Solistul Slipknot, Corey Taylor, a dezvaluit ca i s-a cerut recent sa creeze pentru prima oara muzica pentru un film. Artistul este incantat de oportunitatea "to score a movie" (sa realizeze bucati muzicale care acompaniaza anumite scene sau momente din film).
Muzicianul in varsta de 49 de ani a discutat despre ultimul sau proiect muzical, realizat special pentru un film, in cadrul unui interviu cu TellUs Rock: "I'm going to the studio to start recording a score for my first score for a movie that I'm involved with. And I can't tell you which one it is. I've been sworn to secrecy, and I'm actually saying more than I could. It's not a massive movie, but it's a movie that I was involved with, that I was able to be in. And I'm really excited. It's gonna be my first time scoring a movie. So I'm really excited, dude. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time. And I'm really excited to get down to it."
In urma cu trei ani, Corey a dezvaluit ca a scris cinci scenarii de film, inclusiv un scenariu pentru un film numit „Zombie Versus Ninja”. Vorbind cu cei de la Frightmare HQ despre viziunea sa pentru „Zombie Versus Ninja”, solistul SLIPKNOT si Stone Sour a spus: "One of the things that I've always wanted to do is create a movie — write a movie and then see it from soup to nuts; from pre-pro to walking the red carpet. That's been one of my biggest dreams. And I've had the opportunity to really be put in touch with some great producers. And I'm talking to potential directors right now, actually."
Intrebat daca are vreun interes in regia „Zombie Versus Ninja”, Corey a spus: "It's not that I'm not interested; it's that I know that's not my forte. I'm honest enough with myself to realize that if I had wanted to be a director, I would have started learning a long time ago. And I know a lot of people with the kind of ego that they would step in and go, 'Well, it's mine. Blah blah blah.' I'm not that guy. I want it to be good. I want [people] to enjoy what I'm making, because I wanna enjoy it too. And sometimes it's the collaboration that creates something amazing. You have to be flexible enough to realize, like, 'I don't have the chops to do this.' However, that doesn't mean there's somebody out there that does. So, for me, as the writer and the producer, now I can find the right person to bring it to fruition and walk with them every step of the way as a collab. Let them do their thing, but also know that, in my mind, there's this idea of what I want it to be. And it's a gonzo horror comedy — it's the kind of f*****g movie that I've always loved, and it's the kind of movie that I've always wanted to make. And if it goes off, man, it's the beginning of something rad."
Acesta a completat "I don't wanna make Oscar winners. I wanna make fun, crazy cult classics. That's all I care about."
In 2020, Taylor a jucat in antologia de groaza de Halloween „Bad Candy” de la compania de productie Digital Thunderdome. Filmul a fost scris si regizat de Scott Hansen si Desiree Connell si il are si pe Zach Galligan, starul francizelor „Gremlins” si „Waxwork”.
Taylor joaca si intr-un alt film de groaza numit „Rucker”. Este descris ca un film terorist care influenteaza genurile despre un sofer de camion criminal in serie care incearca sa salveze relatiile de familie. Amy Hesketh, profesor de film de la Olympic College, este regizorul filmului, iar colegul sau profesor, OC Aaron Drane, a produs filmul. Ambii sunt creditati cu co-scrierea scenariului.
Fan dintotdeauna al filmelor de groaza, Taylor a fost prezentat in mod proeminent in documentarul „In cautarea intunericului”, care a aparut in 2019.
Corey a povestit pentru „Metal Crush Mondays” al retelei Syfy cum a devenit fan al filmelor de groaza: "My mom took me to see the 'Buck Rogers [In The 25th Century]' movie when I was a kid. I must've been four or five, but the trailer before the movie was John Carpenter's 'Halloween'. You've just got these incredible visuals, this sense of it's autumn, it's Halloween and there's just this dude in the background of every shot. I can remember as a five-year-old just being transfixed. Like, I suddenly didn't care about Buck Rogers. I think it was the one moment in my life that really galvanized my taste in what my young mind thought was cool. It was actually a couple years later that I actually got to watch it and to this day it's one of my favorite movies."
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