. Nightswimming
- 04. Everybody Hurts
- 03. The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
- 01. Drive
- 14. Electrolite
- 05. E-Bow the Letter
- 11. Daysleeper
- 08. Imitation of Life
Top Versuri REM
Hollow Man
Sing for the Submarine
Man On The Moon
Living Well Is the Best Revenge
Bad Day
Man-Sized Wreath
Hollow Man
07. The One I Love
Supernatural Superserious
Mr Richards
Horse to Water
Mr Richards
Until the Day Is Done
Everybody Hurts
Living Well Is The Best Revenge
Around The Sun
Imitation Of Life
I Wanted To Be Wrong
Losing My Religion
E-Bow The Letter
At My Most Beautiful
Beat A Drum
I'll Take The Rain
Orange Crush
The Ascent Of Man
What's The Frequency, Kenneth?
She Just Wants To Be
Until The Day Is Done
All The Right Friends
Saturn Return
The Great Beyond
The Worst Joke Ever
The Outsiders
Beach Ball
Electron Blue
I've Been High
The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
All The Way To Reno (You're Gonna Be A Star)
Final Straw
Chorus And The Ring
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords REM
- Losing My Religion Acoustic Chords
- Mad World Tab
- Loosing My Religion Chords
- In Time The Best Of Rem 1988-2003 Album Chords
- Losing My Religion Chords
- Everybody Hurts Chords
- Everybody Hurts Tab
- Chronic Town Album Chords
- So Central Rain Chords
- Automatic For The People (album) Chords
- Be Mine Tab
- You Are The Everything Mandolin Bass Tab
- Star Me Kitten Tab
- Its The End Of The World Chords
- Losing My Religion Solo Tab
- Losing My Religion (ver2) Chords
- The Lion Sleeps Tonight Chords
- Fables (album) Chords
- Animal Tab
- I Wanted To Be Wrong Tab
- Dead Letter Office Album Chords
- Lotus Chords
- Lifes Rich Pageant Album ver2 Chords
- Losing My Religion Intro Tab
- Losing My Religion (ver2) Tab
- Hello In There Chords
- Ebow The Letter Chords
- Seven Chinese Brothers Intro ver2 Tab
- Monty Got A Raw Deal Tab
- Shiny Happy People Chords
- Academy Fight Song Chords
- Baby I Chords
- At My Most Beautiful Chords
- Wicked Game Tab
- The One I Love Chords
- Document (album) Chords
- You Chords
- Whats The Frequency Kenneth Tab
- I Remember California Tab
- You Bass Tab
- Drive Chords
- Losing My Religion Bass Tab
- I Dont Sleep I Dream Chords
- Disappear Chords
- Leaving New York Tab
- Everybody Hurts (ver2) Chords
- You Are The Everything Chords
- Try Not To Breath Chords
- Beat A Drum Chords
- Shiny Happy People Tab