Rolling Stones
Biografie Rolling Stones
Cand Rolling Stones se auto-intitulau `cea mai buna trupa rock&roll din lume` la sfarsitul anilor `60, nu erau deloc modesti trupa aratase ca-si merita din plin aceasta eticheta. Raspunzand invaziei britanice a Beatles-ilor, Stones au devenit pionieri ai blues-ului rock&roll, stil care va defini in cele din urma inceputurile hard-rock-ului. Prin `rautatea` sa latenta, Mick Jagger a devenit astfel prototipul frontman-ului rock, temperandu-si aspectul de `showman` macho printr-un iz ironic, detasat, in timp ce Keith Richards si Brian Jones puneau bazele dialogului ritmic al chitarilor. Avand in plus si avantajul unei sectiuni ritmice bazata pe basistul Bill Wyman si tobosarul Charlie Watts, Stones au devenit trupa britanica reprezentativa blues-ului britanic, eclipsand contemporani precum Animals sau Them. rolling stones De-a lungul carierei lor, Stones nu au abandonat niciodata blues-ul, insa imediat ce au devenit populari in Marea Britanie au inceput sa experimenteze......Toata biografia Rolling Stones
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Stiri cu Rolling Stones
THE ROLLING STONES a lansat o noua piesa, insotita de videoclip, intitulata: Mess It Up
THE ROLLING STONES a lansat videoclipul pentru piesa „Mess It Up”. Clipul il arata pe actorul britanic Nicholas Hoult, care saptamana trecuta a fost confirmat de CEO-ul DC Studios, James Gunn, ca va juca rolul lui Lex Luthor in viitorul film „Superman: Legacy”. Videoclipul a fost filmat in SUA...
The Rolling Stones lanseaza in 2023 primul album cu piese noi din ultimii 18 ani
Celebra formatie britanica The Rolling Stones va lansa in 2023 un nou album de studio, practic primul material discografic cu noi piese din ultimii 18 ani, pe care Mick Jagger, Keith Richards si Ronnie Wood le pregatesc special pentru fani dupa o absenta indelungata. The Rolling Stones ar fi inceput deja sa...
The Rolling Stones lanseaza colectia 'Tattoo You'
The Rolling Stones au lansat o colectie de melodii nedifuzate de pe albumul aniversar de 40 de ani 'Tattoo You'. Discul 'Tattoo You' a fost lansat in 1981, iar de pe noua colectie fac parte 9 melodii printre care single-urile 'Living In The Heart Of Love' si 'Shame, Shame, Shame' It's a funny album....
Charlie Watts, tobosarul Rolling Stones a decedat la varsta de 80 de ani
Nascut pe 2 iunie 1941 in Bloomsbury, Londra, Charlie Watts si-a inceput cariera ca lider al unei formatii de jazz si producator muzical. Vestea despre decesul artistului a fost facuta de Rolling Stones. Charlie Watts a murit la varsta de 80 de ani. "He passed away peacefully in a London hospital...
Rolling Stones au revenit cu single-ul 'Living in the Heart of Love'
Trupa a lansat un nou single care va fi inclus pe editia aniversara de 40 de ani al albumului 'Tattoo You'. Editia aniversara pentru 'Tattoo You' va fi disponibil pe 22 octombrie si va fi gasit in format 2CD si 2LP si LP. Single-ul 'Living in the Heart of Love' poate fi ascultat mai jos.
Videoclipuri Rolling Stones
- 01. Brown Sugar
- 03. Paint It, Black
- 05. Start Me Up
- 08. Honky Tonk Women
- 02. You Got Me Rocking
- 02. Anybody Seen My Baby
- 18. Sympathy for the Devil
- 02. Like a Rolling Stone
- 01. Love Is Strong
- 02. Start Me Up
- 04. Miss You
- 02. Mixed Emotions
- 05. Angie
- 07. You Got the Silver
- 01. Paint It Black
- 07. Get Off of My Cloud
- Let's Spend the Night Together
- 'You Can't Always Get What You Want - clip The Big Chill
- Satisfaction
- Jumping Jack Flash
Muzica Rolling Stones
Top Versuri Rolling Stones
I've Been Loving You Too Long
Laugh, I Nearly Died
Dance Little Sister
Driving Too Fast
Sympathy for the Devil
Don't Stop
Cry To Me
Anybody Seen My Baby
Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)
As Tears Go By
Can't You Hear Me Knockin
Miss You
Drift Away
Rain Fall Down
Turd On The Run
Doncha Bother Me
Wild Horses
Down In The Hole
Mona (I Need You Baby)
02. Like a Rolling Stone
Down Home Girl
Time Is On My Side
Wish I Never Met You
06. Mona (I Need You Baby)
Beast Of Burden
Dirty Work
Streets Of Love
19Th Nervous Breakdown
Dead Flowers
All About You
Had It With You
I Love Rock N' Roll
The Lantern
Time Waits For No One
Cherry Oh Baby
Down The Road Apiece
Little By Little
Sympathy For The Devil
Harlem Shuffle
I Just Want To See His Face
Sweet Black Angel
Everybody Needs Somebody To Love
100 Years Ago
I Am Waiting
Song For Jeffrey
Black Limousine
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Rolling Stones
- Dont Cha Bother Me Chords
- Mercy Mercy Intro Tab
- Under The Boardwalk Tab
- Like A Rolling Stone Chords
- Cry To Me Chords
- Sweet Virginia Tab
- Sympathy For The Devil Chords
- Angie Chords
- This Place Is Empty Chords
- You Gotta Move Chords
- Harlem Shuffle Chords
- Tumbling Dice Tab
- Jumpin Jack Flash Bass Tab
- Wild Horses Chords
- Not Fade Away 1964 Chords
- Angie Tab
- The Last Time Chords
- Waiting On A Friend Chords
- Walking The Dog Tab
- Angie Acoustic Chords
- Rock N Roll Circus (album) Chords
- You Cant Always Get What You Want Chords
- Torn And Frayed Chords
- As Tears Go By Chords
- As Tears Go By Tab
- Sweet Virginia Chords
- Take It Or Leave It Chords
- Waiting On A Friend Tab
- Wild Horses Solo Tab
- Brown Sugar Tab
- Back Of My Hand Tab
- You Gotta Move Tab
- Tops Chords
- Jumpin Jack Flash Chords
- Wild Hoses Tab
- Time Is On My Side Chords
- Winter Chords
- Under My Thumb (ver4) Tab
- The Spider And The Fly Chords
- Thru And Thru Tab
- Tumbling Dice Chords
- Sweet Black Angel Chords
- When The Whip Comes Down Chords
- The Last Time (ver3) Tab
- Little Red Rooster Chords
- Rock Me Baby Bass Tab
- Under My Thumb Chords
- Miss Amanda Jones Chords
- Time Is On My Side Intro Tab
- Under My Thumb Bass Tab