The Cure
Biografie The Cure
The Cure este o trupa britanica de rock, ce s-a format in Crawley, Sussex, 1976. Este generic considerata ca reprezentand pionieratul in scena anilor '80 a rockului alternativ britanic. Trupa a trecut prin mai multe schimbari de componenta, avandu-l pe vocalistul, chitaristul si principalul compozitor Robert Smith - cunoscut pentru legendarul sau look si versuri frecvent introspective si depresive - drept singurul membru constant al trupei. Stil: alternative/gothic Componenta : Robert Smith voce, chitara, clape Simon Gallup bass, clape Porl Thompson chitara, clape Jason Cooper baterie Discografie : Boys Don't Cry (1979) Three Imaginary Boys (1979) Seventeen Seconds (1980) Faith (1981) Pornography (1982) The Top (1984) The Head on the Door (1985) Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (1987) Disintegration (1989) Wish (1992) Wild Mood Swings (1996) Bloodflowers (2000) The Cure (2004) 4:13 Dream (2008) THE CURE ...Toata biografia The Cure
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Stiri cu The Cure
Poze de la concertul The Cure din Piatra Constitutiei
Pozele de la concertul sustinut de The Cure, Editors si God is an Astronaut pot fi vazute pe METALHEAD accesand linkul de mai jos. Poze de la concertul The Cure din Piata Constitutiei Photo credits: Ciprian Vladut
Fostul tobosar The Cure ne-a parasit
Andy Anderson, fostul tobosar The Cure a murit la varsta de 68 de ani dupa ce a pierdut lupta cu cancerul. Andy a mai urcat pe scena si cu alti artisti precum Iggy Pop, Glen Mattlock de la The Sex Pistols, Peter Gabriel sau Isaac Hayes. Cu cateva zile inainte, Andy a vorbit pe facebook despre starea...
Topul festivalurilor unde se face cel mai mult sex
Un studiu facut recent de catre compania Lovehoney arata care sunt festivalurile pe care le prefera publicul pentru a face sex. Studiul a fost realizat pe un esantion de 1000 de oameni care frecventeaza festivalurile din intreaga lume. Dupa cum se poate observa din topurile de mai jos, la metalisti e liniste....
Primele nume confirmate pentru festivalurile Reading si Leeds
The Cure, Angels And Airwaves, Foo Fighters, Paramore, Kasabian, Cancer Bats sau Billy Talent sunt doar cateva dintre artistii confirmati pentru editia din 2012 a festivalurilor britanice Reading and Leeds (24 -26 august). Biletele s-au pus deja in vanzare si pot fi cumparate din aceasta locatie . Reading...
The Cure sunt cap de afis la trei festivaluri in 2012
The Cure au anuntat ca sunt headlineri la trei festivaluri in vara anului 2012. Trupa a confirmat va este cap de afis la Hultsfred Suedia alaturi de The Stone Roses si la festivalurile germane Southside si Hurricane . Se asteapta ca grupul sa anunte si alte concerte in cadrul festivalurilor europene din...
Videoclipuri The Cure
- 07. Lovesong
- 06. Lullaby
- 07. Close to Me
- Friday I m in Love
- The Only One
- Sleep When I`m Dead
- The Perfect Boy
- The Cure - Love will tear us apart (Joy Division)
- The Cure - Boys Dont Cry
- The Cure - Pictures Of You
- The Cure - Freakshow
- The Cure - Lullaby
- The Cure - Killing an Arab
- The Cure - The Only One
- The Cure - Boys Dont Cry (Live In Japan 1984)
- The Cure - Charlotte Sometimes
- The Cure - Fire In Cairo
Muzica The Cure
Top Versuri The Cure
The Hungry Ghost
The Perfect Boy
Underneath The Stars
It's Over
Sleep When I`m Dead
The Real Snow White
This. Here And Now. With You
The Reasons Why
A Letter To Elise
The Scream
The Only One
A Night Like This
All I Want
Jumping Someone Else's Train
The Last Day Of Summer
Shake Dog Shake
Mint Car
Last Dance
The End Of The World
Prayers For Rain
(I Don't Know What's Going) On
The Promise
Piggy In The Mirror
The Hanging Garden
At Night
Hot Hot Hot!!!
Siamese Twins
Fire In Cairo
How Beautiful You Are
The Blood
Doing The Unstuck
Hey You!!!
It's Not You
Play For Today
Strange Attraction
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords The Cure
- The Hungry Ghost Chords
- Mint Car Chords
- Underneath The Stars Tab
- There Is No If Chords
- Sleep When Im Dead Tab
- Lullaby Intro (ver2) Tab
- 10-15 Saturday Night Chords
- This Is A Lie Chords
- Jupiter Crash Chords
- Kiss Me (album) Chords
- Just Like Heaven Chords
- The Last Day Of Summer (ver2) Tab
- Strange Attraction Chords
- Perfect Girl Chords
- Lovesong Bass Tab
- Boys Dont Cry (ver4) Bass Tab
- Play With Me Tab
- Shake Dog Shake Tab
- This Twilight Garden Tab
- Trust Tab
- The Last Day Of Summer Chords
- Fear Of Ghost Solo Tab
- If Only Tonight We Could Sleep Chords
- The Figurehead Tab
- Plastic Passion Chords
- Charlotte Sometimes Chords
- Lullaby Chords
- Doing The Unstuck Chords
- Disintegration (album) Tab
- Going Nowhere Tab
- The End Of The World Chords
- Faith Chords
- Piggy In The Mirror Tab
- Hot Hot Hot Tab
- The Lovecats Tab
- Torture Chords
- Plainsong Chords
- Catch Chords
- A Forest Bass Tab
- Where The Birds Always Sing Tab
- Untitled Tab
- The Drowning Man Tab
- Hanging Garden Bass Tab
- Homesick Tab
- Maybe Someday Tab
- The Last Day Of Summer Tab
- Untitled (ver2) Tab
- M Chords
- Walk Bass Tab
- Signal To Noise Chords