System of a Down
Biografie System of a Down
System Of A Down s-au infiintat in 1995 in Los Angeles, California. Toti cei patru membrii sunt de origine armeana. Trupa a dobandit succesul mainstream cu piese precum Chop Suey! sau mai nou Hypnotize, castigand si numeroase premii Grammy. Solistul Serj Tankian si chitaristul Daron Malakian au facut parte dintr-o formatie numita Soil , care in 1995 s-a despartit. Cei doi au infiintat System Of A Down , al carei nume a fost luat dintr-un poem scris de Malakian. Shavo Odadjian li s-a alaturat ca basist in timp ce la baterie a fost cooptat Andy Khachaturian. La cateva luni de la infiintare, apare Untitled 1995 Demo Tape, urmat in 1996 de Demo Tape 2 . In vara lui 1998, System Of A Down scot albumul de debut self-titled. Primul single de pe acest album, intitulat Sugar , incepe sa fie difuzat la radio, urmat la scurt timp de o alta piesa, Spiders . Dupa aparitia materialului, trupa sustine numeroase concerte, aparand chiar si in deschidere la Slayer. Toxicity apare in......Toata biografia System of a Down
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Stiri cu System of a Down
Serj Tankian a lansat 'Disarming Time: A Modern Piano Concerto'
Liderul System Of A Down a lansat o melodie compusa in intregime de el in timpul carantinei cauzate de coronavirus. 'Disarming Time: A Modern Piano Concerto' este predominanta de un pian modern si are o durata de 24 de minute. Iata ce a declarat Serj Tankian intr-un interviu acordat pe 11 iunie:...
Serj Tankian a lansat clipul pentru 'How Many Times?'
Solistul System Of A Down a lansat videoclipul pentru single-ul preluat de pe EP-ul 'Elasticity'. "It's amazing to be working with my good friend Roger Kupelian again whose images of the two kings (The Argonath) in 'The Lord Of The Rings' are stamps in New Zealand. He also directed 'Honking Antelope' and...
System Of A Down au lansat videoclipul pentru 'Genocidal Humanoidz'
System Of A Down au lansat un material vizual pentru unul dintre cele mai recente piese ale trupei. Clipul pentru 'Genocidal Humanoidz' a fost regizat de catre basistul formatiei Shavo Odadjian alaturi de Adam Mason si poate fi vazut mai jos.
S-a lansat un trailer pentru documentarul despre Serj Tankian, 'Truth To Power'
'Truth To Power' este un documentar despre solistul trupei System Of A Down, Serj Tankian, ce va fi lansat pe 19 februarie via Oscilloscope Laboratories. Materialul regizat si produs de catre Garin Hovannisian, surprinde momentele publice si cele istorice, inclusiv rolul lui Serj in inspirarea protestelor pasnice...
Serj Tankian si Tom Morello au facut un cover pentru 'Natural's Not In It' de la Gang Of Four
Serj Tankian de la System Of A Down alaturi de chitaristul trupei Rage Against The Machine, Tom Morello, au facut un cover pentru piesa post-punk 'Natural’s Not In It' a celor de la Gang Of Four. Noua interpretare este un tribut adus lui Andy Gill, chitaristul celor de la Gang of Four care a decedat in luna...
Videoclipuri System of a Down
- 04. Boom!
- 06. Chop Suey!
- 14. Aerials
- 03. Sugar
- 05. Spiders
- 08. War?
- B.Y.O.B.
- Question!
- Lonely Day
- Hypnotize
- System of a Down - Chop Suey
- System Of A Down - Lonely Day
- System Of A Down - B.Y.O.B
- System Of A Down - Soldier Side
- System Of A Down - Aerials
- System Of A Down - Boom
- System Of A Down - Spiders
- System Of A Down - Toxicity
Top Versuri System of a Down
06. Chop Suey!
14. Aerials
09. Atwa
12. Toxicity
Lonely Day
12. F**k the System
15. Roulette
07. Bounce
Vicinity Of Obscenity
01. Suite-Pee
01. Prison Song
03. Sugar
Sad Statue
She's Like Heroin
Soldier Side
13. Psycho
05. X
05. Spiders
Old School Hollywood
Lost In Hollywood
02. Needles
This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song
Kill Rock 'N Roll
06. Ddevil
Violent Pornography
07. Soil
03. Deer Dance
04. Suggestions
Holy Mountains
12. Darts
Violent Pornography
11. Cubert
13. P.L.U.C.K.
04. Jet Pilot
08. Forest
10. Science
09. Mind
02. Know
Soldier Side (Intro)
10. Peephole
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords System of a Down
- Byob Bass Tab
- Lonely Day Acoustic Chords
- Chop Suey Tab
- Lonely Day (ver2) Chords
- Aerials Tab
- Toxicity Tab
- Atwa Chords
- Lonely Day Chords
- Atwa Tab
- Hypnotize Chords
- Chop Suey! Chords
- Aerials Chords
- Kill Rock N Roll Chords
- Toxicity Chords
- Lonely Day Tab
- System Of A Down (album) Tab
- Lonely Day Bass Tab
- Roulette Tab
- Julieta Tab
- Chop Suey Acoustic Chords
- Toxicity (album) Tab
- Hypnotize Tab
- Soldier Side Chords
- Atwa Intro Tab
- Chop Suey (ver2) Chords
- Violent Pornography (ver2) Bass Tab
- Aerials (ver3) Tab
- I-e-a-i-a-i-o Bass Tab
- Chop Suey (ver2) Bass Tab
- Toxicity Live (ver2) Tab
- Tentative Tab
- Aerials Solo Tab
- X Bass Tab
- Violent Pornography Tab
- X Tab
- Toxicity Live Tab
- Toxicity (ver17) Tab
- Spiders Tab
- Roulette (ver13) Tab
- Byob Tab
- Aerials Intro Tab
- Violent Pornography (ver5) Tab
- Chop Suey Chords
- Vicinity Of Obscenity Tab
- Im Nazelis Tab
- War Tab
- Violent Pornography Bass Tab
- Sugar Tab
- Violent Pornography (ver2) Tab
- Roulette (ver2) Tab