In timpul unei apariii in emisiunea „Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk”, de la SiriusXM, solistul Slipknot si Stone Sour, Corey Taylor, a dezvaluit ca va intra in studio in ianuarie si februarie 2023 pentru a inregistra al doilea album solo.
„We're gonna go in and bang it out and get it ready”, a spus el. „And then once I'm done touring with SLIPKNOT, I'm gonna throw together a really rad, 'rock is back' kind of tour for the solo stuff and start bringing out some of the younger — maybe not even some of the younger rock bands, but just some of the bands that don't get the chance or just don't get the looks that are afforded to either pop bands and hip-hop bands or people like me who are kind of grandfathered in. So I'm gonna try and really kind of fly the rock flag and give some opportunities to some of the younger bands and maybe even just the mid-level bands that just haven't had a shot. 'Cause there's so many great bands out there."
Taylor a continuat confirmand ca tot materialul a fost deja scris pentru continuarea lui „CMFT” din 2020. „It's about 15 songs”, a spus el. „And it's one of those cool things where some of it's older stuff that I've written over the years. There's actually a couple of songs that some of the fans know because I debuted them live when I was doing the JBKB [COREY TAYOR & THE JUNK BEER KIDNAP BAND] thing. So there's a song like 'Beyond' and a song like 'Breath Of Fresh Smoke' — both of those songs are getting recorded and released finally after… God, how many g*****n years would it be? Probably about 14 years, 16 years. But then a bunch of newer stuff. And there's definitely a darker edge to it. It's still very melodic, but I'm definitely starting to kind of bring together the things that I'm known for. And it's less an homage of the stuff that I grew up on and more of what people are used to hearing from me — but still a solo album. So there's still great rock and roll on it. There's some heavier stuff, but there's some really great slower stuff. It's gonna be really rad."
In februarie, Corey a lansat un album solo de cover-uri si inregistrari acustice, intitulat „CMFB…Sides”, prin Roadrunner Records. Colectia cuprindea noua fete B nelansate anterior, coveruri ale melodiilor care l-au inspirat pe Taylor, redari acustice si versiuni live.
„CMFT” a facut debuturi impresionante in topurile din intreaga lume, intrand pe locul 1 in topul Billboard’s Current Hard Rock Albums, in timp ce a revendicat locul 2 in Current Rock Albums, locul 6 pe Vinyl Albums si locul 9 pe Topul albumelor. grafice. Mai mult, „CMFT” a ajuns in Top 10 in topurile oficiale de albume din Australia, Germania, Elveia si Austria, cu debut in Top 20 in Regatul Unit, Finlanda si Japonia (chart internaional).
„CMFT” a fost inregistrat la The Hideout Recording Studio din Las Vegas cu Jay Ruston si Christian Martucci (chitara), Zach Throne (chitara), Jason Christopher (bass) si Dustin Schoenhofer (tobe).
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