Bob Marley
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Stiri cu Bob Marley
Trei concerte tribut Bob Marley in Romania
G.Ras & Riddim Colony Acoustic (HU) Roots & Marley Tour Concert Live Reggae Acustic Soundsystem afterparty: Reggae - Dancehall (Riddim Colony Sound: Gregory G.Ras, Leslie 2 Long, Ritchie Dixon) Joi 12 Mai Cluj-Napoca. Subsol (se intra prin gangul de la Gambrinus Pub) Pta. Unirii 25 23 fix...
Chiar si in Iraq exista fani Bob Marley (foto)
Cei care detin Facebook-ul lui Bob Marley au ramas placut surprinsi cand au primit pe e-mail o poza cu o casca pe care se aflau stickere cu legenda muzicii reggae. Acestia au postat pe langa poza si un mesaj pentru fanii artistului: " Chiar si in Iraq dragostea pentru Bob Marley va continua. La fel ca...
Promoterul festivalului tribut Bob Marley a castigat in instanta
Manchester City Council a pierdut procesul cu promoterul local al concertului tribut Bob Marley dupa ce s-a stabilit ca au anulat nejustificat concertul. Mike Forrester, promoterul de la Gold National Events, a pierdut aproximativ 200.000 de lire din cauza anularii concertului tribut Bob Marley care trebuia...
Concertul aniversar Bob Marley anulat din cauza zgomotului
Concertul In Memoriam Bob Marley desfasurat anualt in Negril, Jamaica a fost anulat pentru prima data din 1992 din pricina zgomotului. Politia a interzis promoterului Clive Pringle sa organizeze evenimentul din pricina unor plangeri ale localnicilor din Negril, deranjati de zgomotul produs. Locuitorii au...
Aniversare Bob Marley cu El Negro
Vino pe 6 februarie in Club Suburbia sa sarbatoresti alaturi de El Negro 65 de ani de la nasterea legendarului Bob Marley. El Negro continua traditia de 5 ani si te asteapta in club pentru o seara de muzica reggae live cu piese proprii si piese marca Bob Marley Cheama-ti prietenii la un tribut adus...
Videoclipuri Bob Marley
Muzica Bob Marley
Top Versuri Bob Marley
Bad Boys
No Woman No Cry
Buffalo Soldier
Red Red Wine
One Love
Turn Your Lights Down Low
Get Up, Stand Up
Three Little Birds
Waiting In Vain
So Much Things To Say
I Shot The Sheriff
01. Get Up, Stand Up
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Bob Marley
- Waiting In Vain (ver3) Chords
- No Woman No Cry Chords
- No Woman No Cry Tab
- Three Little Birds Chords
- Redemption Song Tab
- Roots Rock Reggae Bass Tab
- Buffalo Soldier Chords
- Bad Boys Bass Tab
- No Woman No Cry Acoustic Tab
- No Woman No Cry (ver2) Tab
- Pimpers Paradise Tab
- Zion Train Bass Tab
- Pimpers Paradise Bass Tab
- Zion Train Chords
- Turn Your Lights Down Low Chords
- One Love Chords
- Redemption Song Chords
- Red Red Wine Chords
- Rivers Of Babylon Tab
- Who The Cap Fit Chords
- No Woman No Cry (ver5) Tab
- Waiting In Vain (ver2) Tab
- Zimbabwe Chords
- No Woman No Cry (ver3) Chords
- I Shot The Sheriff Bass Tab
- Is This Love (ver2) Tab
- Turn Your Lights Down Low Tab
- Sun Is Shining Bass Tab
- Rastaman Chant Bass Tab
- Redemption Song Bass Tab
- Three Little Birds (ver2) Chords
- Buffalo Soldier Tab
- Sun Is Shining Chords
- I Shot The Sheriff (ver3) Tab
- Roots Rock Reggae Chords
- Could You Be Loved Bass Tab
- Redemption Song (ver2) Chords
- Running Away Tab
- One Love Chords
- Turn Your Lights Down Low (ver2) Chords
- Soul Rebel Bass Tab
- Redemption Song Intro Tab
- No Woman No Cry Solo Tab
- One Love Bass Tab
- No Woman No Cry Bass Tab
- Waiting In Vain Bass Tab
- Exodus Tab
- Waiting In Vain Chords
- Could You Be Loved Chords
- Redemption Song (ver2) Tab