Rob Zombie
Biografie Rob Zombie
Rob Zombie este un cantaret american, cunoscut in special pentru pasiuna sa legata de filmele horror. De-a lungul carierei, acesta a devenit un simbol al industriei americane. Este cunoscut drept fodatorul trupei White Zombie . In 1996, Rob Zombie a colaborat cu Alice Cooper pentru piesa "Hands of Death", ce apare pe coloana sonora a filmului X-Files. Piesa a fost nominalizata la Grammy pentru Best Metal Performance. Primul album solo a fost lansat in 1998, find intitulat Hellbilly Deluxe . Discul a fost foarte bine primit de catre industria muzicala. Contine hituri precum "Dragula", "Living Dead Girl" si "Superbeast". In 2001 a fost lansat The Sinister Urge, produs de Scott Humphrey. Au fost extrase trei single-uri, "Never Gonna Stop", "Feel So Numb" si "Demon Speeding". Intre 2003 si 2005, artistul a lansat doua filme horror, intitulate House of 1000 Corpses si The Devil's Rejects. In 2006 a fost lansat Educated Horses , cel mai experimental album al muzicianului. Pe......Toata biografia Rob Zombie
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Stiri cu Rob Zombie
Rob Zombie a lansat doua single-uri din coloana sonora Munsters!
Rob Zombie isi va lansa noul film Munsters in septembrie pe Netflix iar recent acesta a dezvaluit doua noi single-uri, pregatite pentru coloana sonora a filmului – „It’s Zombo (The Zombo Theme)” realizat de Zombie insusi si „The House Of Zombo” single realizat de Jeff Daniel...
Rob Zombie a lansat un nou videoclip: Shake Your Ass-Smoke Your Grass
Rob Zombie a lansat ieri noul sau videoclip muzical pentru piesa „Shake Your Ass-Smoke Your Grass”, animat de Balazs Grof. In adevaratul stil Rob Zombie, videoclipul este original, foarte descriptiv si se poate observa ca Grof si Zombie cu siguranta nu au fost deloc timizi sau sfiosi in realizarea...
Rob Zombie a lansat videoclipul pentru 'Shadow Of The Cemetery Man'
La aproape jumatate de an dupa ce a urcat in topurile internationale cu ultimul sau material discografic, 'The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy', Rob Zombie a lansat un nou videoclip pentru piesa 'Shadow Of The Cemetery Man'. 'Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy' este primul album al cantaretului...
Rob Zombie a lansat un nou single alaturi de un nou material
Rob Zombie a lansat mult asteptatul albumul 'The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy' via Nuclear Blast Records. Materialul reprezinta cel de-al saptelea album de studio si a sosit alaturi de single-ul 'Crow Killer Blues'. Single-ul 'Crow Killer Blues' este prezentat alaturi de un videoclip realizat in...
Rob Zombie a lansat single-ul 'The Eternal Struggles Of The Howling'
Rob Zombie a lansat cel de-al doilea single de pe cel de-al saptelea album de studio al sau, 'The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy'. 'The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy' a fost lansat in anul 2020 si marcheaza primul album disponibil semnat Rob Zombie dupa o pauza de 5 ani....
Videoclipuri Rob Zombie
Top Versuri Rob Zombie
The Lords Of Salem
The Man Without Fear
The Beginning Of The End
Two-Lane Blacktop
Welcome To Planet Motherfuckerpsychoholic Slag
The Ballad Of Ressurection Joe And Rosa Whore
The Scorpion Sleeps
American Witch
The One
Bring Her Down
Seventeen Years Locust
The Great American Nightmare
Demonoid Phenomenon
Truck On Fire
100 Ways
Super-Charger Heaven
Spookshow Baby
Blood, Milk And Sky
Brickhouse 2003
Perversion 99
Tales From The Scarecrowman
Blur The Technicolor
Transylvanian Transmission
Sawdust In The Blood
What Lurks On Channel X
Everybody Scream
I, Zombie
Power Hungry
Black Sunshine
Little Piggy
Scum Of The Earth
Feed The Gods
Foxy Foxy
Hands Of Death (Burn Baby Burn) (feat. Alice Cooper)
Run Rabbit Run
Eighty Eight
Electric Head Pt.2
Hands Of Death (Burn Baby Burn)
Crow Iii
Gentleman Junkie
Diamond Ass
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Rob Zombie
- Feel So Numb Bass Tab
- Two Lane Blacktop Tab
- Speeding Demon Bass Tab
- Pussy Liquor Bass Tab
- Feed The Gods Tab
- Dragula Bass Tab
- Reload Intro Tab
- Two Lane Blacktop Bass Tab
- The Devils Rejects Intro Tab
- American Witch Bass Tab
- Scorpion Sleeps Tab
- Foxy Foxy Tab
- Iron Head Tab
- Let It All Bleed Out Tab
- Superbeast Bass Tab
- Dragula Tab
- House Of 1000 Corpses Tab
- Dead Girl Superstar Solo Tab
- Pussy Liquor (ver2) Bass Tab
- American Witch Tab
- Death Of It All Tab
- Foxy Foxy (ver2) Tab
- 17 Year Locust Intro (ver2) Tab
- American Witch Intro Tab
- American Witch (ver2) Tab
- Return Of The Phantom Stranger Tab
- Scorpion Sleeps Intro Tab
- Go To California Bass Tab
- Superbeast Tab
- Scum Of The Earth Tab
- Dragula (ver2) Tab
- Munsters Tab
- 100 Ways Tab
- Demon Speeding (ver2) Tab
- Lords Of Salem Bass Tab
- Demon Spreading Bass Tab
- Blitzkreig Bop Bass Tab
- What Lurks On Channel X Tab
- Devil Man Tab
- Meet The Creeper Tab
- Meet The Creeper Bass Tab
- Spookshow Baby Tab
- I Feel So Numb Tab
- Demonoid Phenomenon Tab
- The Ballad Of Resurrection Joe And Rosa Whore Tab
- Two Lane Blacktop (ver2) Tab
- Superbeast (ver2) Bass Tab
- Living Dead Girl Tab
- Sawdust In The Blood Tab
- Living Dead Girl Chords