Rob Zombie isi va lansa noul film Munsters in septembrie pe Netflix iar recent acesta a dezvaluit doua noi single-uri, pregatite pentru coloana sonora a filmului – „It’s Zombo (The Zombo Theme)” realizat de Zombie insusi si „The House Of Zombo” single realizat de Jeff Daniel Phillips.
Zombo 12" este disponibil acum si disponibil atat digital, cat si pe vinil. "Zombo is back!! With a ghoulish treat for you all! A rocking 12 inch featuring “It’s Zombo” (the Zombo theme) and House of Zombo! ???? Get your hands on this killer new record from @waxworkrecords! See Zombo in September in THE MUNSTERS!! #robzombie #themunsters #zombo"- a postat acesta pe social media.
Rob Zombie a lamurit recent si cateva zvonuri despre noul sau film, Munsters, referitoare la faptul ca acesta de fapt nu a costat 40 de milioane de dolari.
Acesta a declarat: "How the hell did everyone get the idea that The Munsters cost 40 millions dollars? f**k, I wish I had that kind of budget. To put a little perspective on it all if you add up the budgets of Halloween 2, The Lords of Salem, 31, 3 From Hell and The Munsters all together it wouldn't even add up to 30 million. Also the movie was never going to theaters or Peacock or Paramount. It was always being made for Netflix which is fine since it is the largest of the streaming services. This was done way before I ever got involved in the project. I have no control or say over this type of stuff. This is a Universal deal. But the internet loves to invent rumors which somehow turns to facts so the fans can get all bend out of shape. None of this actually matters but thought you might like the real story."
Mai jos puteti urmari postarea lui Rob si puteti asculta cele doua single-uri, pe Spotify.
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