Intr-un nou interviu cu Michael Spedden de la postul de radio 97 Underground, solistul Testament, Chuck Billy, a vorbit despre planurile de compozitie si inregistrare ale trupei pentru lunile urmatoare, inclusiv despre un potential turneu.
Artistul a declarat: "That's the norm. We usually go to Europe every summer. So right now we're on kind of a time restraint because we're working on a new record. We're writing it right now. And we have to get it done and record it before we leave in July. That's our goal. So right now we're working hard on that. So there's only a few shows before July, which is these two one-offs, the special shows we're gonna do in Connecticut and West Virginia; one's at the Foxwoods and one's at Hollywood Casino. And those shows we're gonna play [primele doua albume TESTAMENT] 'The Legacy' and 'The New Order' in their entirety, because in March we're gonna re-release those on Nuclear Blast Records. So, we really wanna take time off, get a break from writing a record — come out, celebrate these early records with us — and then get right back in the studio and finish recording. So, we're looking forward to it. Going out and playing live is what we do. We love it. So to take a break and go do some fun stuff like this, we're looking forward to it."
La inceputul lunii, chitaristul TESTAMENT, Alex Skolnick, a declarat pentru Radioactive MikeZ, gazda programului 96.7 KCAL-FM „Wired In The Empire”, despre progresul sesiunilor de compozitie pentru urmatorul album al trupei: "Well, we got delayed a little bit by the fact that 2020 basically didn't exist [din cauzaa pandemiei]. It's a year that went away. And then there was so much touring to make up for. And for about a year of that, we had Dave Lombardo [ex-SLAYER] on drums, which was fantastic. And he's become a great friend and a great musician, but he's also spread very thin in many different bands. And now we have Chris Dovas [la tobe]. And he's a guy old enough to be any of our sons. But he is just unbelievable. He really brings the right energy. I mean, he brings the energy that the music had in the early days. So, yeah, we've been working with him on new material. I know Eric's [Peterson, chitaristul TESTAMENT] been getting together with him. Eric has been on the East Coast a couple of times and we've gotten together and hashed out material. So between their sessions and my sessions and the recordings that we have, there's a lot of sketches that are done on digital audio workstations. There's a lot — there's a lot of stuff. I made a list and there's almost a couple of dozen sketches that just need to be consolidated and arranged. We have to find the best parts, develop them a little more, add vocals, but it's definitely well on its way."
Skolnick a continuat spunand ca nu exista un calendar stabilit pentru lansarea urmatorului album TESTAMENT. "You can't rush it," a explicat acesta. "I think this band learned very early on, you can't rush it. Like the times in the past that the band sort of rushed to put out a recording, it never felt completely satisfactory. So sometimes it takes longer than it should, but you can always count on a good result."
In iulie 2023, Peterson a spus ca el si Dovas au petrecut cateva zile lucrand la material pentru urmatorul album de studio al lui TESTAMENT. Eric a distribuit cateva fotografii pe Instagramul sau si a scris intr-un mesaj insotitor: "Had a very productive week with the kid! Mr. @chrisdovas and I worked up new 7 jam ideas ranging from thrash to nwobhm mixed in w/ black thrash to dark heavy hard rock blues…let's see what happens! super stoked so far!"
Dovas a distribuit si el aceleasi poze pe social media, adaugand mesajul: "New TESTAMENT material in the works! Eric and I have been working hard all week on new ideas. Stoked so far!"
Intr-un interviu din 2023 pentru Loud TV, Peterson a spus ca noul material TESTAMENT incepe sa fie un "f*cking killer." Acesta a adaugat: "I'm a fan. For me, I wouldn't release anything unless I'm a fan of what I'm doing. I have to get goosebumps. When I hear it, I'm, like, 'Yeah.' And then, of course, I play it for friends. A few of them go, 'Ehh.' But most of them go, 'Fuuuck!' Except Chuck — Chuck goes, 'Eh.' And then four years later, he goes, 'That's the best song ever. Write more s**t like that.' I'm, like, 'Yeah, but four years ago you said that sucked.'"
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